∆ Chapter Twenty-Six ∆

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Their death was quick, unseen by all
The assassin smirked, his posture tall.

'Preston, no!' Lachlan screamed, catching his Texan companion before he could fall. Lockyati stormed over and took care of the Archer while his Master began to shake, frantically trying to keep his friend from falling asleep 'Just listen t-to me, ok-okay? You can't go, y-you just can't!'
'L...Lachlan,' Preston muttered, opening his dull amber eyes to meet the - now grey - orbs of the blond 'I - You're going... Going to b-be okay'
'I'm going to be okay?! You were just shot by a bloody Archer!' The Aussie snapped, tears threatening to fall as he shook his head 'You-You're not dying on me, got it? You're go-going to survive'

'Heh... You-You sound just like your Brother' Blood was seeping through his hoodie, and the Texan winced 'Pro-Promise me... Y-You'll look after the-the Pack, right?'
"The Pack... Preston, why do you do this to yourself" 'Of course, Preston... We're-We're going to look af-after them together' Shaking his head softly, Preston let out a small sigh 'You and I b-both know that won't happen'
'Y-Yes it will! You're going to survive this, and we're going to stop this War' Lockyati flew back over, shaking their head to get rid of any blood around it's mouth before landing beside it's Master 'If we're quick, we might be able to make it to the others'
'But what can they do?!'
'...Rob can help him. He has a healing ability'
'Rob... Rob isn't go-going to help me' Preston whispered, desperately trying to stay awake as the blond shook his head 'Well, he's got no choice. If he doesn't do it himself, then I'll make him do it'
'Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!'


Running through the corridors, Rob could feel his heart pounding. Upon hearing the almost inhuman screech, he'd jumped up and dashed straight out of the room. The two spirits were calling after him, but the Canadian ignored it and, in his haste, almost fell down a flight of stairs 'Be careful, Robert!'
'One of my friends could be dead, and you're telling me to be careful?!' Pushing himself to go faster, he passed the Throne Room and sped down the hall until he reached the Greenroom.

He shoved the door open, breathing heavily as his eyes darted around the room. Vik was the first to notice his arrival, as he stood and immediately ran over to his friend 'Rob! Oh my - Where were you?'
'It's a long story. Who screamed?' The Brit's eyes were wide, and full of concern and worry as he looked at the Prince 'That-That wasn't you?'
'No, it - Where's Amelia?!' The Canadian yelped, looking around frantically for his Sister as the Void boy shrugged 'She went to look for you, with Nathan... It didn't sound like her though, it sounded more like a guy'
'Then where's Lachlan? Maybe it was him, or Nathan?'

The chocolate-eyed boy sighed, running a hand through his ebony hair as he spoke 'Lachlan took Lockyati and went outside as soon as he heard it, and I'm pretty sure if it was Nathan then we would've heard your Sister as well'
'Who else... Oh Lords. Where's Preston?'
'That's where it gets complicated. He fell out of the window, apparently died before being resurrected, and told Choco to hide up here while he started a fight with - Ali was down there!'
'We've got to go down and find them, do you know-'
The heavy sound of wings beating air could be heard as Lockyati neared the castle, and Landon sighed in relief. The eight-year-old ran towards the window, not thinking about his safety - Before he froze 'Landon? What's-'

'Preston's dead' He muttered, eyes wide as he watched the dragon attempt to land on a nearby roof 'What do you mean he's dead?' Noah disappeared into the shadows, re-appearing next to the winged lizard. Nobody could hear the words exchanged, but judging by the look on Noah's face - Landon's fears had been confirmed.
'...He's not dead. Vik, can you get me over there? I can help him' Rob didn't know where his words were coming from, and neither did the Brit 'Rob, what can you do even if he is alive?'
'I don't know! Just... Get me over there, please?' With a loud sigh, Vik grabbed his friend's arm and called on his abilities.

As soon as they landed, the Truncatis Prince ran straight for the trio 'What happened?!' He yelped, and Lachlan raised his head to reveal bloodshot eyes - He had been crying 'He-He... There was an Arch-Archer, she tr-tired to shoot me b-but Preston shoved me out-out of the way, and if-if he dies it'll be all my fault!'
Determination flooded the Canadian's veins, who curled his hands into fists before looking at the blood staining Lachlan's hoodie 'What happened to you?' He asked softly, not wanting to trigger anything. The blond simply shook his head, muttering a small "It's not mine"
'Lockyati says you have a "Healing ability" or something, they wouldn't say anymore about it' Noah explained, looking from the Prince to his Texan friend before his eyes widened 'I-I'm sorry, I can't-'
'It's okay, you go back and look after Landon. Now, Lockyati - What do I need to do to trigger my "Healing" ability?'
'It's quite simple, really. All you have to do is touch the person who needs healing, and think about all the happy times you've shared'
'It sounds really strange, but it works'

