Chapter 17

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Misty suppressed a shiver as she watched Rascal leave with Tyrant and Thunder. She pulled Storm closer. The dark gray pup nuzzled his face into her fur, staring after his father with shining eyes.

Isaac moved around the cliff, handing out orders to the rest of the Pack.  The senior wolves clustered together to listen to the second-in-command. Rose hushed her rambunctious pups, giving them a sharp look to make them settle down. Twilight drowsily licked Moutain's drooping ears, hope bright in her eyes that her daughter was getting better. Ripple yawned beside them and pressed his pelt to his sister's to keep her warm.

Misty rounded up her little ones. She made sure they were all cozy and comfortable before sitting down beside them. But sleep wouldn't come easily. Anxiously, she looked across the expanse of trees that shadowed the dark sky. Stars began poking through. A breeze stirred the fur on Misty's shoulders, whistling over the rocks into the few trees sheltering the Pack's temporary home.

Misty forced herself to remain calm. She didn't want to worry anyone over her wild thoughts. All she could do was hope for the best and keep her strength up by getting some sleep.

She laid her head on her paws and curled herself around her pups. Their little snores lulled her until she closed her eyes. The peaceful sounds of the night wrapped her in a calming sleep.


Misty woke an hour or two later. A huge yawn parted her jaws. She went to lay back down, but a mysterious shadow caught her eye. The dark shape fell over her and the pups. Confused, she turned around and gasped.

Diablo's white fangs stood out against his dark pelt. The blood-lust gleam in his blue eyes sent a shiver down Misty's spine. The muscles in his shoulders and back were tensed and bulging.

Misty sprang to life. She stood over her pups, shielding them with her body while meeting Diablo's bone-chilling eyes.

"Wake up!" Misty hollered to her Packmates while dodging a blow. "Isaac!"

The dark gray wolf jumped up from his sleeping place. Horror was written on his face as Red Fang wolves streamed into their makeshift home. Isaac let out a howl, causing the Pack to wake instantly and charge into battle.

Storm blinked his bleary eyes open. His siblings were all stirring and gasped at the sight of the strange wolf.

"Mama!" Ash cried out, trembling alongside his littermates.

"Stay close to me!" Misty ordered. "I'll get you to safety."

Diablo's gaze flicked to the pups cowering under their mother. A sickening smile reached his lips. "Oh, which one of you should I take back to Mystique? I'm sure she'd love to see some little ones."

"Get back!" Misty pushed him back. She drew her claws down the side of his face.

Diablo growled and lunged. Misty reared to meet him. The two tumbled near the cliff edge, with Diablo on top. He pinned Misty down with strong paws, using his weight to keep her in place.

She heaved up and sunk her fangs into his shoulder. He shrieked. Misty rocked herself back, still holding the wolf in her jaws, and flung him over her head down the cliff. But he gripped onto one of her hind legs, taking her with him. Misty yelped as she slid over the edge. The world spun as she felt herself falling.  At the last second, she reached up with both paws and gripped a jutting rock a full wolf-length below the edge. Diablo hung on to her back leg with teeth and paws wrapped around her limb. Misty strained against the weight of hers plus another wolf. She kicked out her other back leg in an attempt to throw him off. She caught his muzzle with her strike and could feel the vibrations of his growl crawl up her body. Diablo tightened his fangs, causing Misty to sharply inhale a breath. A fiery pain coursed up her leg. She couldn't shake Diablo off.

A little head peered over the side of the cliff, followed by three more. Their eyes were wide.

"Stay away!" Misty's voice was hoarse from trying to catch her breath. "Hide! Now!"

Instantly, Storm disappeared along with his siblings.

Misty groaned, adjusting her grip as it began weakening. Her body ached as her efforts to hold on were diminishing.

"Misty?" Isaac's voice carried out.

Misty looked up and nearly lost her hold. One of Isaac's eyes were completely torn out, followed by a gush of scarlet blood. One side of his face was scraped and ripped. She couldn't hold back her gasp.

"I'll explain later," Isaac replied quickly. He flicked his tail and two more wolves appeared at his side. "Twilight, Baron, and I are gonna get you out."

Baron wrapped his front paws around the trunk of a tree and nodded to Twilight. The she-wolf locked her back legs with his, then reached out to wrap her forepaws around Isaac's hind legs. The dark gray wolf gave the order and together, the chain of wolves slithered over the edge toward Misty. Baron braced against the weight and tightened his grip. Isaac dangled down and reached a paw out for Misty. The she-wolf shook her head.

"Get him off." She was losing her strength.

Isaac nodded. He signaled to Twilight to move down farther. The chain slipped down until Isaac was face to face with Diablo. The black wolf hissed and lashed out at Isaac. The second-in-command blocked it and used his other paw to jab Diablo's face. His jaws unclamped, and he frantically held on to Misty's leg with both forepaws. Twilight swung the chain forward. Isaac used the momentum to land a strong strike at Diablo's muzzle. He slipped. Misty grunted. She used her final bit of strength to swing Diablo up so she could clearly see his throat. With a snarl, she latched her fangs into his throat. Diablo instantly let go. Misty kicked his body away from her and watched as his lifeless form plunged down the cliff as shadows swallowed him.

