∆ Chapter Twenty-Føur ∆

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The trap was set, a victim as bait
The Prince and the Warrior had met by fate.

The purple spirit sighed as he watched the game unfold. Yes, he'd referred to it as a game - The way Preston's defenses were set up were good, but something told the ghost that the Prince didn't even know how he'd done it 'He's going to wear himself out soon...'
With another sigh, the "Sorcerer" as he called himself turned back to the room he had materialized in and made his way to the bed. A single figure lay still, the only indication of life being the slight rise and fall of his chest 'Honestly, you can't stay out of trouble for more than five years? It's a good thing T*l*r isn't here, or he'd absolutely kill you'
The boy he was talking to didn't respond, but his heartrate seemed to increase by a few beats per second 'You're really scared of him? Wow. He's a big softie really, just don't-'
'Telling the Prince about me, are we? Naughty boy' Letting out a startled yelp, Sorcerer turned to see a figure clad in black standing by the window. The only things that put him aside from an normal human would be his vibrant, purple eyes - And of course, his massive wings 'T-T*l*r? What - I thought you died!'
'Who said I didn't? It was back in that stupid Esrever war eighteen years ago, A*a* tried to stop the bleeding but... Meh. How's the afterlife been treating you?'
'You bled out? Unlucky, at least mine was fast. Anyway, I've been doing pretty good the last couple of decades, do you know how the team are?'
'Disbanded after the war' The two fell into a comfortable silence, with Sorcerer hovering over to T*l*r and hugging him 'I've missed you...'
'The feeling's mutual - What happened to the Prince?' With a soft laugh, the spirit pulled away from his abnormal friend and made his way back to the bedside 'Crushed under some falling debris. There was someone else in there too, but when I went back for them they had vanished'
'What did they look like? Maybe I've seen-'

A large bomb hit the castle walls below the tower, causing it to tremble dangerously before steadying itself. Nervously glancing out of the window, both of the undead duo groaned when they saw how many casualties were in each team.
'That's... What, seven hundred for Truncatis?'
'More towards seven fifty. Ignis keep losing their scouts somehow, so they're down by around eight hundred'
'Hm... Hey, d'you think the others are okay?'
'What do you mean by others?'
'I mean Prince Arsement's friends. They're seriously worried about him and Rob'

Hearing a small groan, Sorcerer turned and gave a quiet gasp - The Prince was awake. He quickly hid both himself and his violet-eyed friend from sight, calling upon his powers to do so 'Ugh... H-Hello?'
'He's awake, what do we do?'
'Sh! He could hear you... Let him adjust first, he's been unconscious for a while'
'Okay Rob, you've officially gone crazy. First you start to hear voices, and now you're in a room that you've never seen before' The Canadian looked around, his darkened eyes taking in his surroundings before he winced and put a hand to his head 'Gah, my head...'

'He's hurt, T*l*r, I couldn't heal him enough - What should I do?'
'Find his friends, tell them where he is'
'But if I leave, he'll be able to see you!'
'Eh, he'll probably forget all about this anyway. You should go, find someone who trusts you'
'But none of them know who I am!'
'They'll know when the see you. Perhaps you could find the girl, she is his Sister after all'
'...I-I could try, but what if she tries to attack? I was never good at offense' The purple spirit spoke weakly, leaning against his taller companion as if just talking was drawing energy from his soul. Nodding slightly, T*l*r raised a hand and put it to his friend's forehead before gasping 'Sorcerer, you're burning up! Why didn't you tell me you were I'll earlier? I could've helped you'
'Heh, you... You worry too much, I'll... I'll be f-fine' Even as he spoke, the ghost's glow was beginning to dim. Due to the fact that they were both invisible, seeing each other was no issue - Until now.

'You need to rest, buddy - Holding a semi-solid form for so long is taking a lot out of you. Either rest, or find a temporary host'
'But-But I need to...' His form flickered to one that like looked similar, but this time was covered in dirt and blood 'This is serious, you could completely dissipate from the World!'
'Okay, I'm definitely missing something here' Robert commentated, his "Sixth Sense" kicking in as he scanned the room once more. The two ghosts stiffened, trying not to make any noise as the brunette sighed 'I know you're there, stop being invisible and show yourself'

'He already knows we're here, just cut the invisibility before it takes too much energy' T*l*r warned, tugging on his friend's arm as his appearance shifted back to normal 'Hm? Oh, r-right'
Once he could actually see the duo, Robert visibly relaxed - He hated it when people were hiding from him, but he had a good reason for that 'Okay, let's start this off with a question - Who are you guys? Are where are we?'
'It's... It's difficult to explain, your Majesty'
'Please, just call me Rob. Anyway, it's not like I'm going anywhere' The undead teenagers looked at each other, amusement in one's eyes while concern and worry filled the others 'We should probably tell him'
'If you want, but don't take too much energy'


'Let me go, you have no idea what you're getting yourself in to!' Nathan yelled, pulling against his restraints as the Void Guards around him laughed. The infiltrator from earlier merely laughed, tossing her light brown hair and staring straight into Nathan's soul with her mismatched eyes 'And what are you going to do about it, Extabyte? As you can see, you're restrained and completely surrounded by our best - Ah, who am I kidding. We're using our weakest, because you'll never be able to escape anyway!'

