Before the Beginning

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The sunlight shined through Ziku's blue curtains, enchanting the room with a calming color. The usual alarm sounded on his phone, but today Ziku was awake before it. He sat up and stretched, listening to the usual blaring tune. After a few seconds of yawning, he rose and walked away from the bed. Ziku glanced at the clock, 6:45. He slowly crept to his washroom, turning the handle of the door. The same routine for the past eight years, after he was adopted.

He let the water run, filling up the sink. He watched the rising liquid, reflecting his black hair mess, and brown eyes dull, like always. The eyes that went through many sleepless nights. Ziku dipped his hands in the freezing water, waking up the rest of his body. Grabbing his toothbrush and paste, he proceeded to brush. Silently, (that's how he was taught) never make any unnecessary sounds. He rinsed his toothbrush under the stream of water, placing it away and left the room.

Ziku walked the long hallway, connecting the rooms to each other, stained windows adorned the walls. The sunlight creating dark shadows in the corners, but dazzling patterns on the crimson rug that Ziku paced on. He reached the stairs, noticing the usual stoic father walking down the spiral steps. His mother already at the bottom, with a smile and laughing with the menials.

Ziku's eyes hardened, Such lowlifes shouldn't be allowed to act casual in front of mother, he thought. Ziku followed his father down the stairs, eyes glaring at the servants. A maid that was currently talking with his mother saw that Ziku was coming. She quickly scampered away, off to clean something, anything. Ziku's mother quite confused on why the woman went away until she saw Ziku. She sighed, clearly distraught on where she went wrong as his mother. Maybe it was because of her husband, or that incident a few years back.

The quiet family walked to the dining room. The usual scent of food hit Ziku's nose. Italian, Japanese, American, and other styles of breakfast was laid out on the table. Ziku knew every single one by smell, along with everything else in the world. He had a peculiar sense of smell.  His father and Mother sat on opposite sides of the table.

Ziku sat in the center of the dining table, his parents in silence, waiting to see what would happen next.  He looked around the room, just as he did almost every day, he preferred to listen rather than talk. 

His mother broke the peace and sighed. "Anything new this week, dear?" she asked, as she began to cut a breakfast sausage with her knife.

"At school?" Ziku questioned, shocked that he was asked.

"What else, dear?" his mother continued, chewing her food quietly.
"Uh, um... I might join a club." He fibbed, with relief drifting off his back. He stared at his father, signaling him to join the conversation.

"That's good, interested in anything?" his mother further inquired.

"Nothing so far, mother. I was only thinking about it for a week," he continued, gazing at his father in disappointment. Come on! He thought to himself, hoping he could get away with the white lie.

"Can I recommend something?" Ziku's father choked, chugging down water after his sentence.

"Um, yea, go ahead..." Ziku mumbled.

"I did chess when I was your age, it was a game for the wise." He continued, reaching for another sip, "The talented children win, while the average juveniles lose, It's simple."

He sighed once again, opinions, he thought, why does this family provide so many? I need facts, not lies. He dazed outside of a window, laughter from toddlers and kids in the distant neighborhood begged him to come play.

Ziku's mother cleared her throat, catching Ziku's attention, "Before I met your dad, I was in a literary club. I made many friends there, some whom I still talk to today."

"Can I leave early for the academy today?" He asked briefly, urging for an excuse to leave earlier than normal. "I could probably sign up for a sport or club or something before everyone else gets there.

His mother looked at her husband, who shrugged in agreement, then glancing back at her son. "I don't see why not, dear. She said in reply, "But please, do be careful, the streets are dangerous, and I don't want to see you get hurt."

He nodded in assurance and excused himself from the board, his parents gazing at him as he left the room.
"Where did we go wrong?" she asked after Ziku had left the room. Footsteps echoed through the house as he crept up the stairs. She turned to face her husband once again, with gloom in her eyes.

"I don't know what you mean, Elaine," Ziku's dad answered, going back to his newspaper, ignoring her somber face.