'Got it. Is there anything I should know?'
'Eh, probably not' Rolling his eyes at the three-headed dragon, Rob turned to the Ignis Prince and surveyed the situation "Arrow in the... Wait. He's not breathing. Oh Lords. Why isn't he breathing?! Okay Rob, just... Just focus"
He took a deep breath, kneeling by the Texan's side and taking a burnt hand in his own. The Canadian shut his eyes, remembering all of the times that Preston had actually saved his life. Without knowing, a dim green light began to emit from his hands "C'mon, Preston - You're not dying on us today!"
More and more images flashed in his mind, most of them full of laughs and jokes. A few were sad, but Robert concentrated in the happy memories - They were the most powerful.
Within a few moments, the Truncatis Prince felt movement. The boy's hand twitched once more, before his amber eyes shot open and he gasped 'Look out!'

'Preston, Preston, you're okay!' Rob cheered, with the green glow diminishing as Preston shook his head 'Ugh... What-What happened?'
'That's a question you should probably be asking Lachlan. Are you alright?' The Texan rubbed his eyes, wincing slightly when he moved his wrist before letting out a groan 'I'm dead, aren't I?'
'Well... You almost died. That was a seriously risky move you pulled back there'
'Okay, I'm definitely dead. If I were alive, you would be yelling at me for screwing something up - Again' The Canadian looked away, sadness and guilt preventing any words from being built. By this time, Lachlan had noticed the two were talking and practically tackled Preston 'Y-You're alive! Either that, or I'm dreaming'

'If anyone's dreaming, I am' The Ignis Prince laughed slightly, hugging his Cousin who tilted his head 'Why-Why would you be dreaming?'
The brunette stiffened, before letting out a small sigh 'Rob's being nice, so I'm pretty sure this isn't real. If it was, he'd be telling me I'd messed up and put everyone in danger by now' Lachlan pulled away from his shorter - Yet older - Relative, confusion and - Was that hurt? - In his azure orbs as he shook his head 'Rob seemed really scared when he saw you, Preston. He cares about you, he just... He doesn't want to get hurt'
'How could I hurt him? I know I'm from Ignis, but that doesn't make me a... Ali. I-I killed Ali' The Texan's voice was barely louder than a whisper, and he looked up to meet the concerned blue eyes of his Australian friend 'W-When I fell though the wall a second time, he... Ali fell into the lava, an-and-'
'He deserved it. Ali was a bad person, Preston, it's probably better now that he's gone' Nodding slowly, Preston looked around to see the lava maze starting to collapse in on itself 'I still can't believe that I made that'

Robert watched the two from the Dining Hall, a sad happiness in his eyes. "It's okay if he doesn't forgive me," He thought, turning away and leaning against a wall "I don't need to feel guilty or anything... Right?"
'Hey, Rob - You alright? You're kind of zoned-out a bit, mate' Vik asked, waving a hand in front of the taller boy's face as he flinched 'Hm? Oh, right, sorry Vik. I've just got some-'
'Just give him time. He's gotten so used to you acting the way you did, it's going to take a while for him to realize that you actually are sorry' The Canadian furrowed his brow, and looked at his shorter friend who had a wise expression on his face 'H-How did you know?'
'It's simple, really. You were really concerned for him earlier, and you keep looking over there' The Brit smirked, knowing that he'd got it spot-on as his friend looked away 'I just... I just want to say that I'm sorry to him, okay? I've been acting like a jerk to him, and I didn't know anything about what he was going through!'

'He'll understand, Rob. Like I said, give him time - But you can't beat yourself up about it. It's what Lachlan and I did, and we didn't talk to each other for years' The brunette flinched, looking back over to the duo before groaning and sliding down the wall 'I've been such an idiot, Vik'
Vik shook his head and sat opposite the boy, putting a hand on his shoulder as he looked down 'Well... You grew up being taught that Ignis were bad, right? You were never able to really experience it yourself, all you did was live by the stereotype'
'I should've seen... Why did I listen? He wasn't even my real Dad in the first place, and if I hadn't been born then he would probably still be alive!'

'Rob... Please, don't do this to yourself. You feel guilty, and you can't expect me to understand - But believe me, I may be the only one who can. You're still mourning, but you can't blame yourself for everything'
"I can, and I will" Rob simply shook his head in response, pulling his knees up to his chest and burying his head in his knees 'Maybe if you talked to-'
A bloodcurdling scream rang throughout the castle, full of pain and anguish. Kenny's head snapped up, being the first to recognize the noise as his eyes widened 'That was Nathan!' He yelped, and Vik swore quietly 'He went out there with Amelia, one of them's definitely hurt'

Upon hearing his Sister's name, Robert's "Brotherly Instincts" kicked in - And by that, we mean he was the first to run out completely unprepared 'Dangit Rob, wait up!'
'My Sister could be dying, does this look like the face of someone who cares?! I'm not losing her - Not today, not ever'

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