[1] That Girl...

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I have updated this chapter, and will be updating the other chapters, too! I hope you enjoy this new and improved first chapter. 


Ayano's POV

I had a strange dream last night. Most of it was a blur, but I remember seeing two boys. One with black hair, grey eyes, and a friendly smile. The other? He was somewhat blurred. All I could make out was the fact that he was significantly taller, and had long blonde hair. Whatever. It was just a dream, it means nothing. It's the first day of school today.. Although it's a new year, nothing will change. I'll still be an emotionless husk pretending to be normal. I sometimes wonder what it's like to be able to feel like they do. Mother always mentions that I will meet someone one day, and I'll understand. But now I'm not far off from 17. I still don't understand a thing. Wait.. First day of.. I open my eyes and look at the time. "Oh. I'm going to be late." I mutter as I get up and get ready in a hurry. I quickly make a piece of toast, butter it, and head to the door. "Mom, dad, I'm- Oh.." I stop as I realize that my parents aren't home because they left for America yesterday. I shrug, and start running to school after locking the door behind me. Along the way, I end up bumping into something, and falling to the ground. "Oh I am so sorry! Are you hurt? Let me help you." I hear a voice say. "I apologize, I'll watch where I'm-" I stop as I look up into his eyes. All of a sudden, a wave of sudden euphoria washes over me. What is this that I'm feeling? I've never felt this before. Is this was happiness feels like? I can feel my heart dancing around in my chest. I could get used to this.. 

"Miss?" I am distracted from my thoughts as I notice he's holding his hand out to me. I smile, and take his hand. He helps me up. This boy.. I must know his name. "I notice you're wearing my school's uniform. May I know your name?" He asks. Ayano realized it now. He was one of the boys from her dream. Maybe the dream did mean something, after all. What a coincidence that we go to the same school. "I-it's A-Ayano Aishi.." I stutter. Holy crap, I can't even form a complete sentence around him. Is this love? This must be what my mother was talking about for all those years.. "Nice to meet you, Ayano. My name is Taro Yamada!" He says with a friendly smile as he bows. Taro Yamada.. A beautiful name for such a beautiful being.. "I'm sorry again for knocking you over like that.. I'll see you around, okay?" He says, as he turns around and walks away. I smile as I watch him walk away. The further he was, the more I noticed that the warm feeling was disappearing. That feeling.. I want to feel it again. He's the source. I want- no, I need him. He must be mine at all costs! 

I start to follow him, looking at him as we walk. "Hey, baka!" I hear a voice from next to me, interrupting my train of thought. Oh great, it's Osano. I look next to me, and stare at Osano. "Good morning." I say. "Who is the boy you're staring at?" He asks. "Oh.. Taro Yamada.. I bumped into him. He helped me back up." I explain. He nods. "Right. After all these years, you're still using that monotonous voice." He remarks. I look at him, and then continue looking at Taro. Osano, despite being my friend since childhood, never really knew of my condition. He always just labelled it as me being weird. "And you're still awkward... Let's just walk to school, I guess." He says. We walk to school in silence. As we approach the school gate, I see Taro walk up to a girl underneath a tree. "I'll see you later." Osano says, as he walks away. Ayano nods, and brings her attention back to Taro and the mystery girl. She listens in.

Taro's POV

That girl.. She's wearing the school uniform, but.. I've never seen her before. There's something about her that is so alluring.. She's so beautiful and perfect. Almost like a goddess. Ayano Aishi.. Her name just keeps playing in my head. Weird.. It's not normal for me to think such thoughts about anyone. Especially this fast. It's just a small crush, right? No harm in admiring her beauty. So why can't I stop thinking about her? The way her shining grey eyes lit up as she looked up at me.. and the way she stuttered when she spoke to me.. She was a little strange.. Was she shy, perhaps? Maybe I could get to know her sometime.. She seems like a lovely girl.. Enough of the thoughts, Taro. You only just met her. Oh great, Osana's waiting for me as always. I walk up to her, and she looks at me, unimpressed. "HEY BAKA YOU'RE LATE!" She yells. Why does she have to yell every time? I feel bad, but I'm sick of it. I mean, I get that she hates waiting, but is the yelling necessary? "I'm sorry, I overslept, and then a girl bumped into me, and I had to help her-" I am interrupted by Osana. "I DON'T CARE WHAT YOUR EXCUSE IS! I'M SICK OF WAITING FOR YOU ALL THE TIME! I'M NOT YOUR PERSONAL ALARM CLOCK, YOU KNOW!" I furrow my eyebrows. Sometimes I just want to walk away, and ignore her. 

