∆ Chapter Thirty-Twø ∆

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A group of three, now to be seen.
For the good of their Kingdoms, their weapons gleamed.

'Choco, what the Hell does he mean by abilities?' Suspended in the air by strong ropes of shadow, the timid Ignis Warrior's confidence seemed to drain as he looked away 'It's... It's nothing important'
'Well it obviously is, or you wouldn't be strung up in the rafters about it'
'Why don't you just tell him, Vincent? I'm sure he won't freak our or anything... Unlike someone else you knew' Eyes widening, the Asian looked away and bit his lip anxiously 'Th-That was a long time - How the heck did you know?'

The Trickster smirked, which looked oddly disturbing on the face of the - Presumed dead - Ignis Queen 'Oh, I know all about you, Vincent. I know who - Or what - You really are, and I know exactly why you don't want to tell anyone'
'Shut up, dangit! Why are you doing this?!'
'Blah blah, revenge on Truncatis blah blah. Speaking of which, shouldn't you be fighting against them as we speak? Or...' With a sadistic laugh, a dark shield enveloped the Queen. It faded away moments later, leaving a lanky, brown-eyed boy in her place 'Do we have a traitor in our midst?'
Of course the Nomad would take the form of Alistair. With his heartbeat increasing slightly, Choco averted his eyes to his Canadian counterpart. Mitch was sneaking up behind the Void castaway, scarcely drawing breath as to stay completely silent.
This plan would have been successful, if Rueben hadn't decided to drop his captive from the ceiling 'Mitch, now!' He screamed as he began to fall. Time seemed to stand still as the Archer lunged, steel sword gleaming... And hit his target. The blade cut neatly through his arm, causing the copycat to screech and fall to the ground - The same time as Choco hit water.

"Water? What-What's going... Kenny!" The small bubble shakily lowered itself to the ground before sinking into the ground, and Vincent ran straight over to his - Slightly older - friend 'K-Kenny?' He stammered, kneeling by the blond's side as he lazily opened his eyes 'Did...Did it w-work?'
'Why did you do that? Using your powers, and you're injured already - What were you thinking?!'
'I'm taking th-that as a y-yes' The Atlantean Prince's voice was raspy with exhaustion, and his once sky-blue eyes were now the colour of storm clouds. Blocking out any noise around him, Choco sighed and crossed his legs before running a hand through his friend's golden hair 'Kenny, your condition's bad enough, and you might have just made it worse. Why would you risk your life like that?'
'Be-Because I c-care about you, d-don't I? You-You're special to m-me, I would do an-anything for y-you'
'Even if it killed you? You're way more important than-'
'But y-you're special. I kn-know what Rueben was talk-talking about, I've see-seen it h-happen'
The Warrior's jaw dropped, and his body tensed. Kenny - His best friend of more than ten years finally knew his darkest secret, and he didn't know how long he'd known for 'Y-You mean-'
'They won't th-think of you a-an-any diff-differently if you t-tell them'
'They'll think I'm a freak of nature, Ken... How are you feeling?'

The older blond shrugged, before wincing at the wave of pain that he gained from that action 'I can't... Can't really feel my legs, at all'


'When do you think he'll wake up? He can't be out for too much longer, surely' Lachlan sighed quietly as he spoke, causing Harry and Ethan to look at each other and shrug 'Well... Technically speaking, he should be awake now'
'How much sleep has he been getting recently?' As with Harry, Ethan had solidified into an actual human being instead of being a ghost 'I wouldn't know, he insists on being alone. Why d'you ask?'

The once-dead duo looked at each other before letting out joints sighs, sitting cross-legged opposite the Australian with sombre expressions 'Vik... Well, he didn't really sleep back in the good ol' days. He would always be working on something, or hanging out with either us or his Parents,' The... Let's say larger of the two started, and Harry nodded 'Eventually, we found out about his nonexistent sleep schedule, but he insisted that he was okay. After a while, we gave up on telling him to sleep - Then, on the day of the Trio Kingdom's treaty signing, he told us about his... It probably didn't help that we died that night'
'Wow... I never knew these things, we were out of contact for years'
'I can tell' Ethan chuckled, glancing over to his Indian friend and frowning slightly when he heard the Brit groan 'He'll be awake within the next few moments, but knowing Vik-'
'He'll pretend to be asleep' Lachlan finished with a small smile, running a hand through his mocha-skinned friend's ebony locks. The Void Prince mewled softly, pushing against the blond's hand as he blushed 'Uh, guys?'

'This is absolutely adorable!'
'I wish I had a picture of this'
Glaring at the two, Lachlan turned his head back towards his shorter friend and pushed back a squeal. He couldn't deny it, Vik looked so small and delicate and - Yep, there's the squeal 'What? I couldn't help myself, he's so...'
'You really like him, don't you?' Hesitating slightly, the Australian bit his lip before he nodded 'Yes,' He smiled, eyes full of happiness and affection 'Turns out, I do'

Meanwhile, in the Dungeon.