Their attempts to get away from the troops had been pointless, as a large portion of the squad had divided and ran after them. This episode ended up with Mitch being knocked unconscious, and Jason was nowhere to be seen 'What-What did you to do Princess Latsky?'
'Oh, the brat? She's fine... Well not fine but eh, it's not of any importance' The girl smiled sadistically, malice behind her words as they were dragged through endless corridors 'Now, you're going to tell me everything you know about the Truncatis weaponry'
'Or what? What're you going to do, bite my ankles?' Now knowing that this Princess was an impostor, the Guard didn't feel guilty about making fun of her height. The Void trickster hissed lowly in reply, drawing their sword and pointing it threateningly at Sub's neck 'I have every power to kill you, weakling - Don't try me'
'I'm sorry, what was that? I couldn't hear you from all the way down there'

With Nathan being a good six foot two, and Amelia being five foot four - There was a lot of height difference. His comment seemed to anger the female, who growled and out her sword back in it's sheath 'You won't be laughing once we're finished with you, Nathan'
The rest of the journey was filled with an uncomfortable silence, the only noises being those of the chains around Nathan and Mitch's wrists. After a while, two dark oak doors came into view - The doors of the throne room. Emerald eyes widening, Nathan attempted to pull away from his captors... And succeeded.
The Truncatis Guard snapped away from the weak hold of the Void troops, glowering at them as he reached both hands for the sword at his belt - Just because his hands were chained together, it didn't mean he couldn't fight.

A bout of chaos broke out between the group, with the female impostor groaning loudly and raising a hand 'Everyone, retain your ranks! He's useless on his own, just like the rest of 'em'
'Now that's where you're wrong, my dear. Unlike most armies, Truncatis takes a different approach to training it's army,' His eyes darted between the armed soldiers, taking note of the looks on their faces before looking at Mitch. He looked unconscious, but Sub could tell by the flickering of his eyes that he was faking it 'Now, on the count of three you're going to attack, right?'
Unseen by the Void Guards, the Canadian nodded slightly before going back to his limp state. Confusion flew across the impostor's face for a millisecond, before he grimaced and shook his head 'Ugh, this form's absolutely horrendous... Watch the prisoners for me, and make sure they don't escape'

As soon as "Amelia" had slipped behind the Throne Room doors, Nathan began slowly counting 'One...' All of the Void Battalion looked at each other nervously, and raised their weapons shakily 'Two...'
Curling his hand around the sword by his side, Mitchell waited for his cue. The Canadian had to concentrate on keeping his breathing even, and it didn't help that he had a pounding headache - So much so, that he barely missed the call 'Three!'
Startled, Mitch pulled away from his captors and whirled around to face them. They only had ten Void Guards per prisoner, so it should have been easy - Keywords being should and have.
What could he say? He'd only recently woken up from his unconscious state, he was bound to be a little bit weak 'Mitch, to your left!'

With a soft yelp, the Ignis Archer sidestepped to avoid an arrow being embedded in his skull. Glaring at the darkened tip, the Canadian pulled it out of the wall and loaded it in his own bow - Unfortunately catching one of the side effects.
Seconds after shooting his bow, all of the energy began to seep out of his limbs ; The sign of a weakness arrow 'Duck!'
It was too late. The poison arrow pierced the caramel-eyed boy's skin, causing him to gasp as his knees buckled and he fell to the ground 'Mitch? Oh Lords - Mitch?!'
Slowly reaching for the shaft of the projectile, he weakly pulled it out and chucked it to the side. Pushing down the urge to empty to the contents of his stomach onto the floor, he attempted to stand up before an unfamiliar figure walked through the door.

Their golden eyes surveyed the scene before them, snorting when he saw that his comrades were all scattered along the ground 'Pfft, weaklings. Then again, I can't talk when your friend can't even stand'
'Sh-Shut up' The Canadian protested softly, watching as Nathan took a defensive stance in front of him 'Why are you doing this, exactly?'
'Isn't it obvious? The Princess isn't saying anything, and we've decided to use some... Leverage to get information out of her' The tone used in the sentence made both Ignis and Truncatis warriors shiver, but Nathan stood his ground 'She's strong, no matter what you do - She won't tell you anything'
'Oh, you'd be surprised' The brown-haired boy smirked, waving the two inside as he walked back through the Throne doors. Glaring after the boy, Sub turned to his - Unusually pale - friend, grabbing his hand and pulling the Archer up 'Are you Okay? The wound on your shoulder looks pretty bad'
'It'll take more than a few arrows to kill me... But they might slow me down a bit' After regaining his balance, the checkered brunette shook his head to try and clear the arrow effects 'Are you sure? You might want something to stop the bleeding'
'Eh, I've survived worse. Come on, I want to stab that idiot in the spinal cord'

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