Chapter 11

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"Some things never change," Ella whispered, her eyes downcast.

Misty sighed, looking over the hills and trees toward a land beyond. Rascal was watching the pups, giving Misty a break. She took the opportunity to visit with Ella and enjoy the peaceful scenery.

"I thought that maybe I had gotten through to Skylark," Ella continued. "But, no, he hasn't changed. He'll never change."

"He's always been stuck that way," Misty thought out loud. "He's never had the nurturing love a pup deserved from it's mother," She flattened her ears, thinking of her own children, then herself. Misty's never had love from a mother. And she wishes she had. But she can give her pups something she never had; a mother to love them.

Now, as a mother, Misty can't wrap her head around why a she-wolf would abandon her puppies. She knew she would die for them. She would guard them with her life.

Unlike Heather.

Misty clenched her jaw at that thought.

Forget her, she screamed to herself. She's never been important. I'll never be like her!

Ella clicked her teeth. "Perhaps,"

Misty couldn't help her curiosity. "When you left, why did you instantly think to come here? Tyrant could've decided to kill you."

Ella looked her straight in the eyes. "Because I knew I had to take a chance. The entire forest is at war. There are no easy paths to take."

Misty felt a breeze ruffle the fur around her face. She was afraid. What if Mystique captured her pups? What would she do? Torture them? Kill them?

No, she told herself firmly. That's not an option. I won't fail them.

"After Destiny died, the Pack began falling apart. Howler and Skylark were too distraught to focus on serious matters. Scouts didn't maintain their usual posts. Hunters didn't hunt. Everyone was hungry. Stone Hollow Pack is on the brink of collapse. You may not be able to tell, but deep at the heart of it all, Howler's been losing his mind," Ella swallowed. "It's heartbreaking, really. No wolf should have to suffer."

Misty found herself agreeing with every word. Even though she didn't necessarily like Howler, she knew he was a determined alpha. Ready to protect and serve his Pack.

"I um...heard about Rascal's mental breakdown," Ella started shyly. As if she knew it was a touchy subject for Misty to talk about.

Misty looked away from Ella. "Everyone knows." A lump caught in her throat.

Ella closed her eyes. "I've known Rascal since we were born. He's always been a cool, calm, collected wolf. Watching him getting eaten by the tides of war hasn't been easy. It's especially hard for me, since I'm his sister."

"And I'm his mate," she replied too defensively. "If anything, it's hardest on me. Because I'm the mother of his children, and I don't the pups to see him this way. I want them to see the Rascal I fell in love with."

Ella flinched. "Y-yes, of course."

Misty glared at a stick. Like she might snap the poor thing in two. "This war isn't ending anytime soon. Red Fang Pack is too strong."

The smaller she-wolf didn't say anything.

"Ella?" Misty turned to look at her sister-in-law, only to see she was looking far out into the trees. She was lost in thought.

"Hey," Misty poked her. "I'm sorry for being short with you. Times are hard. I know it's a lame excuse, but it's true."

Ella shook her head and smiled bashfully. "Sorry, I was thinking," The strange look in her eyes made Misty inwardly quiver. Ella looked...concerned, afraid, and confused.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, absolutely!"

Misty shrugged. "Should we head back?"

"I think so. Rascal probably has his paws full," Ella chuckled at the thought.

Misty nodded.

Yet the whole way back to camp, she couldn't ignore the flash of fear that'd been in Ella's eyes.


"Be careful by the river!" Tyrant warned. "The last ice of winter is thawing. We don't want wolves falling in. I'll keep two scout posts nearby, to watch for flooding,"

Misty remembered how full the river was. The water was rushing by at alarming speeds. It could carry away a healthy wolf, and they wouldn't have a prayer.

She was jerked from her worries when River scampered behind her with Ash in pursuit. River squealed and hid under his mother's belly fur. Ash didn't see and stopped nearby, looking everywhere for his hidden brother.

Misty stifled a laugh. River shushed her as quietly as he could without having Ash notice. The red pup started sniffing around, then jerked his head up for a sneeze.