"You know exactly what I mean, Victor! You made him this way, spewing nonsense about talent and shame!" Elaine shouted, her voice growing louder with each word, "WE made him this way! Don't you understand, Vic? He thinks everyone is nothing to him, acting like a king to all! I didn't want a child this way!" Tears drew down her face, filled with guilt and anger. She couldn't hold still, standing up, she pushed her seat back where it was placed and departed from the man.

"Excuse me? Woman, I did nothing wrong! I didn't even- it wasn't my idea to adopt him in the first place! Maybe if you never brought this up, we wouldn't be in this situation. Actually, if we never even got-"

The door slammed, the sound boomed through the house, shaking the platters and silverware laid across the table. The sound became distorted and centered from the lobby. Victor stood up, walking toward the north entrance of the dining room. Seeing only what seemed to be the access Ziku had run through.

Ziku couldn't face his mother's words, nor his father's. They hated me and I finally knew it, I was a mistake. No wonder why I was placed in a foster home. He questioned whether he should go to West Bridge. He figuring that they might calm down after he returned. Later finding himself walking toward the academy at a brisk pace.

Ziku took in the surrounding around him. It was nearing the end of spring, but you could still see flower petals still blooming. It was a chilly day and he could smell the coldness around it. It was a sharp smell, aching his nose whenever he took a deep breath. Ziku looked on, noticing that the school was coming up

Ziku walked through the school's gate, feeling all the eyes on him. He shrugged them off, already used to them. He walked through the dispersing crowd of students, walking for the door. He finally managed to get inside the school, the scent of textbooks and sweat made an unpleasant smell. Ziku walked to his locker, not noticing the girl being chased by boys running towards him.

In a flash, the girl ran into Ziku, falling to the ground while Ziku stood still. Everyone froze, you could hear a pin drop if you wanted. The boys that were chasing her backed away. The crowd of students started murmuring, She's screwed, somebody bumped into Ziku? Pray to god, girl!

Ziku stared at the girl, whose stuff was all over the place. The girl scampered to get her notes and such, not noticing who she bumped into. When she finally got her stuff gathered, she stood up and faced him, staring at the boy.

"Sorry about that," the girl started.

"I-uh, It's fine, don't worry about it!" he whispered instantaneously, stunning the crowd. Ziku had actually talked, nonetheless that he apologized to someone. He escaped the void that kept him from reality, he broke, as silence flowed through him once again.

The girl heard the gasps and whispers among her classmates and looked closer at her new "friend". She froze, sweat started pouring down her face, her mouth started moving on her own, about to apologize as a stuttering mess.

"Well, um, wh-what's your n-name?" she stuttered, avoiding eye contact with Ziku. Clenching her school supplies tightly to her chest.

Ziku, a little depressed that she was so scared, responded, "Name's Ziku, a pleasure to meet you. Yours?"

"Haha...It rhymes, um, sorry!" she gestured, hoisting her books higher, indicating she was nervous, lifting her head, "My name is Isabel, n-nice to meet y-you." She looked toward the ground, "I'm sorry, I - I have to go,  or-or I might be late to Science. Maybe we can meet again! But then, well, I - uh bye!" She stated before running down the hall, with other students doing the same.

He stood still, watching the school girl run away from him. Did I scare her? He thought confusion and a dash of wonder infecting his mind. He realized why he came earlier than usual. He wondered if that was shy it was the first time he saw Isabel.

He walked down the hall toward his locker, placing his things inside. Slamming the door shut, he headed for the gymnasium for club sign-ups. Clubs filled his thoughts,  trying to decide which one he should join. If they were available.

Ziku pushed open the doors of the gym, as a few clubs remained inside.  He gazed in amazement that some of the clubs stood this far into the year. He walked further inside, only to find six clubs within the gym.

So many to choose from! I guess... he stared, as the members of the groups pleaded him to join. Some of them disgusted him,  so he crossed them off his list. Only two remained on his list for candidates.
The first one was a literature club, filled with book nerds and smelt like moldy books. Ziku didn't like this club, seeming to be too average for him. He looked at his second candidate, the "adventure" club. Filled with hiking, camping, and more. This seemed to only have a few members and seemed special.

