Chapter 22

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On shaky paws, Rascal attempted to stand. Yet he couldn't bear the pain. He had been trapped here for almost three days. He knew his Packmates would come for him. They needed to make a careful plan, one that would hopefully work.

Every morning, Mystique herself comes in to strip Rascal's pads. The excruciating bolts of pain caused Rascal's vision to spin. Luna and Astro are not allowed to treat his wounds, no matter how much begging and pleading they did.

Rascal was certain his paws were infected. He licked at them gently, trying to clean away the grit and drying blood. It helped a little, but without water to wash away the filth, and herbs to fight the infections, it was practically useless. With every lick, he winced, wanting to get out. Wanting to see his pups and Packmates. Wanting to see Misty...

He heard news about the ambush attack against the two Packs. Mona's dead body was brought in. They grieved and buried her. Someone had said that Misty killed Mona. Rascal felt oddly satisfied in his weakened state.

I tried to warn her.

But Rascal saw the she-wolf's pups sitting alone, eyes wide and innocent, filled with grief for their mother, and he couldn't help a tingle of sympathy. What would his pups do if he or Misty had died?

He shuddered at the thought.

"I want this to end, too." A quiet voice whispered.

Rascal looked over his shoulder.

Luna stepped toward him, her eyes downcast. "I'm ashamed to call this Pack my home. Mystique knows nothing but blood, and the satisfaction she gets that runs with it."

Rascal glanced away. "You're not like them, Luna."

"I used to be." She murmured. "Until the day I saw a helpless pup and her father meet their demise, due to my Pack."

Rascal's eyes widened. He found himself meeting Luna's guilty face. She swallowed hard, holding Rascal's gaze.

"I know I can't take back what I've done, but I can prevent it from happening in the future. And that alone is what keeps me going." She flattened her ears. "You probably hate me now."

Rascal immediately shook his head until he realized she wasn't looking at him. "Of course not. You've changed; you're stronger than the others."

"They don't seem to think so." Her lips lifted in a sad smile. "They called me weak when I decided to walk away from violence."

"You don't belong here. You deserve better."

Luna shrugged. "I'm not sure where I belong anymore."

Rascal instantly was able to relate. Before he lived in Flame Woods, his life in Stone Hollow was nothing but misery. His Packmates shunned him, hated him, and wanted nothing good for him. It was hard, trying to walk, chin up when no one had your back.

"Things will turn out better." He couldn't believe his words, but hopefully, maybe Luna would.

"I may not be able to escape this, but I can help you." She lifted her head. "I don't know how, but I'm willing to try."

"You could die."

"It's worth trying. You have a mate, pups, and a Pack that cares about you. You deserve to go back to them."

Rascal forced his hopes down. He didn't want to get too excited at the slight chance of escape.

" careful." He didn't want her to die because of him.

"I can't make any promises." Luna's face was grim as she whirled around and left.


Hours seemed to pass. Night was settling in the forest. Clouds covered the moon and stars. A gloomy evening.

A howl cut through stench-filled air.

Rascal prepared himself for another blow. A set of claws scored through his muzzle. He panted, too weak to stand up. A bite dug into his already bloody paws. The pain set him on fire, every hair on his pelt ignited at the slightest touch. A chunk of fur was yanked, leaving his skin open for fangs to sink in. And indeed, sharp canines met the bare, sensitive skin. He gritted his teeth. His mouth twisted into an excruciating grimace. When the pressure released, he glared up into Mystique's multicolored eyes alarmed to find bloodlust in her sparkling depths. He tensed for another wound, but it never came.

Mystique nodded in satisfaction. "That's enough for tonight. We don't want him to die too fast now, right?" She cackled.

Rascal was numb by now. He was barely conscious when two wolves picked him up and hauled him back to his den. They dumped him carelessly in his filthy corner, not even a glance in his direction as they padded out like nothing happened. 

He lay, motionless among the dirty floor. Breathing was a struggle, bruises surrounding his ribs and clenching painfully whenever he breathed. His paws were swollen now, an angry shade of red throbbing rhythmically. The blood pulsing in his veins was cold. He knew he didn't have a chance of escaping in his current condition.

Eyes trained on his paws, Rascal pricked his ears. Two sets of paws scuffled along outside.

"How long do we keep him here?" The voice was Hawkeye's.

A long, drawn-out pause met the night's silence.

"Until he dies from his wounds." Mystique replied. "He won't last much longer, we both know that."

Rascal was hopeful. His Packmates would come. Tyrant must have a plan. Yet at the same time, he was scared. He knew he couldn't carry on with beating after beating. Life drained from him with every bite, every kick...

"Won't the other Packs come for him?" Hawkeye sounded almost worried.

"We're the superior Pack, remember? They don't stand a chance." She was too sure of herself.

"Of course, right." Hawkeye agreed.

A crack in the wall let Rascal peek out and watch the two. Hawkeye's face was a mixture of worry and excitement. Mystique was standing tall. Her graceful, slender figure giving off her authority as a leader.

"I've been thinking." Mystique twitched her ears. "We should recruit other wolves. Help our Pack grow."

Hawkeye glanced at her uncertainly. "How do we do that?"

Mystique smirked. "We take over the other Packs. Kill off their alphas, and they'll stand helpless without a noble leader to guide them."

The second-in-command hesitated at those words. "Are you sure our Pack is strong enough to take on two other Packs?"

Mystique brushed against Hawkeye, her muzzle close to his ear. "Just think: we will run the forest. You and I will be admired by many..."

Hawkeye looked pleased with the thought. His yellow eyes gleam delightfully.

Rascal didn't have the strength to listen any longer. He rested his head on his paws, fighting the worry that was creeping into his mind.

This chapter was much easier to write. It felt more natural, and it has helped me figure out how I want this book to end. Updates should be weekly. Things are about to get wild...

Catch Ya Later!


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