Chapter 2

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^The song above is "In My Blood" by Shawn Mendes^ I thought it would be very fitting for this chapter! ^_^ you'll see why ;)

A shudder passed through Rascal every time he tried to stand. The muscles in his body screamed in protest and gave out every time he attempted to move. Breathing even hurt worse than the hissing bite of a flaming fire.

The only noise he could hear was the ragged breathing coming from his open mouth. His vision was dim and blurry from the strength used to fight back the agony taking its time to crawl over his battered body.

When he wasn't fighting back his wounds, he played boring games. Like counting the pebbles on the floor or the cracks in the wall. It was getting old.

There are exactly twenty-seven pebbles on the ground and thirty-two cracks in the wall.

He flattened his ears. Some game.

He rasped a painful cough and was left breathless after the racking of his chest. He opened his eyes to little slits, the usual glint of happiness was long gone. Showing nothing but misery and anguish.

His normally perked ears were drooping. The whole of Flame Woods Pack worried deeply for Rascal. He was their reassurance, their hope in everything good. To see him hurt was a shot through the heart.

And it pained Rascal to see the way Misty looked at him. It was different. She was hiding her concern. Everyone else couldn't read her the way Rascal could. He was able to see straight into her very soul.

Okay that was creepy, he scolded himself.

He didn't even move when Blossom came in the small space. She looked at him with a blank face, hiding her emotions. Her violet eyes flicked over the wounds and scratches crisscrossing his pelt. She reached out and tenderly rested her paw against his cheek. Rascal didn't have the energy to meet her eyes. Everything was hazy and far away. He could barely lift his chest to breath. Flame engulfed him head to tail.

Blossom stroked his pelt for another heartbeat before handing him a medicine that would help him sleep.

"No," he replied under a whisper. "What if I don't wake up." It was more of a statement.

Blossom's eyes flashed. "Let me worry about that. It's my job. You just sleep, it's what you need most."

Rascal hesitated. He reluctantly took the medicine and rested his head comfortably against the pelt he was laying on.

His eyes fluttered closed. A quiet snore emitted from his chest. He felt like he was walking on air.


"I'm scared," Rascal whispered, looking at his paws. "We're already weakened as it is. What if we don't live?"

Maple looked at her son with a gentle smile. "You're strong. You and everyone will know what to do when the time comes."

Rascal gritted his teeth. "It gets under my skin."

"I know."

He looked up at his mother. "Nothing will ever be the same. Mystique seems to grow even stronger with every drop of blood that spills. She can't enough of it."

"She's a very young wolf. She's blinded by greed and ignorance, unable to determine what she wants for even herself." Maple replies. Her eyes soften. "Times are changing. Different. Hard. I can't be sure everything will turn out all right, but let me tell you this; you can't give up simply because you think you won't make it, you only give up when you breath your last." Her sky-blue eyes flashed with determination. "Only wolves with your hope and spirit have a chance of survival."

Rascal took a breath. "Sometimes I just want it to be over. The pain. Suffering. I just want to curl up and die, and leave this—this world full of misery behind!"

Before he could even react, Maple brought her paw up and slapped him across the face.

He blinked. Staring at his mother in surprise.

"How dare you talk that way! You have a part to play in your pups' life! Leaving them behind? How can you even consider that!" She clenched her jaw. "How would Misty feel? Raising her pups, alone, without their father! My grandchildren deserve the best!"

Rascal flinched and flattened his ears in shame. He never thought about how Misty would feel. All of the fighting had left his mind occupied with nothing but war. Guilt seeped up in his mind.

How could I.....

Maple offers a tiny smile. "Do your best. That's all you can do."

She fades away in the peaceful night, her scent dissolving into nothing. Rascal was left, breathless and afraid, yet with tiniest spark of hope.


He opened his eyes groggily. A new light seemed to brighten, even though the limbs and muscles in his body were achingly sore.

Rascal was getting tired of staring at the wall all day. It was the same patterns every time he opened his eyes.

The dimness in the den was suffocating him. He needed out. He wanted out.

With clenched teeth, he shakily forced his legs to push himself up. His front left leg was raised above the ground. He couldn't put any weight on it. It was severely sprained.