At least it would be more exciting than reading books all day. Ziku didn't care, maybe they'll leave him alone and he would get some good naps. As long as it was quiet, Ziku didn't mind.

He walked to the Adventure club, as three members and a teacher awaited him.

"Hi! Welcome to the Adventure club!" The teacher announced with pride. "In this club,  we do a lot of outdoor activities like hiking, biking, canoeing, and more. In few weeks we'll have a camping trip to Shenandoah National Park, Virginia. We have a lot of cool members in this club that I recommend befriending. Like here, we have Winslow, Cleo, and Jamison."

"I hate that name," said a voice, filling the air. Ziku couldn't match the voice with one of the member's faces, leaving him bewildered.

"So, would you like to join?" she said after Ziku's silence.

"Maybe, I'll think about it," Ziku answered. I probably will, I'll decide later.

"Well, when you do, you know where to find us!" with cheer glowing on her face, she smiled.

Ziku walked out of the gymnasium, before noticing that Isabel walking down the hall with speed.

"Oh hey, Zik!" Isabel shouted, waving her hand while a stack of books. "Did you sign up for something? I heard that literature club was fun."

Ziku was stunned at the nickname, never having one contributed.

"Only you can call me that, don't use it too much," Ziku hissed, "and no, I haven't signed up for anything. I was thinking of joining the Ad - I mean  Literature club."

"Oh, well, that's neat, I think you'll fit right in!" Isabel said with energy, although she sounded a little disappointed.

No. Maybe she just wants to be unique or something. She probably has other friends in different clubs. "Uh,  thanks. I have to head to class, now."

"Well, we ran into each other twice, so I think we'll meet again soon." She dashed down the hall,  turning a corner, leaving his sight.

He sighed as stress was released from his body. He turned away from the direction Isabel had run and continued the path to his class.

Screams and shrieks came from behind him, turning around to see who they belonged to, Ziku froze.

"Come on! We're going to be late for class again if we don't hurry!" A boy shouted, running past Ziku. "Or it's detention for the both of us!

"Oh please, Winslow, I've been their plenty of times and it doesn't feel any different from hell."

"How do you know what that feels like, Dumb ass!"

"I go to this place we call "School". You can learn about things that don't apply to reality like math or science, and act like Winslow clones."

One the boys stopped after passing Ziku, turning around to face him. "Hey,  you're that kid who wanted to sign up for the Adventure club, are you going to join? It's actually kinda fun if ya wanna skip some class time." He muttered, holding three books in his arm. "It's not too hard unless you're in Winslow's shape."

"Hey!" The other boy shouted,  throwing a double-sided pencil at the kid's head.

"Ow." Turning around, the kid gave him a look, then facing back to Ziku. "Besides the club, what's your name? Kinda wondered that a little before..."

"Name's Ziku," Ziku calmly stated, wondering why he was talking to a random kid.

"Hehe, he's Asian." The other boy further down the hall stated.

He turned back again, mouthing something, and came back to Ziku. The boy behind him became frightened. "Heh, nice. That kid back there's Winslow. If I didn't make it very clear." His voice became parched, dry as if he didn't, couldn't, swallow.

"Shut up, I can speak English, too. I don't need Google translating that for me," said Winslow as frustration filled his voice.

"Pleasure to meet you guys. I'll be late to class, so I'll be on my way." Ziku said, trying to get away from the very social kids.

"Kay, see ya around at Adventure club." The boy said,  before running down the hall with his friend.

It was lunch and Ziku wasn't hungry. Struck with the thought of Isabell's club interests, he was worried that, maybe, he wouldn't see her soon. Or at all. Why am I trying to see her? She probably thinks I'm weird or something. Maybe she thinks that I'm annoying.

    Ziku stared at his lunch. He usually didn't eat the school's lunch unless there was something sweet on the menu. He looked up from his meal with boredom. Ziku looked around, trying to find something or someone.
Only to see the boys from before, sitting across the room with Isabel. Isabel. Ziku was annoyed, he didn't know why. He continued staring as Winslow and the other kid playing around with the girl.
From nowhere, Isabel covered her eye, as if something flew into it. A boy placed his hand on her shoulder, Ziku stood up with a menacing aura, making the tables around him look up from their conversations. He couldn't hold it any longer, and walked across the room, toward Isabel's table.

