∆ Chapter Nineteen ∆

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The girl stood high, the cliff's edge tall.
She knew there was one to hurt them all.

'I really don't think this is a good idea' Kenny muttered, walking behind Noah as he poked his head around a corner 'Well we have to get Amelia back somehow. She's probably in the her Bedroom...wherever that is'
'We literally have no idea where we're going, you've never been here before and the only time I did I'm pretty sure we never came this way'
'You've been here before?'
'It was a scouting mission, a few days before the Truncatis attack. King Blaine said that it was for the greater good, but he...he was wrong'
'That's the spirit!' Noah cheered, now hyper and ready to take on the world 'I bet she's going to be in here, then-'

The Void Prince was cut off by a hand around his mouth, causing muffled screams of alarm to emit from his lips 'Quiet! I heard something' Kenny hissed, for whatever reason now positioned behind his dark-haired friend 'Don't scare me like that, you son of a-'
'Put your hands up!'


'They'll be back soon...Any minute...' Preston muttered, pacing around the stone room in an attempt to calm himself down 'That's it, I'm going after them!' Amelia stood up from the corner, only to be pushed back down by her Brother 'Nope! We wait for them to come back, then think of a plan'
'But Rob,' The Truncatis girl groaned 'It's my fault they're out there in the first place! I just want to help them' Her hazel eye was filled with concern, but nobody could see the other for her hair was in the way 'Please Rob, just let me try!'
'Well...' Robert could never say no when she said it like that, and he started to mess with the sleeves of his jacket 'F-Fine! Just don't get hurt...Take someone with you'
'Is it okay if I take Nathan and Preston?'
'Do you have to take Preston? I don't really trust him' Amelia raised an eyebrow at the Canadian, who had a strange expression on his face 'You still don't like him? He's saved our lives on more than one occasion, Robert. Just because he's from Ignis, doesn't mean he's bad'
'It's not that...Nevermind. Take him with you, but make sure you stay safe' The female nodded, embracing her sibling tightly before walking to the door 'Hey Preston, want to help me find Kenny and Noah?'
'I thought you would never ask!' The Texan sighed in relief, jogging over as Rob looked away 'Good luck...'


'This was a terrible idea!' Noah yelled, struggling against the strong restraints pinning his arms to his sides as the captors laughed 'If only we could kill you now...No, your Parents want you alive'
'W-What? Mum and Dad would never do something like this!'
'Oh, but we would. Hello, Noah' A voice as smooth as silk carried over the winds, and a thin figure emerged from the crowds of shadow 'Why don't you come and say hello to Mummy?'
Kenny watched, his usually bright teal eyes now turning a dull grey. He didn't know much about the Void Royals from experience, but the way Noah reacted? Not a good sign. His friend stood like a deer infront of a gun, hardly moving an inch as his Mother grew closer 'Mother, what're you do-doing here? I t-thought...'

'You thought I would die in that fire? I raised you to be smarter than this. Your Father and I obviously escaped - Ignis is far too ignorant to notice their captives disappearing' The black-haired woman snorted, turning to Kenny with a look of surprise 'And who's this?'
'He was with Prince Noah when we found them, Ma'am. I decided-' The Void Guard was cut off when he was slapped across the face, causing Noah to look away and Kenny to shrink back slightly 'Insolent fool! I told you to retrieve my Son only, and to kill any others!'
'Now now Clarrise, we wouldn't want our dear friends to get scared now, would we?' An echoing voice silenced the loud meeting hall, and all members of the Void Kingdom turned to see a figure cloaked in shadows enter through the tall, elegantly designed doors 'We need them alive'
'Yes, Lord Felix. I apologize for my outburst' Lord Felix? What the Hell?
'You'd better. I'd hate to lose another teammate like we did eighteen years ago'

'Hold on a second - Why did you need to tie us up? Couldn't you have just asked us to come with you?'
'You would have sensed our aura's, being a Prince and all' Kenny tilted his head, hearing a confused noise escape from Noah's direction 'What are you talking about? I'm not a Prince, Noah is'
'You don't seem to understand, Aqua Prince. You are of Royal blood'
'No, I'm not! I was born in Ignis, and up until recently I was one of their best Guards' The blond couldn't help but brag slightly about his skills. It was true - He was one of the best Scouts, but he only said it to sound brave.

"Fear is your worst enemy. Fight it, take control" Ali had said once, before he was diagnosed with split personalities "What if I can't?"
"Then your opponents will win. One day you might not be able to fight, and you'll have to talk your way out of it"

'Oh look, the Prince is quaking in his boots. It's a shame his Brother can't see him now' Noah let a small growl escape his lips, his eyes beginning to darken 'Don't patronize us. The others are probably looking for us, right now!'
'You got that right!' A large explosion blew the doors off their hinges, revealing Amelia and Preston with determined looks on their faces before faltering 'Uh...I take the ones on the left, you take the ones on the right?'
'Guards, seize them!' Queen Clarrise ordered, and a window to the left shattered as thick vines pushed their way into the room 'Not in my watch! Preston, get Kenny and Noah' The Texan nodded, quickly shooting a blast of fire at a rogue Warrior charging towards the girl before jumping over a table 'You two alright?'
'I've been better, but I'm okay. Kenny?' The water-bender seemed to be frozen, memories flashing past his eyes 'I-I...'
'Kenny, we've got to go!' The ceiling above them shook, with loose rubble falling here and there 'We don't have time for this, come on!' Preston tugged on his friend's arm, pulling him down just in time to avoid a shadow spear being thrown over their heads 'Well well well, what do we have here? Void and Ignis working together? This is quite a surprise indeed' Lord Felix smirked, a dark chuckle escaping his lips as he hovered a few feet away 'Who's the shadow guy?' Amelia asked, using one of her vines to hold a trio in the air 'You pitiful girl. I am your worst nightmare-'
'Let me stop you right there. My worst nightmare is not solidified into a living being, technically it's the opposite,' The girl tilted her head, climbing over the grand table and standing on tiptoe to see eye-to-eye with the floating man 'I'll ask again, who are you?'
'I thought my daughter would have recognised me by now' The apparition hissed, the strange fog around his body thickening as Amelia flinched 'F-Father?'

He seemed to draw power from fear, possibly gaining more and more abilities every minute from both Amelia and Kenny's emotions 'Kenny, snap out of it!' Preston muttered, tugging on his friend's sleeve as the blond stood rigid, hardly even breathing as more images flashed in his mind.
'Your friend can't hear you. I've put him in temporary stasis, he won't be able to move, hear or see anything until I say so. Now listen closely' The Texan gritted his teeth and narrowed his eyes, but nodded slowly 'If you hurt him in any way-'
'What? You'll try to kill me? You'll only fail, and then I can send your friend to his death. Is that what you want? You're from Ignis, so you probably-'
'I will rip out your intestines and feed them to Cerberus!' The Ignis Prince hissed, a fire starting in the palm of his hand before Noah shook his head 'Preston, calm down. We'll listen to what he has to say, and if it's stupid then you can brutally murder him'

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