Storm was teaching Clover a sneaky pounce. Or what he thought was sneaky. It was pretty clumsy, but cute nonetheless. She narrowed her eyes and tried to copy her brother's form almost exactly. She scrunched her nose in frustration whenever she got it wrong.

River crept away from Misty and hid behind a den, his little ears peeking out.

Ash let out a grunt and slumped on his haunches. He obviously wasn't having fun now that he wasn't winning.

Misty rolled her eyes with an amused sigh. Ash seems to have quite the temper. Either things go his way, or no way.

"Keep trying," Misty encouraged. "You want to be like the fighting and tracking wolves, don't you?"

Ash nodded, eyes wide.

"You don't see them pout when things don't go their way," she scolded gently. "Trust your instincts."

Ash stood back up and waddled around the clearing. He was more determined than ever to prove himself.

Clover was crouching behind Ash, unnoticed. Storm was at her side, whispering something in her ear that made her squint her eyes.

The she-pup wiggled her haunches. When she was ready she sprang. She tackled her brother, shoving him into the dirt. A triumphant smile lifted her face.

Ash growled, ready to snap his jaws at his attacker. But when be saw it was his little sister, his entire expression changed. From absolute anger, to strong love.

Clover looked proud of herself. River came out of hiding and bounced beside his siblings. They all smiled and poked each other, laughing cute puppy giggles.

Misty admired how close they were to each other. It was like Rascal and Ella, and Misty and her brother, River

The mother smiled.

They'll always be close.


"Tyrant!" Melody gasped as she ran into camp, bloody and bruised, with Thorn, Archie, and Baron behind her.

The alpha came out to meet Melody and her group. His eyes were dead serious. "What is it?"

"Red Fang! They plan on attacking camp tonight. We overheard them talking when we were scouting the border," Thorn reported, breathless.

Tyrant cursed under his breath. Then turned to announce to the gathering wolves.  "Red Fang is invading camp tonight! I need all able-bodied wolves to line up just outside the exit and defend!"

"But what about the wolves that are staying in camp?" Twilight asked, curling her tail over Ripple and a weak Mountain. Her accent was thick with worry.

Tyrant clenched his jaw and pondered his options. "The strongest wolves will move boulders in front of your dens, so if Red Fang somehow breaks through, they won't be able to get to you. You'll stay there all night. In the morning, we'll open your dens and let you out."

Twilight swallowed nervously, but nodded anyway.

"Mother wolves and their pups will stay here," Tyrant ordered. "Blossom and Moondancer will as well." He looked directly at Solar. "Would you be willing to help our Pack?"

The yellow male dipped his head. "You've taken me in when I had nowhere else to go. I'll fight alongside Flame Woods Pack."

Tyrant's amber gaze flashed with a grateful look. He stared at each of the mother wolves. "Rose, Blossom, Misty and Twilight; take your pups to their dens. We'll make sure you're good and secure before taking defence. Any strong wolves, move boulders to cover the den entrances."

Misty shooed her pups in and turned around. She was face to face with Rascal. Tears were in his eyes. Nothing needed to be said. It was told in their expressions.

Misty watched her mate's face disappear behind the dark roundness of a huge boulder.

When the light was blocked out, Misty let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. The only light that could be seen was coming from a hole, big enough for the pups to squeeze through near the top of the den.

Her puppies whimpered and cuddled to their mother for comfort. Misty could hear the fighters making their way out to meet Red Fang.

Clover sniffed and trembled. Her brothers all pressed in around her and whispered comforts to her. The pups crowded around their mother, letting her lick their ears reassuringly.

Misty stroked each of her pups. "You all might as well lay down and sleep. I'll be right here beside you,"

Storm was the first to settle down. Ash and River followed their older brother's lead. And finally, Clover was the last to close her eyes. Their breathing told Misty they were fast asleep.

She could barely see their little forms in the dark gloom. The sliver of moonlight trickled into the den and turned their pelts to a milky glow. The wind outside was howling and whistling, rustling the trees. With fluttering leaves being tossed about. 

