Chapter 5

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An aesthetic of Rascal! I really like this one!  I made it myself. :P

Rascal trotted through the forest. His paws crunching on dead leaves. He stiffened and gazed down at the leaves in confusion.

But it's Winter. Where did these leaves come from?

A snapping stick jerked him out of his thoughts. His fur stood on end and he slowly looked over his shoulder.

The dark shadows were silent. He couldn't see anything. Only the whispering breeze could be heard.

Rascal cautiously continued on. He tried to avoid stepping on leaves, fearing of being watched. But it was impossible. A thick layer of leaves shuffled noisily beneath his paws.

He looked back and saw a stumbling wolf drag itself out into the dim light. Its muzzle was dripping with blood. The fur along its spine and shoulders were torn. But the eyes scared Rascal the most. They were horrifying; popping out of the wolf's head and hanging limply at its cheeks. It growled a horrible growl, it's body trembling.

Rascal's eyes widened. He turned around and raced through the woods. The leaves slowed him down. He leaped over the immense piles and fumbled a few times.

He risked a glance and to his astonishment, the creepy wolf was walking, yet catching up to him without running.

Rascal gasped and attempted to pick up his pace. He felt like he was sinking deeper and deeper into the leaves. They eventually covered him all the way to his ears. He dropped low and forced himself to quit trembling. Hiding under the pile of leaves, he held his breath.

The terrifying shuffling grew closer. The raggedy breathing was raspy and tight. Rascal could hear his heart thudding wildly against his chest.

The shuffling stopped.

Rascal twitched his ears and listened hard for the next movement.

It was getting closer.

And closer.

And closer.

Rascal swallowed.

The leaves were slashed aside, revealing the terrible creature. Its disgusting eyes glared at Rascal madly.

He howled as the wolf lunged for him.


Rascal gasped as he opened his eyes. The pelted walls of his den reflected the gentle light from outside. The cold frigid air was a relief.

It was only a dream.

He took a few deep breaths to calm himself down. His exhales fogging white against the darkness. Resting his chin in his paws, he sighed.

Misty was beside him sleeping soundly. He was glad that the dream was over. What if that strange wolf had killed him?

He shook his head.
It was only a dream, Rascal, don't act so stupid. He scolded.

He could still feel his heart racing. It felt so real. Everything about it. The rustling of the leaves, the growling of the wolf.....

Rascal shuddered and flicked his tail. Misty woke by now and was staring at him in concern.

"You okay?"

He looked at the den wall. "Yeah."

"You sure? You look like you don't feel so well." Misty rose and pressed a paw in his dark fur.

Rascal swallowed and hesitated a moment before nodding. "Just a nightmare."

Misty smirked.

He caught it. "What's so funny?"

"You. I've never seen you so scared. You look like you just saw a ghost."

Rascal rolled his eyes. "It felt real."

Misty nudged him. "I'm joking. I know how you feel."

Rascal almost smiled, but he was trying to be serious. He rose and stretched, following Misty out into the clearing.

It was sun peak. The sun was hanging directly in the middle of the sky. It was a warmer day, only a breezy chill gave away that it was still Winter.

Rascal's eyes bugged out of his head when he saw an elk on the meat pile.

Misty exchanged a glance with him and raced over to the meat. She licked her lips and pulled a strip off the back. It was large enough for her to share with Rascal.

They sat and Rascal bit into the treat. It was delicious, the sweet flavors bathing his tongue. He chewed slowly before swallowing, trying to savor the meal.

His belly snarled hungrily. Misty was mid-bite but stopped when she heard his stomach. She snorted and laughed. Rascal's cheeks heated up. He took a small bite, and his belly gurgled again.

Misty dropped her meat and howled with laughter. Her eyes shining as she stared at Rascal warmly. He had to admit that it was funny. He grinned and shyly flattened his ears.

Misty leaned over and placed a gentle lick on his cheek. Rascal's fur warmed. He looked at his mate, her beautiful eyes glowing with love.

They finished their meal in peace. Tyrant had already organized the scouting parties. Misty and Rascal had a day off.

"Wanna go for a walk?" Rascal asked.

Misty nodded and jumped up. She raced to the entrance and waited for Rascal. Together, they entered the forest, matching each other step for step, pelts pressed.

Rascal closed his eyes and relished in the moment. The land was gracefully dressed in snow, but it was slowly melting. The clear icicles dripped, breaking off with a thump as they landed in the thinning snow.

The sun was out, shining down on the sparkling creek that chattered over the stones.

Misty pulled a paw step ahead of Rascal to lead the way up a gentle hill. She lunged forward with her strong hind legs. Rascal was right behind, panting as he gasped for breath. The air became warmer. It felt much nicer than the usual Winter chill. Rascal raised his eyes and saw clouds in the distance. He held back a sigh. They really didn't need any more snow. Prey was already driven off by the lack of vegetation. The Pack can't go on like this forever.

Rascal reached the top. He glanced around and couldn't find Misty. A force from behind knocked him to the ground.

Rascal tensed, ready to fight. But he relaxed when he was met with Misty's face. She pinned him with her paws on his chest. Her ears pricked and lips pulled into a sly grin.

Rascal snorted, he heaved up and knocked Misty to the ground. Now he had her pinned.

Misty licked his cheek. Rascal pressed his muzzle to hers, noses touching. Rascal chuckled to himself. Misty flattened her ears and squirmed.

Rascal held her in place. He smirked when she couldn't wiggle out of his grip. He finally released her. She stood and flicked her tail over his nose.

Rascal walked over to the edge of the hill, looking out over the forest. Misty sat beside him and leaned her head against his shoulder. The sun shone on her pelt perfectly. It sparkled in their fur and whispered over the ground.

Misty looked into his eyes and nuzzled closer to him. He smiled and brushed his cheek to hers, closing his eyes. Living in the never-ending moment.


The sun began to set as they started back to camp. The stars attempting to break through and shine.

Rascal and Misty took their time in getting back. They stopped by a creek. Misty looked down in the water and smiled, nudging Rascal.

Rascal peered down in the water. He couldn't stop a smile when he saw his and Misty's reflection. The water rippled and shimmered. It washed against the bank right at their paws. Rascal dipped a paw in the water and watched as it shuddered at his touch.

He looked at Misty, then to the darkening sky. "My love, if I could, I'd give you all the stars in the sky." He whispered, gesturing with a paw to the stars beyond.

Misty pressed into his fur, looking at the sky. "I love it," She looked at him. "And I love you."

Rascal met her gaze. "I love you."

Misty smiled.

They were dancing in each other's eyes. Completely unaware of the commotion when they entered camp.

Rascal broke their stare. The Pack was crowded around something. The crowd parted for a moment. Rascal didn't even get to see what was going on, because he turned his attention to Misty when she snarled.


1,319 words!
I'm evil, aren't I? Making you wait 😈 you'll see what happens in the next chapter......

Thanks for reading!!


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