Journal Entry 8, July 26

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Dear Layla,

I've been thinking a lot recently. Why only send letters to Lauren, when I could also send a letter to someone else who's changed my life in a very dramatic way.

So I chose you, Layla. You have no idea of all the pain you've caused me, and probably lots of others.

I remember when you moved here all the way from Washington in first grade. Don't you remember how I was your first, your only, your best friend?

Don't you remember when you invited me to your birthday party and we had a blast?

Don't you remember how you abandoned me?

It all started when we were in third grade, and you decided you wanted to be popular. I remember just wanting to be with you as you ascended the ladder to elementary school fame?

I don't know when it happened or if it was gradual, but one day a remember you completely ignoring me, and the only times you didn't were to criticize me.

I'll admit, I'm not the prettiest person out there, I have a gut, there's scars and little brown spots all over my legs, my hair's almost always tangled, and I don't have the best fashion sense, but I don't think that's a good enough reason to pretend I don't exist.

I know that I act like I'm right most of the time (but I am, Tochi and Lauren. The hands of a clock are longer minute, shorter hour.) and I'm socially awkward, but was that really enough reason to throw me away?

People say that there's a reason for everything. What was the reason for this?

Was it because I wasn't good enough for you?

One time, I was talking to my friend, and the topic about you was brought up. She told me about how her and her other friends looked at the scene with pity.

It wasn't enough that you completely destroyed my self worth, but you also had to make people pity me?!

No wonder I used to be your only friend.

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