2- Monster meets monster

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      "Ah hell." I mutter to myself as I continue to struggle to get my bike on the back of my truck. The ramp keeps sliding from left to right, causing my bike to wobble. "Need a hand?" An unfamiliar voice mumbles. I look up to find Bruce Banner standing at the boot of my car. A few of the other racers laugh at my struggle, causing me to roll my eyes. "That would be great." Bruce nods and grabs the ramp, holding it still.

      I finally pull my bike onto my trunk bed and strap it down. I hop down and close the back. "Thanks." I say turning to the scientist. He smiles at me and nervously rubs at his hands. "You were pretty impressive out there." I incline my head. "I know." He glances behind him and I do too. Several people are looking at him, deep frowns on their faces. Some even pull out their phones.

      I know what this is about. Banner may be well known for his science, but also for his alter ego The Hulk. A 'monster' being hunted down by General Ross. Fortunately for Banner, S.H.I.E.L.D and Stark have his back, but neither are present. The perfect time for Ross to strike.

      "Get in the car." I tell him. He looks at me, eyes wide. "What?" I nod at him. "You heard me." I walk over to the drivers side door and pull it open. "Or would you rather wait for Ross?" Bruce looks between the eyes on him and me. He nods then rushes over to the other side of the car and climbs in. I pull out of the parking lot and speed away, putting distance between us and the race.

      "How'd you know?" He asks, always anxious. I glance at him and shrug. "Not that hard to figure out. Plus I saw you on the stand with Stark." He nods slowly then looks at me. "Thank you." I nod. "No biggie. You don't mind if we stop by my workshop before I drop you off wherever you need to go, right?" He shakes his head. "Not at all." I nod and continue on driving.

      After a few minutes of silence Bruce speaks up again. "Why did you help me?" I look at him, then back at the road. "Dunno." Bruce eyes me for a moment then returns to nervously rubbing his hands. I do know why I helped him. It's just like AXL. I would do anything to prevent his makers from taking him back.

      "Relax. Your nervousness is driving me crazy." Bruce makes an incredulous face. "That's not exactly easy for me to do." I glance at him and shrug. "You'll figure it out." Bruce grumbles something under her breath, and I'm assuming it wasn't something nice about the big guy.

      "He isn't as bad as you think. There's good in him." Bruce laughs and shakes his head. "You're wrong. He's crazy and dangerous." I hum and nod. "Maybe, but I'd be dead if it weren't for him." Bruce whips his head around to look at me. "What?" I nod with my eyebrows raised. "Yeah,"

      I bend down while I drive and unhook my leg prosthetic. I wave it in the air and drop it on the seat between me and Bruce. He stares at it wide eyed. "How does that prove he saved you?" I sigh heavily. "Being crushed by a concrete slab isn't as fun as it sounds." I see Bruce pale.

      "The big guy pulled me free. He had the choice to leave me there to die, but he didn't." Bruce continues to stare at my prosthetic like it is a bomb. I roll my eyes as I pull into the garage of my shop. I put my prosthetic back on, knocking Bruce out of his gaze of fear.

      I stare at him for a moment then I nod to the back of my truck. "Give me a hand." He swallows hard and nods. I step on the tire of my truck and begin unhooking my bike. Bruce readies the ramp and we work together to slide it off. I start walking it out back and Bruce awkwardly follows.

      He looks around at the several junk cars. I realize he is staring at the bite marks. AXL's bite marks. "What happened to the cars?" I glance at them and shrug. "Coyotes." I lie. Bruce doesn't seem to believe me.

      "You get many customers out here?" Bruce asks as I put my bike on it's mount. I shrug. "Some, but business can be slow at times." Bruce nods and my head shoots up as I hear pounding footsteps. My eyes bulge. "Oh no."

      AXL comes bounding around the corner and charges at Bruce. "AXL no!" I shout as he pins Bruce to the ground. His jaw snaps open and Bruce starts to turn green. "AXL!" He looks back at me and I shake my head. "Drop him!" He looks back at Bruce and his eyes turn back to blue. He steps off Bruce and the shaggy and walks over to me.

      I point at AXL sternly. "We talked about this! No attacking visitors!" He whimpers and stands behind me. I look at Bruce who stares with wide eyes. I glance at AXL. "Bruce, meet AXL." Bruce takes a fearful step back. I put my hand up and gave him a look. "It's okay. AXL won't do anything."

     Bruce swallows hard and begins to relax. "I- What is he?" He asks breathlessly. I lay my hand on AXL's head. "A robot." Bruce makes a face. "Did you make him?" I shake my head. "No." I look from AXL to Bruce. "He's a bit like you actually."

      Bruce's head tilts to the side a bit showing he doesn't understand. I smile softly at him. "Lab accident gone wrong." Bruce looks at AXL and he walks over to Bruce. With a shaky hand Bruce touches AXL's head. "Wow."

      I notice the greenish tint in Bruce's skin. "I'll take you home. AXL is a bit jumpy and rough." Bruce glances at AXL then nods. I point at AXL. "Stay. And no more attacking people when I'm here." I give AXL his command to run off and he does just that.

      Bruce and I get back into my truck and I pull away. "You trained him." He comments. I make a face and wave my hand in the air. "So-so." I pull the necklace out from under my shirt, pulling it over my head and handing it to Bruce. "That is what makes him listen to me." Bruce turns the small device around in his hands. "Doesn't look like much."

      I nod. "I thought the same. And then I touched it." I smirk at him. "Curiosity killed the cat, but brought the dog I suppose."

      Bruce remains silent the rest of the ride over to the Tower. Once we arrive he hands me back the necklace and he steps out. I can see it in his eyes. He's screaming with questions. "I'm at the shop tomorrow. You can stop by if you want." Bruce stares at me for a moment then nods, shutting the door. I drive off.

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