Now? I honestly want to yell back. But I can't. I'll probably feel bad for hurting her feelings or something. "Well then, if you can't deal with me being late all the time, then maybe you should find someone else to walk with." I say. She widens her eyes, and shakes her head. "N-no.. That's not what I.." She sighs. "Just.. Meet me on the rooftop at lunchtime, got it?" She says, as she calms down. "The rooftop? Why?" I ask. "NEVER YOU MIND! JUST BE THERE, ALRIGHT!?" She yells, frustrated. She is so demanding. "Alright, I guess.." I say. "Good, I'll see you then." She says, as I watch her walk away. If she weren't my childhood friend, I probably wouldn't want to be her friend at all.. I have thought about breaking the friendship, but I couldn't. She'd be heartbroken. Even if she is bossy and controlling. I look behind me to see that girl again. She was glaring at Osana, and then we lock eyes. I smile at her, and she widens her eyes, and runs away. Normally, I'd question her strange behavior, but I can't help but feel intrigued. She's so mysterious.. I could follow her, but I don't want to seem like a stalker. I'll just make my way to the courtyard and read.

Ayano's POV

That girl is trouble. How dare she yell at my senpai! I want to hurt her, and make her pay! Strange, I feel.. Angry.. A new emotion. I'll have to find a way to get rid of her at lunchtime. Maybe I can catch her before she goes to the rooftop. I can deal with her as my Taro is there, not able to witness her death and be traumatized. Who is that girl she is with? She seems to be a best friend of some sort. My phone vibrates, distracting me from my thoughts. 


Who are you?

I go by the name Info-chan. Surely you've heard of me.

You're the girl that blackmails people, and sells panty shots to boys, right? 

Yes, that's me. I saw you stalking a boy this morning. I thought you'd like to know about the girl who was yelling at him. Her name is Osana Najimi, his childhood friend. She has feelings for him, and plans to confess her love for him underneath the cherry tree on Friday. She believes in the myth.

I see. Why are you telling me this?

I want to see Osana suffer. I think you're the perfect person for the task. 

What do you want me to do?

Simple. I want you to kill her. Give her what she deserves. I can offer services to assist you in exchange for panty shots, or other means.

I see. Alright then, I'll work with you. But I want to know something. Who is the girl that Osana is with?

Her name is Raibaru Fumetsu. You need to get rid of her first before even trying to get rid of Osana. She's the former leader of the martial arts club, so she's very strong. She is with Osana every chance she gets. Make them pay, Ayano Aishi. 

I turn off my phone, and place it back into my pocket. Interesting. I didn't completely consider murder, but now that I look at it, it seems like the best option. I need to be careful about how I do this. For now, I'll keep an eye on my precious senpai. 

Time skip - Lunchtime

Osoro's POV

God damn it... All of these social butterflies make me sick! All they do is ramble on like they have nothing better to do. I walk around thinking to myself, until I feel someone bump into me. Oh for fuck's sake, what wimp is it this time? I look down to see a girl with black hair. I can't help but acknowledge how soft and well kept it looks. "Hey, watch where you're going." I say. I could've been more aggressive with the way I spoke, but for some odd reason, I wasn't. The girl looks up at me with her grey eyes. "I apologize." She says, with a monotonous voice. Weird, she doesn't seem to be scared of me. In fact, she doesn't seem to be expressing any sort of emotion. I wonder why? I'm literally the most feared person in this god damn school. Everyone's afraid of me! Wait, I recognize her.. She's that Ayano chick. She's usually pretty quiet, and doesn't speak much in class. I never realized it, but she's actually kinda cute. What is she up to? "Goodbye." she says as she suddenly runs off. It looks like she's making her way towards the gardening club. Being curious, I start following her.

Ayano's POV

I look up at tall student standing over me. Apparently he is the most feared student in school. He doesn't look that scary to me.. Strangely enough, he actually looks a little familiar. But I don't care right now... I have to get rid of Osana, and her friend by tomorrow.. "Goodbye" I say. I run to the Gardening Club to think about what I should do to eliminate my rival. I notice the club leader walking around, and spot her keys. You know what? I'm going to steal them. Why not? I could use them later. After mentally convincing myself, I steal the keys to the shed from the unsuspecting leader. I don't know how she can be that blind or deaf, but hey, works for me, I guess. Now that I have these, I should redirect my focus to Osana. I need a weapon, preferably something I can hide, as to not raise suspicion. But first, I should probably grab those gloves from the drama room. With them, my fingerprints won't come up on the weapon I use, in case I somehow stuff up. I feel like the cooking club would notice if one of their knives were missing, so I can't just incinerate it. I'll wash it after I use it, and get all traces of blood off. Thanks mom, for that handy hydrogen peroxide tip. I walk to the cooking club, and while the leader isn't looking,  I grab a knife and hide it in my skirt. Perfect! Everything is going well so far.