Misty covered the pups up with a lighter pelt. They stirred for a moment then turned over to fall back asleep. Their tiny snores filled the small space. Misty wondered if anyone else was still awake. Could they be sleeping when all this danger was at their doorstep?

Moondancer, Blossom, Brave, and Swift were all in the healer's den. Rose and her pups were about two dens to Misty's left. Twilight's place was right next to Tyrant's, toward the right near the very back of camp.

Misty knew she ought to rest. But no matter how hard she tried to lay down and close her eyes, she would sit right back up like she was struck by lightning.

She flinched when a howl in the distance rose up, followed by vicious barks and loud battle cries. She realized that Tyrant took the attack to Red Fang's border. He brought the fight to them.

Good, maybe this will finally show them that they don't run this forest.

A chill ran down her spine when another cry reached her ears. She forced herself to ignore the fighting and focus on her four little bundles.

She unconsciously found herself drifting into the darkness of sleep.


Misty opened her eyes to a peaceful land. The moon was out and turning the meadowy grass into silver waves cascading over the floor. The leaves rustled gently in the light, summer breeze.

Misty raised her nose and took in her surroundings. The sweet scent of flowers carried in the air. Lilac and warm roses filled her nostrils. The roar of a waterfall thundered. Glimmering sheets of water falling to the pond below bounced in the silver illumination. Crickets played their soothing song, owls hooted and took to the sky. The grass was warm and soft beneath her paws. She let it relax her, squishing under her toes. Walking on the grass was almost bouncy. She made it to the pond beside the waterfall. Pebbles clapped and clicked under her paws. The sandy smell of the shore was cool and refreshing. She noticed a tiny stream running from the pond, paving a new path.

She smiled and walked over to the little stream. Her reflection grinned back at her. The ripples in the water shimmered.

Misty brought her front paws to the water and let the cool waves splash around ber. It was a pleasant feeling. Calming and relaxing.

A sigh passed her lips. But a shriek made her jump.



Misty flattened her ears in confusion.

"Help us!"




"Mama, wake up!"



Misty jerked awake. Four little pairs of paws were anxiously prodding her side.


It took her a moment to realize her paws were wet. Water was filling the den.

The mother sprang up, the water was up to her knees. Storm, Ash, River, and Clover leaped up and clung to their mother's back.

Misty glanced around quickly. Their pelt they slept on was floating above the water. Misty transferred each pup to the float. Even with the pups' weight, it still managed to stay afloat. She summoned all her strength and rammed into the boulder blocking the way out. She scraped her shoulder, ignoring the searing pain.

She stood on her hindlegs and pushed with all her might. But the boulder wouldn't budge.

Misty panted. "Help!" She screamed as loud as she could. "Please, help my pups! We're tra-" she paused and looked at the little hole near the top of the ceiling.

That's it.

Misty looked at her oldest pup. Storm's silver eyes were reflecting the pale light of the moon seeping in.

"You four are getting out of here," Misty took Storm in her jaws and reared up, lifting him toward the hole. The dark gray pup squirmed through the gap and heaved himself to sit on the roof.

The water was rising fast. Misty coughed when water splashed into her mouth. With a jolt, she remembered the river was thawing its final icy sheets. The river was flooding!

Misty pushed Ash on through the hole, then River. Clover was left on the pelt, her eyes round with horror as the water lifted them higher.

Misty grabbed her daughter and shoved her out. Storm, Ash and River helped their sister beside them. The pups stared at their home, flooded from the river. Blossom, Moondancer, and everyone else's dens were opened. They must have escaped and went to seek higher ground.

"Mama!" River screamed over the roaring of the water. "We'll get you out!" He began weakly attempting to push the boulder.

"No," Misty coughed. "You four go! Find your father! I'll be okay. Just get out!"

The pups exchanged nervous glances. Storm took the lead as they jumped from den to den, trying to find help for their mother.

Once again, sorry about the late update. Things should start picking up at a faster rate.

Will the pups be able to find Rascal in time to save Misty?

Stay tuned!


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