∆ Chapter Eleven ∆

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He was a savior, though shunned by all
He closed his eyes, and wished to fall.

Vikram awoke to yells, though he had no idea why. The last thing he remembered was getting back to the others before something heavy hit the back of his head. Why were people yelling though? Something about...Preston?
Footsteps neared his location, and Vikram registered the fact that he was wrapped in something comfortable and warm . Opening his eyes, he discovered it was a dark red hoodie "The same hoodie Lachlan has..." He found himself flushing crimson "Why am I acting like this? Probably just a side effect of the wolf scratch...Let's go with that"
'Vik? You awake?' A soft Australian accent snapped the Brit out of his thoughts, as his tall friend knelt next to him 'Looks like it' The Void Prince had to clear his throat afterwards, due to the fact that his voice was seriously hoarse 'What happened?'
'As soon as we got back, you passed out' Lachlan explained 'I think it was because of what the wolf did to you. By the way, you've missed out on a lot'
'Such as?' Vikram tried to stand, but his legs failed as he crashed back to the ground 'Try not to stand or anything yet. Basically, the wolf is back, Rob's had a chunk of flesh ripped from his leg-' the Brit coughed, trying to hold back a gag '-and apparently nobody can get near Preston and Kenny now, since there's a huge dome of fire surrounding them'

'Is Noah okay?'
Lachlan shrugged, standing up to his full height 'Depends on your definition of "Okay". He won't talk to anyone except Amelia, and he's kind of climbed up a tree and is refusing to come down...? Yeah. It's pretty bad'
'I should go and see him, I might be able to convince him to come down' He tried to stand once more, clinging to a tree as Lachlan stood next to him 'Are you sure you're okay to walk? You landed quite heavily'
'I'm fine, Lachlan. I just need a second to wake up properly' He stretched, taking one step forwards before Lachlan had to catch him as he almost fell again 'I really think that you shouldn't be walking' He warned, keeping a tight grip on the shorter's arm 'I don't care. I need to see my Brother' Vikram groaned, though he didn't protest when Lachlan hugged him 'I just don't want to to get hurt again' The Australian muttered, and Vik sighed 'I can't promise anything...but I'll try not to gain any more injuries, okay?'
'Fine...' He let go, and the Void Royal smiled. Feeling his face flush red again, he quickly turned away and cleared his throat again 'So...Where's Noah?' Lachlan pointed to a tall birch tree, and the Brit groaned 'He had to pick the tallest bloody tree?!'
'Literally bloody. Amelia ran into it earlier apparently' Speak of the devil and she shall appear. If the devil was a Princess called Amelia that is 'He's not coming down. I think he wants to, but he's stuck...Oh heya Vik! Feeling better?'
She seemed to have forgotten the argument that happened what must have been a day ago, which was good. That or she was planning Vikram's slow demise. Lovely. 'I've tried using my powers but I don't think I can actually do stuff to trees. Like I can grow them, but after that I've got nothing'
'Let me try. He's my Brother, so I should be able to talk some sense into him' The Truncatis and Aether Royals looked at each other, and Lachlan sighed 'Fine. What's your plan?'
'Climb up the tree and repeatedly poke him with a stick until he comes down. It used to work when he was younger' Vik could've sworn he heard Amelia mutter "Sticky Vikky" under her breath, but he shook it off as his imagination 'You're not climbing up that tree! You're still weak, and you might fall, and-' Lachlan was interrupted when Amelia covered his mouth with her hand 'Go ahead. Me and Lachlan will catch you if anything goes wrong, just don't get stuck up the tree'

'Oh no, getting stuck in a tree about ten times my height was my plan exactly' He grinned, and Amelia rolled her eyes 'Just climb the tree Star Boy. I'll go up after you incase you fall' Vikram turned back to the birch tree and sighed, taking a deep breath before walking around the tree 'How did he even get up there?! There aren't any footholds!'
'He teleported. I think he was having a mental breakdown, but I'm not sure if he did it on purpose' Black mist floated down from the branches, forming the words "Yes it was on purpose"
'Noah, can you come down? Vik's okay, he's right here!' Amelia shouted, and the leaves rustled 'That's not gonna work, you've already tried!' There were hints of fear in his voice, and the older Void Prince sighed 'I know why he's not coming down. Noah's scared of heights, so he might actually be stuck up there' He looked up into the leaves, and saw a flash of blue 'Noah? Are you stuck?'
The noise stopped, and a pair of headphones fell to the ground 'Vik?! You-You're really alright?'
'Yeah, I woke up about fifteen minutes ago. Why did you climb up there? You and I both know you're afraid of heights'
'It was an accident!'
'Do you want me to try and get you down? I could teleport you' Lachlan shook his head 'Nope. If you use your powers now you might pass out again, and I'm pretty sure three times within a week isn't healthy'
'How else are we supposed to get him down? If he falls, he could hurt himself'

'I'm gonna try and get down!' Noah called from the branches 'But you - Dangit Noah!' The teenager had decided to slide down the trunk, losing his grip and falling on top of Amelia 'I swear you two have a tendency to fall whenever you're together' Lachlan grinned as Noah quickly jumped up 'I did nothing!' He laughed, and Amelia pushed herself up with her elbows 'I seriously hate you right now' She joked, standing up and brushing off her white t-shirt 'You know you love me'
'You just got friendzoned' She explained 'I now know what true betrayal feels like' Noah feigned heartbreak, and the two laughed 'I'm gonna go see if anyone can get near Preston and Kenny yet. Also, I should probably check on Rob...and find Jerome'
'Who's Jerome?' Vik asked, before what looked like a bear sneaked it's way behind Lachlan 'What the-'
'Yeah. Guys, this is Jerome. He's a Guard from the True Kingdom. Jerome, this is Lachlan, Vik and Noah' The Aether Prince looked behind him and squealed, running behind Vik 'Lachlan, he's friendly'
'Ah. Well...He startled me' Jerome smiled slightly, showing off small fangs 'I have a habit of doing that. Oh, Amelia? I think I know where Jason is'
The Truncatis Royal's eyes lit up, and she stood properly 'Really? Where?' Jerome shrugged, messing with the hilt of his axe 'Y'know the river? I think he's over there. I saw him before that explosion went off'
'Well let's go find him then!' The pair ran off, and the remaining trio looked at each other '...I have literally no idea what just happened. Anybody else confused?' Lachlan asked, and Vik put his hand up before Noah hugged him tightly 'You're okay!' He cheered, and Vikram laughed softly 'You really think I wouldn't be? I'm your older Brother, I would have to be awake to make sure you don't get stuck in any more trees'

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