Rascal paused a moment to catch his breath and restore his energy. He looked at the den entrance and something inside him strengthened. With trembling, baby-like steps, he shuffled along.

The scuffling of his bruised paws and the heavy thudding of his heart were ringing in his ears. He wanted to see the sun so badly. It's gleaming rays shining with hope and prosperity.

His eyes squeezed shut when he first saw the sun. It felt too bright all at once. He opened his dark green gaze and gave a small smile. The warmness of the light felt pleasant on his scarred pelt. He wiggles his toes and relished in the feeling.

"Rascal?" Isaac bounded over, eyes gleaming with concern. "Are you okay? Need any help?"

"I'm wonderful," Rascal pricked his ears. A new light was shining within.
He took little shuffling steps. Isaac was slowly following at his side, ready to catch him if he happened to lose his balance and fall.

He stretched his legs and attempted longer strides. But it pulled a sore muscle. He grimaced and sucked in a breath.

Isaac nudged his shoulder gently. "Take it easy, Rascal."

The black wolf caught his breath before continuing on. He made it to the camp exit, panting heavily. He looked at Isaac with triumph.

"It's a start," he replied breathlessly. He eased sitting down, accepting Isaac's help.

Some of his Packmates cheered and looked at him with approval shining in their eyes. Rascal shyly smiled and ducked his head. He glanced at his cousin-in-law.

"Where's Misty?"

"She went out for a walk with Blossom. Walking is supposed to be good for expectant she-wolves," he shrugged and twitched his ears. "They should be back soon."

Rascal nodded. He anxiously looked at his paws. "Do you think I'm good enough for Misty?" He asked in a whisper.

Isaac's eyes widened. "What kind of a question is that?"

Rascal flattened his ears. "I mean, am I ready to be a father? To support Misty and raise our pups?" He gasps. "What if I lose my cool while she's having them? What if I do something wrong and she gets mad at me and—"

Isaac placed a paw on his friend's shoulder. "Those are just a bunch of 'what ifs'. There's no reason to worry, Rascal. When the times comes, it'll all come naturally. Yes, Misty will probably be a little cranky, but she'll need your support more than ever. She will be very scared and anxious. You must try and keep calm and reassuring. It will help a lot." Isaac smiles in understanding. "Trust me, I felt the same way."

Rascal didn't reply to that. It was nice to have someone know exactly what he was feeling. But he couldn't shake off his negative emotions. Of course he was really excited, but he felt these nervous thoughts creeping in the back of his mind.

"Oh Rascal! You're up!"

Rascal looked up to see his mate waddling towards him. Her belly was swollen and round. She looked very tired, and her back was obviously killing her. But her smile was as bright as ever. She was still the most beautiful she-wolf Rascal has ever seen.

He tried to pad over to meet her, but his sprained paw gave out, and he stumbled. Misty lurched forward and caught him with her shoulder. She grinned and helped him sit comfortably. She buried her head in his chest fur. Rascal was certain she could hear his rapid heart beat.

"I'm so glad you're getting better," she whispered for his ears.

He felt his heart warm. "Are you feeling okay?" He pulled back and looked at her. Those sleepless nights were taking their toll on her her. Although she smiled, her eyes were drooping with exhaustion. "Shouldn't you be resting?"

Misty snorted. "I'm just fine, dear. If either of us should be resting, it should be you."

Rascal chuckled. "Laying in that den all day for a week has had me at the end of the line," He paused before asking. "Misty?"

"Yes, love?"

"D-do you want me there? During the birth of our pups?" His nerves were on high.

Misty nudged his shoulder. "Should that even be a question? I wouldn't dream of not having you there."

Rascal drooped his shoulders with relief. "I'm glad. I...I wasn't sure if you felt the same—"

"You dummy," she laughed in a good-hearted nature. "Of course I feel the same."

Rascal felt a weight leave his chest. He licked Misty's cheek and rested his forehead against hers. "I promise I'll be by your side during every moment."


Rascal really treats Misty like a queen, huh?


The pups are coming so soon!!!!! Eek I'm excited!!!!!

I'll try and update every Sunday and Wednesday :)


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