Misty's grip came undone. She howled and closed her eyes. But the fall never came. She opened her eyes to see Isaac holding her forepaws with his own.

"Climb." He ordered.

Misty lurched up. She used her claws to get a grip and heard Isaac wince as she pulled herself along the dark gray pelt. Agonizingly, she reached the top to be met with her four precious pups crowding around her. She embraced them then looked them straight in the eye.

"Keep away from the fighting. Storm, watch your siblings. Stay together."

Storm nodded and with a flick of his tail, guided his brothers and sister away from the chaos, keeping to the shadows.

Misty launched herself at the nearest wolf. A dark gray male with scars crisscrossing his face. He snarled, turning around. Misty wrapped her paws around his head and jerked him down. He hit his head. An angry growl escaped his lips. She pounced on top of him, showing no mercy. Shredding his already torn face, Misty's paws worked in front of her. She felt a satisfying tear when she sliced open the vein leading to his throat. The wolf let out a roar. Blood spurted from the gaping injury, splatting Misty's white fur with scarlet drops.

Suddenly, the wolf hurled himself up to knock Misty on her back. He aimed a ferocious blow to her neck. But she lashed out a paw to block it expertly. His expression flashed to anger in a split second. He tried the same move with his other paw, yet again, Misty deflected it. She rolled away and sprang up. The wolf charged. Misty reared. The two clashed. Blow for blow, bite for bite, they fought savagely. Unable to hold back, without any self-control.

A thought flashed through Misty's mind:

I'm capable of killing him. I am one of the highest trained wolves in this forest.

A new power surged in her blood. She drove the wolf back, each blow containing more might than the last. The newfound energy of his opponent sent the Red Fang wolf stumbling back. Misty ignored the pain flaring up in her leg. She must let Red Fang Pack know who is in charge.

The wolf tripped and fell. Misty took the advantage. She held him by his throat and turned his head to face her. A cocky look gleamed in his amber depths. Behind that, fear was barely visible.

"Red Fang doesn't own the forest." Misty breathlessly whispered. "And as long as my heart is beating, as long as I have blood in me, I'll make sure every last one of you is dead."

"Oh, by the way," Misty continued.  "I'll leave Mystique a message behind when she comes for your revolting, odious body," She slid her claws into his throat. "Long live Flame Woods Pack!"

The wolf gasped. He struggled as a rivulet of blood streamed from his wound.

Misty turned around. We're losing...

The sight of her Packmates bleeding and screaming set her heart thumping fearfully.

Isaac's voice rose about the clamor. "Retreat! Flame Woods Pack, retreat!"

They didn't have to be told twice.

Isaac ran toward the exit as his Packmates joined him. Misty scooped her pups onto her back and took off in a run. Thorn yipped when a wolf bit his tail on the way out. Melody dodged a hit heading her way.

Misty didn't even stop for the pain in her leg. The weight of the pups made her want to drop, but she kept going.

When they were well away from the Red Fang wolves, Frost voiced everyone's thoughts. "Where do we go now?"

All eyes turned to Isaac. Before he could reply, Rose pushed to the front. "What Tyrant? And Rascal and Thunder? We can't just leave them behind!"

Murmurs of agreement circled around.

"But we can't stay here," Isaac pointed out. "All we can do is now is leave and hope they follow our scent trail."

"Yes, but where do we go?" Solar emphasized.

Isaac was silent for what felt like ages. Misty shared a glance with Twilight. Moon and Saphira stood on either side of Alusia, trying to comfort her. The silence drug on until Isaac lifted his head.

"Stone Hollow Pack. Howler must realize the situation and give us refuge. They're our only chance."

A hesitant cloud hung over the Pack.

Sky took a step. "Are you sure that's a good idea?"

Isaac's eye flashed. "Why am I being questioned? I'm just doing what Tyrant would do! I'm trying to take care of all of you, but I can't when every little thing I suggest gets questioned!"

Blossom touched his shoulder softly. "Everyone is just anxious. And exhausted." To the Pack, she added. "We're going to Howler for help. No more objections."

The Pack nodded, yet still hesitant.

Isaac started off with everyone following. Misty trotted to the front to walk beside her cousin.

"You're doing what you can, and that's good enough," Misty whispered to him. "No other wolf could do what you've done for this Pack."

Isaac looked at her but didn't respond. Misty had to suppress a shiver whenever she looked at his torn face.

"What happened?" She asked curiously.

Isaac flattened his ears. "That annoying little squirt Dash got my eye before I even saw him coming."

Misty sighed. "They're teaching their young wolves to fight savagely."

"Perhaps we should be doing the same." Isaac stared ahead. "If they wanna play dirty, so will we."


It was dawn by the time Flame Woods reached Stone Hollow territory. The sky was dark and gloomy, setting the mood for the depressed, homeless Pack.

They almost instantly met a hunting group with Skylark in the lead. The alpha's son narrowed his eyes at the battered and starving wolves.

"What do you want?"

Isaac stepped forward. "Skylark, we need your help."


Oohhh boy some stuff is about to get real! Another update coming soon!

Thanks for reading!


P.S. I'm thinking about trying to make "A Wolf's Tale Rap Battles" where my characters go head to head in an epic rap! I thought it would be a fun thing to try, but I wanna know what you think? Would you be interested in something like that?

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