Chapter 24

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Picture of Ella above by StarWolfLegacy thank you! :D

I think it was time for a different P.O.V. ;)

She screamed as she was flung to the ground. Bruises were beginning to form under her fur, she could feel it.

Ella winced, feeling blood trickle down her chin, mixing with the tears rolling down her cheeks. Her claws scraped over the stony surface of an abandoned hollow with rock walls rising up on three sides.

She closed her eyes and rested a cheek on the cool stone. Her pelt felt like it was on fire. Even the sound of the trickling water dripping down the rock walls wasn't enough to calm her racing heart.

A shadow fell over her. "Don't you dare humiliate me like that again!"

Ella cried out when a sharp jab to her ribs shook her. She looked up in the cold brown eyes of her mate.

" was an accident."

The silver wolf snarled and kicked her. She rolled over the stone and landed in a small stream. A pair of paws were suddenly in front of her eyes.

"An accident?!" He struck her across the face. "That was no accident! You shamed me on purpose!"

Like you haven't publicly shamed me before, but whatever. Just ignore everything you've ever done to me. Sweep it under the pelt.

They had been planning a hunt. One in which Skylark was in charge. He ordered to sneak around the opposite side they were facing the elk. Ella pointed out that they would be standing with the wind blowing from behind, sending the prey the message that they were being hunted. Skylark dismissed the matter and they went through with his plan. It failed, and afterward, he grabbed Ella and hauled her far away from camp, and began beating her for "humiliating" him.

Ella didn't even bother to cry out again when he kicked her. She wouldn't give him the satisfaction of screaming for him to stop.

Skylark spat on her and bent down to her eye level. "Now, this is how it will be, got it? I'm in charge, you are not. I give orders, you do not. I have permission to speak, you do not. I make the plans, you do not object." He growled, revealing his long canines. "You may be the mate of the future alpha, but that does not give you the authority to back-talk me. You are no higher than the scrubs in this Pack." He gave her a bone-chilling grin. "Like your scrub of a brother."

Ella's eyes widened when Skylark mentioned her brother. Well, the one she actually considered a brother. She lifted her head and gave him an icy glare.

"Don't talk about Rascal like that." Her voice was a hoarse whisper.

"He's a coward!" Skylark barked. "Running to another Pack after being forced out of his original home! He's a fool!"

"He's a hero," Ella corrected. "If it weren't for Rascal, the entire forest would be in human control. And you would be dead."

That wouldn't actually be so bad. Having you dead!

Skylark didn't even look swayed by her words. "He's trying so hard to be a hero. So everyone will love him!" He pushed his muzzle in her face. "Well guess what, sweetheart? Rascal isn't fooling me! He may have the whole of Flame Woods Pack wrapped around his paw, but he's not tricking me!" He bristled and began pacing.

"Rascal isn't like that." Ella calmly replied. "He wants his species to live, to strive to keep going." She narrowed her blue eyes on him. "Unlike some wolves."

Skylark paused and glared at her. "No. He wants everyone to be on their knees, bowing down to him. He wants us to thank him for saving our lives." The male wolf's voice was filled with nothing but contempt. "He's trying to escape his past. The fact that he was the lowest life to crawl this forest. Now he thinks he's on top! It makes me sick!"

"You're the one who wants to be on top." Ella pointed out, resting her head back on the ground, feeling the gentle stream flow around her. "You can't stand it when anyone is better than you." She paused before adding. "I bet you can't even stand your parents being on top. That's how ignorant you are."

Skylark visibly flinched. Fear was in his eyes. Ella found his weak spot. He couldn't stand being lower than anything. Not even the alphas—his parents— of the Pack.

"You should be ashamed." Ella went on. "You're so full of yourself, that you're letting anger consume you. Your life revolves around nothing but yourself. Not others. No one. I feel sorry for those like you. Such broken, lost souls, feeding off the misery of others. Eating away the joy of happiness in those around you."

Skylark didn't say anything. His eyes were trained on something far away. He didn't dare look at Ella.

"You kill the hope in others the way an elk gets torn to pieces. Bit by bit. Slowly, savoring the joy and satisfaction of innocent blood running at your paws. Rivers upon rivers of innocent lives dying at your feet!" She paused and tilted her head. "It makes you feel good. It makes you feel powerful. It makes you feel like you're on top of the world."

By now the silver wolf was trembling. He turned his back to Ella and flattened his ears, trying to escape the words that were true.

"You enjoy the darkness, the shadows, the things that lurk there. Your entire life has been devoted to the suffering of others. Not a good way. Oh no, most certainly not! You watch the lives of those dying drain away! Drain away to nothing! Yet, it makes you feel complete." Ella closed her eyes. "If you were the one suffering due to one wolf's selfish acts, how would you feel?"

Skylark didn't even bother to answer.

"Scared? Lonely? Not sure if you would wake up the next morning and live?" She challenged, her voice rising. "Well let me tell you what I think: I think you're a sick, twisted, suffering soul. You have nothing to live for. Nothing to look forward to. Except, the misery in others. That's all. That's it. You're a disgusting wolf. You should rot in the loneliest, coldest, furthest hole ever! Away from everybody else! Living with the rest of the rotting population! Where you belong."

Skylark turned around. Tears in his eyes. No one has ever dug a hole so deep in him. No one had challenged him as far as Ella just did. He looked as though he felt threatened. That's exactly how she wanted him to feel. To see and feel what wolves like him cause upon others. Pain, fear, suffering. Something must have clicked with him, although he still refused to speak.

"It's revolting, really." Ella simply stated. "A sad, horrible life. I shouldn't pity you, but I do." He glanced at her. "I'm willing to help any souls that are walking the wrong path. Souls like you. Ones that need help changing their picture, their terrible ways. And you have a chance at that Skylark. You may not believe it, but you do. You can escape this lifestyle for a better one. I'm willing to help you, but you must let me in. Tear down that barrier you've built around yourself. Break it." Skylark looked at her in surprise. "Break it."

She waited for a reply, holding her breath. He stared at his paws, trembling. With rage or fear?


Skylark looked indecisive. He risked glances at Ella, who was staring at him patiently.

Without a word, he whipped around, leaving Ella in the cold stream.

She sighed and closed her eyes. She waited until his footsteps faded away to sit up.

The blood was now drying on her pelt. He hurt another victim. Another to fall to his evil grasp.

Ella looked at the stars, they reflected in her tear-filled eyes.

In a whisper, she prayed. "I pray he changes."

Word count: 1,337

It was about time we flip back and see how Ella was doing right?

I think this was a very powerful chapter to write. Ella really hit Skylark in the weak spot.

The picture at the beginning of the chapter perfectly describes this last scene where Ella is looking at the stars.

One more chapter. ONE. O.N.E. Then this story will be over. After I finish this book I think I'll take a break from Wattpad before writing the next book. Just to take notes and think about what should happen.


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