Chapter 5: Just typing away

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Hours went by and I put my laptop away and I lie in my bed staring at my ceiling.

My door opened and a figure entered.

'Wonder, it that you?"  I said.

"It is, what do you want?"  Wonder replied.

"Why are you in my room again, it's almost midnight."  I said.

"Tech blew up the house again."  Wonder said.

"What was he trying to do this time?"  I asked.

"He was attempting to create a portal into another dimension.  He didn't have me check the science and well, let's just say that he won't be making that mistake anytime again soon."  Wonder said.

"Don't you have to be at work tonight for a shift?"  I asked.

"Nope, that was last night.  Fortis has his shift tonight, but I have a shift tomorrow."  Wonder said.

"Alright then, goodnight Wonder."  I said.

"Goodnight Mia."  Wonder replied.

I woke up and found that Wonder was gone which didn't surprise me.  Wonder didn't normally hang around any areas for too long.

On my bed however I saw a small dark green dragon.  It was Jade.

I didn't dare bug her, dragons aren't happy to be woken up all of the sudden.  Last time Ariella did that, Jade almost lite her on fire. 

So I knew that even though I was the author and I had created her, I didn't stand even a slight chance.

I carefully got out of my bed trying my very best not to touch the area near Jade. 

I then got back to work again typing at my desk creating new stories.

A new character entered my room, one I had not yet meet officially.  Her name is Kani and she glanced around the room.  Her long and thick black hair bounced with a slight wave and her tanned skin gave off the look of someone who spends a lot of time in the sun.  Her sea blue eyes meet mine and I smiled.

"Hey Kani, nice to meet you, I'm Mia."  I said as I stood up and shook her hand.

"Hey, so you're the author.  Cool.  Do you mind if I sit down?"  Kani said.

"Sure thing, just watch the dragon, she would not appreciate waking up from her nap."  I warned.

"Ok, good to know."  Kani said.

As she sat down, she phased completely through the bed. 

"So sorry about that."  Kani said, slightly scared.

"Don't worry about it, just a couple days ago Ash lite my curtains on fire.  Before that, Dr. Tech left a bomb in my room accidently.  Lucky for him Wonder was hanging out with me, so she took care of that."  I said.

"Thank you, I feel better now."  Kani said.

"Anytime, if you ever need help with anything or advice, my door is always open.  Unless I am asleep, then my door is closed.  Although some people, don't respect that sadly."  I said.

Kani glanced around my room and noticed a puka shell necklace.

"This is so cool, I really wish I had something like this."  Kani said.

I looked at Kani as if sizing her up.

"Hm, yes I think something like that would be very fitting.  What is your favorite marine animal?"  I said.

"Orca, but what does that have to do with anything?"  Kani said.

I typed away at my laptop quickly and all of the sudden Kani had a blue and white puka shell necklace with an orca in the middle.

"That is so cool!"  Kani said.

So, what characters do you want to hear more from? Also, how are you liking this story so far?~Mia

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