'I don't get why Rueben has to do this. He used to be okay, but now...'
'Don't beat yourself up about it, Amelia. Power does strange things to people, he's abusing his abilities' Noah spoke wisely, and Nathan snorted as he looked around 'Who are you, and what have you done with the real Noah?'
'Oi!' The duo laughed at eachother, while Amelia simply rolled her eyes and held up her torch. The Dungeon wasn't exactly dark, but knowing that an intruder could sneak up on them at any second, or the Exterreri could attack - Wait.

'Guys?' Silence was all the Princess gained in response, and she looked around warily as 'Nathan? Noah? Where are-' A loud scream echoed through the halls, causing the girl to tense up and hold the torch in front of her 'Hello? W-Who's there?'
There was a gasp, followed by panicked footsteps as a figure stumbled into the light 'Amelia! We've got to get out of here, something's trying to kill us!'
The girl backed away, shaking her head and staring at the brunette with suspicion in her eyes 'How do I know that you're the real Noah, hm?'
'Amelia, we don't have time for-'
'Get away from her!' Another copy appeared from the shadows, causing the female's eyes to widen as she backed away slightly 'Uh... Which one's which?'
The two identical boys glared at each other, with both sets of eyes being black with a cyan pupil. Confusion took a hold of Amelia's brain, and she groaned before leaning with her back to a wall 'I honestly don't have time for this. Noah, we've got to find Nathan and get to the water source'

Glaring at their copies, the boys both sighed and stepped away from each other 'Look man, I don't actually want to do this. I was ordered to copy the Void Prince and infiltrate the Truncatis Kingdom, but to be honest I don't want to do any of this'
'What's your name?' Amelia asked, holding the torch high in the air as a dark mist surrounded the boy 'My name? It's Ian, Ian Stapleton'

Meanwhile, in the Catacombs.

'For God's sake, why can't we find the water source already?!'
'Rob, we've been down here for five minutes' Brice pointed out, but the Canadian only groaned louder 'Five minutes is a long time when you're stressed out'
'How do you think Preston feels? His best friend might already be dead' The Australian shot back, glancing at the younger brunette who was trudging a few feet behind. He didn't seem to hear, but Brice still felt a pang of guilt for the boy - The two had grown up like Brothers.
'He's your Brother as well, how are you so calm?'
'Because we need to get this done quickly, panicking won't get us anywhere' It felt strange to actually have his sibling back after so many years, but it was a good strange, like a fuzzy feeling in his heart 'Anyway, those two are far closer than Kenny and I'

'I can still hear you, y'know' Preston spoke quietly, looking up with his orange-brown eyes full of pain and sadness 'Brice... Kenny and I may be close, but you two are actually blood-related. I'm never going to be as close to his as you are'
'That first statement may be true,' The Australian mused, 'But everything else is pure bull. He sees you as family, you two are Brothers-In-Arms'
'If you say so... Wait, what the fudge is that?' Pointing forwards, Rob and Brice followed the Texan's gaze and let out loud groans 'We have to cross that?'
A long pit lay ahead of them, with sharp spikes and an odd, luminescent green substance at the bottom. Multiple pillars of different heights were scattered across the ground, some paving broken ladders while others had odd crystals sprouting from the top 'Rob, did you know about this?'
'Nope, this is news to me. Does anyone know how to - Preston, what are you doing?'

The Fire Prince had taken a few steps back, eyeing the pillars with a smug expression 'See you on the other side!'. Before his older companions could protest, he rushed forwards and jumped off the ledge, thankfully landing on a think pole of stone 'C'mon guys, hurry up!'
'Preston, do you know how risky that was?! You literally could have died!' Rob screamed, eyeing the luminescent liquid warily as the Texan narrowed his eyes 'Oh yeah, like you would care'
'I would! I'm sorry I've been such a jerk, but you could have seriously hurt yourself!'
'Yeah, sure... Let's just go, I think I can hear water ahead' Jumping across to another pillar, Preston could vaguely hear the two boys groan as he maneuvered his way through the pit.
"Well... He sounds like he cares, but-
No! Don't listen to him, he hates your guts, remember?
Yeah, but he hasn't actually been that bad recently. In fact, he's been quite nice.
He hates you, Preston. Just remember that"

He grimaced, shaking his head in midair as he jumped once more. His action caused his body to twist, equalling an awkward landing in which he almost slid off the edge 'Preston, are you alright?' The brunette heard Brice call, and he nodded whilst pushing himself up 'I'm okay, thanks. How about you guys?'
'I'm still back here, and Rob's about two jumps ahead of you'
'You what?!' Looking forwards, the Texan growled when he saw his opposite a few metres ahead. "He can't beat me," He thought, preparing to jump again, "I won't allow it!"
Preston jumped...
And Preston missed.

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