∆ Chapter Seventeen ∆

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An Ancient Curse plagued the land.
Nothing was going exactly to plan.

'Are you absolutely sure that he wants to see me?' Preston asked for what seemed like the hundredth time, and Nathan sighed 'Yes. He told me as soon as you ran out the room, now come on. We're nearly there'
'I'm just not sure if-'
'Preston! There you are, Rob was starting to think you'd run off completely!' Amelia called, poking her head around a cornet and waving her arms impatiently 'We would've been sooner, but Preston was nervous'
'I wasn't nervous! I was just...Uh...' The Truncatis girl laughed softly, waking over to the duo 'You're gonna be fine, Rob's already said that he regrets treating you differently'
'I just don't want to screw up somehow' Preston sighed, rubbing his arm anxiously before a lightly tanned hand stopped him 'It's gonna be okay. Kenny and I are gonna be in there anyway, kind of as a backup'
'Y-You think I'm gonna need backup?' The Texan panicked slightly, and Amelia covered her face with her hands 'Not in that way! I'm just going to be there incase anything happens, and Kenny wanted to be there for reasons he's not telling anyone'

'Okay...There's no backing out of this is there?' Both of his friends shook their heads, and he groaned 'Fine, I'll go. Anything I should know before I possibly sentence myself to death?'
'He's not that bad, he just has a grudge on everything from Ignis because of his Dad. Anyway, I don't think there's anything I'm missing out on' Amelia grabbed the Ignis Prince's hand and pulled him through the door 'You don't have to pull that hard!' He yelped, and he heard Nathan snort behind them 'If you make a joke out of that I swear to Hades-'
'Watch your profanity!' Kenny spoke in a high-pitched voice, and Robert facepalmed as he sat on the bed 'You're obsessed with doing that voice aren't you?'
'Only for saying watch your profanity!' The blond Guard gave a lopsided smile, and waved at Preston 'Hey Preston! Feeling any better?' The Ignis Prince had fainted during a "Team Meeting" and nobody actually knew why 'Yeah, a little bit...'
'What happened?' Robert asked, tilting his head slightly as the Texan looked away 'N-Nothing important' Kenny raised his eyebrows, but didn't pursue it as the room fell into an awkward silence.

The silence didn't last long. Loud alarms began to blare throughout the Castle, and the two Truncatis Royals exchanged panicked glances 'Can't we just catch a break?! Seriously, my Lords...Right, the Kingdom's under attack, it could be any of the other Lands since they probably think we have their Royal children as hostages. Rob, get Preston and Kenny to the safe room, I'm going to get the others'

'You can't go by-' Amelia cut her Brother off which a ferocious glare, though fear was in her eyes 'Just trust me for once and go! I'l be ten minutes, just get them to safety!' The Prince seemed shocked by his Sister's outburst, but nodded and swung his legs over the side of the bed 'Which route should we take?'
'Go to that weird room we saw after you yelled at Felix, I'll meet you there' Robert walked over to his sibling and they hugger, whispering a quick "Good Luck" to each other before parting ways 'Do you think she'll be alright?'
'With her mental stability at the moment? She's going to end up killing someone. Let's go, the room's this way' Both Ignis inhabitants exchanged glances, but decided it wasn't time to pursue the subject and followed the Canadian through a maze of corridors 'I swear there weren't as many hallways before...'
'Duck!' A barrage of fire arrows were shot over their heads, followed by a war cry as the Ignis Army attacked 'Seriously?!'

'Put your hands - Prince Arsement?' Preston turned around and sighed, seeing multiple bows being aimed in his friends direction 'Archers, stand down. These are my friends - You can't hurt them'
'Your Father has given us the order to take every Truncatis member hostage, including the Royals' The head Archer stepped forwards, blowing the light brown hair out of his eyes 'Well...You can't'
'But your Father-'
'As long as he keeps acting like this, I wouldn't class him as my Father' The younger Prince didn't know how he gained the courage to speak his words, and neither did anyone else 'Preston...He's still your Dad' Robert started, and the Texan shook his head 'You don't know what he's done'
'Rob! I told you guys to get to the safe room, what - Alright then, you're surrounded by Archers' Amelia was back, followed by Noah and the others 'Truncatis Royals!' An Archer close to the front roared, and the others cheered before closing in 'Well crap'


A strong force jolted the dimension, causing an ancient power to awaken as if disturbed by the quake 'It's always the same. Every eighteen years, on the exact same date. Why do humans waste their lives? Their opponent never fight back, only Atlantis avoids the fight. Clever' Bright purple eyes lit up the night sky, followed by a laugh as the creature of the dark shot into the air 'I'm coming for you, and it's not going to be pretty'


'So...Truncatis aren't bad?' The head Archer repeated, and Preston sighed 'No, they're actually really nice'
'Then why is your Father telling us that they're evil? it's absurd!' Lachlan cleared his throat, drawing attention to himself as he stood up 'This is where I come in. Eighteen years ago, there was a battle between Ignis and Truncatis. Ignis launched an attack - It was Robert's Birthday' All eyes turned to the Canadian, who looked away 'It's true'
'Why didn't you tell us?' Kenny asked, tilting his head with a confused expression on his face 'Well...I didn't think it would be important'
'It's your Birthday, Rob! Birthdays are about staying with your family and friends, not hiding in a dungeon'
The group had moved to the "Safe Room" - Also known as the strange dungeon-type room Amelia and Robert found when this all started. A few Archers had followed their Prince in the hopes of finding out more, but most had left to go back and rampage the city 'I just thought that when this was all over...I don't know'
'When this stupid fight is over - No offence to you guys - I'm probably going to throw the worlds biggest party' Amelia said, sitting with her legs in the air and her back on the floor 'Why?'
'Because One; It's your Birthday today, two; Everyone needs something fun in their lives and three; I think a party would be a good way to just relax and have fun, without any monsters attacking - Yet again, no offence to you guys'

'None taken, I should probably introduce myself anyway. My name's Mitchell Hughes, best Archer in Ignis'

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