Helping her stand up, the boy guided Isabel to the restroom, into the hall and vanished from his sight, just like she had done earlier in the day. Ziku felt defeated, knowing there was no turning back, and continued his walk to the table, sitting aside  next to Winslow.

"Oh, uh, hey Ziku. You seem pretty agitated," Winslow muttered, staring at him with a concerned look on his face. "I've never seen you around here. Huh, actually, I guess I've never seen you up to today. Kinda weird, don't you think?"

"I'm not agitated," Ziku said with a fierce voice, glaring away from Winslow, looking over the cafeteria.

"Sorry. It just seems like you're bothered by something. I didn't mean to offend you," Winslow's voice settled after Ziku's confrontation. They looked back, to see the boy return without Isabel.

Ziku quickly stood up from the chair, "Where is she?" he growled.

The boy froze, standing still in his tracks, with confusion in his voice. "What? Who are you talking about?"

"Who do you think I'm talking about?! Isabel!" Ziku shouted, making Winslow turn from his lunch.

"Oh...," The boy responded,"Isabel..., oh, are you guys dating or something? Literally, all I did was just-" 

    "We are not dating! " Ziku said, a little flustered.

"Kay. Why are you wondering about her, then?" the boy stated, tilting his head at Ziku.

"It's - it's complicated," Ziku muttered.

    "Are ya friends, friends with benefits, frenemies, love birds, or something else?" He responded diligently, his voice began to become slightly husky. "And don't tell me you're not, it has to be something..."

"We just met this morning, we're just friends.." Ziku said quietly.

     "Just friends?" He smirked, crossing his arms. "Sounds like something more..."

Winslow stepped in, just in time, as Ziku was getting frustrated and he could see his hands becoming fists. "Jamie, stop before things get out of hand."

"Sometimes, things are just how they meant to be..." he muttered, turning around to see the doors push open. Isabel emerged from the doorway. Only seeing her friends in an awkward position for a conversation.

"Uhh, what's going on guys," Isabel asked, sensing the tense atmosphere and seeing her friends with dirty looks on their faces.

"Your new friend came around to see us, he's thinking about joining the Club," Jamie explained as if nothing ever happened. "Might even go hiking with us tonight."

    "What?" Ziku asked in surprise.

"It's a nightly thing Jamie and I do. It's very um... eventful," Isabel said, turning red after each word.

Ziku stared at Isabel, not knowing to be hurt or surprised. He looked between them, noticing how close they seemed. Ziku sighed, The gods must hate me.

"It's fine, you two can go ahead. Don't want to break your tradition." Ziku said in a slightly disappointed voice.

"It's fine, the more the merrier without Winslow." Jamie chuckled, as Winslow threw a fork at him. "Ow. Not my fault you fell in the lake."

Ziku walked away from the group, ignoring the stare Isabel gave him the whole way as he fled from the group of students.

Ziku went somewhere secluded and pulled out his phone. Without having to scroll through his barren contacts, he called his parents, asking them to pick him up.

    Within minutes, a broadcast was made around the school, asking for Ziku Saki to report to the office with his things. Ziku was already ready, waiting outside the office with his things. He walked into the office, seeing his mother with worry in her eyes. She had never had to pick Ziku up from school, with a request.
Elaine went over the list of things that could have gone wrong, although none of them matched the situation. She walked out the school with Ziku, the silence placing a burden on her shoulders. The worried mother looked at her adopted son as they climbed into their car.

Before she could ask anything, ZIku spoke. "I joined the Adventure Club, we have a trip in a few weeks, but I want to stay home until then."

All Elaine could do was a nod. Ziku had never asked anything of her, or Victor, before. This was new, she was worried. What could have caused Ziku to want to stay home? she asked herself. Brushing all thoughts away, Elaine swore to help her son through whatever happened.

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