Chapter 1 get out of my head

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"Get up Mia, you have work to do. You promised you'd fix the cliffhanger today, I'm dying to find out what is going to happen to me.'" A familiar voice snapped.

"Cliffhanger, familiar voice, dying, now who would that be?" I said as I tossed in my warm bed.

"You may as well just get up, there is no way that I am going to let you go back to sleep, you have way too much work to do." The annoyed voice said.

"Oh go save the world Ivy." I snapped.

"I kind of can't, seeing as where you left off last time." Ivy retorted.

"I'm not writing about you today. I have way too much homework." I said.

"Well I have to go and save the world!"

"You can save the world later, I want to sleep."

"Don't you want me to go and save the future or not?"

"Just go away, give me five more minutes."

'You know she's not going to stop bugging you." A different voice said.

"Not you too. Both of you go away." I said.

"Get up now!" Ivy yelled.

"Ugh, why are you so annoying?"  I complained.

"Hey, you're the one who created her." The other voice said.

"Wonder, remind me again why did I created her to be so annoying?" I said.

"Well, I don't believe that she's annoying, more like determined to save the world and make a difference, just like you created her." Wonder said.

"Just get to work already." Ivy hissed.

"Fine, fine, I'll get up and get to work. Just give me a sec to wake up." I said.

I took out my well worn, partially torn notebook and green mechanical pencil, propped up my pillows and got to work on writing my own little world.

I paused for a minute and I stared at my notebook, rereading it and reminding myself of where I was.  I then picked up my pencil and got to work creating worlds with a simple 0.7 pencil and an old notebook covered in duct tape.

I wrote for a couple of minutes, uninterrupted. Then, Ivy staring over my shoulder started to get annoyed.

"What about me? Where am I? Why do you keep writing about 17, aren't I the main character?" Ivy pestered.

"I already explained the general plot to you Ivy, Do I really have to explain it to you again? Have a little faith in me." I said.

"Wait, what was the plot again?" Ivy questioned.

"Wondy, can you take care of this one please?" I asked.

"Sure, c'mon Ivy let me refresh your memory." Wonder said.

A couple of minutes later, I had successfully made Ivy happy once again and fixed the cliffhanger.

"Ugh, why I am crying? I know how the book is going to go and yet I'm still crying." I said.

"You're just an emotional human." Wonder said.

"Hey, you're mostly human Wonder, I wouldn't talk if I were you." I said.

"You know, I'm the most like you." Wonder said.

"I know, I know, you're part of me." I said.

"I know you better than anyone else." Wonder said.

"Sometimes I wish that you weren't nearly as smart as you are." I said.

"You are the one that made me the smartest person in the world."

"Some days I kind of regret it."

"No you don't."

"Do you mind going and doing something else, you're really starting to annoy me and I can't write with you in the room."

"The only reason why you are trying to get me out of your room is because I'm right."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, you're always right, now can I please have some space?"

"You mean may I?"

"Please stop channeling my English teacher, it's the weekend."

"You can still learn over the weekends."

"It's too early in the morning to learn."

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