Osoro's POV

I decided that I'll follow her, because why not. I'm bored. So far she has stolen the keys to the gardening shed, god knows why. The leader may be sweet, but she sure isn't bright. You're telling me she didn't even sense one bit that her keys were stolen? Would she not have heard the jingle of the keys, or at least sense the girl's presence? I watch as she leaves the Gardening Club and goes inside the school. She looks like she's walking into the drama room, and putting on... Gloves? What are those for, some sort of play? I follow her next door to the cooking club and watch as she grabs a knife, and hides it. What on earth would she need that knife for.. And does she have some sort of compartment in her skirt? She proceeds to go into the bathroom, and comes back out with a bucket of what looks like water. I can also smell bleach. She also grabs a nearby mop and brings it to the incinerator. She's in my territory. I follow her back into the building, and out into the courtyard. I notice her gaze is on two girls. That annoying red head, and her martial arts friend. I can't be bothered with names. God, that red head pisses me off. Her voice irritates to living hell out of me. I'd kill her if I could.

The red head's friend walks away, and I watch as Ayano follows her. What is she up to? After a little while, I watch as the girl and Ayano walk into the bathroom. I peep in and watch as she drowns the girl in the toilet. Interesting. She picks up the body, as she does this, I quickly hide to prevent being seen. Did she just drown someone? Jesus Christ, what have I gotten myself into? Why didn't I try to stop her? I watch as Ayano checks the coast is clear, and paces to the incinerator. This girl isn't normal, but she is smart, I'll give her that. I follow after to make sure no one sees her. I don't know why, I guess I want to see where this goes. She's lucky my gang isn't there at the moment, otherwise they'd probably try to knock her out. Ayano places the body in the incinerator, but doesn't light it. What's the purpose of the knife, bleach, and gloves if she isn't going to use them? And wouldn't she want to burn the body? It's going to be found like that. Maybe she has something else planned.

I follow her back to the courtyard. She walks up to Osana and asks her to follow her. She leads Osana back to the incinerator. While she isn't looking, Ayano pulls out the knife. "What is it? Make it quick, I have to meet a friend on the rooftop." Osana says. She turns around to look at Ayano. "You're a threat, Osana. Therefore, I must eliminate you." A threat? What does she mean by that? Threat to what? "Wha-?" Just like that, Ayano stabs the knife into Osana's chest. I watch as blood starts to soak into her white shirt. All Osana can do is struggle to speak, and stare at Ayano with wide, fearful eyes. Ayano starts giggling, which then turns into loud, psychotic laughter. All I could do was watch, astonished. This is truly a sight to behold. Osana glances at me, and then expires. Ayano removes the knife, and turns to look at me as Osana's corpse drops to the ground. Damn it, that stupid red-head bitch revealed me. "Good riddance, she was rather annoying." I remark. She stares at me coldly. As I look into her eyes, I notice that the once life filled eyes are now blank, and lifeless. It was a little scary, even for me. If I were asked what insanity looked like, this would be my answer. This girl is something else.

Ayano's POV

I start laughing as I watch Osana slowly die. I then notice she looks off to the side, behind me. What is she looking at? I turn around, and notice that tall blonde guy again. I remove the knife, and let Osana's body drop. "Good riddance, she was rather annoying." He says. I stare at him coldly. Did he just watch me murder Osana? This isn't good, this isn't good! He could get me arrested, and then I wouldn't be able to hold Senpai in my arms. "I never knew you of all people would be capable of such.. things." He says, with a deep chuckle. I relax my glare, and feel my face warm up. Wait.. Only senpai is capable of making me feel this way.. This is not normal! Oh well, I'll address it later. But.. Why does he still seem familiar? I look him up and down, and notice his hair. Long, and blonde. I feel like he resembles the other boy in my dream. I can't help but want to know more about him. "I am surprised you're not pinning me down or knocking me out, considering I just murdered someone in cold blood." I say. "I'm not exactly an angel myself, darling. You know, you should probably get rid of that evidence." Did he just call me darling? Oh whatever. He is right, I need to clean this mess. I pick up the body and dump it in the incinerator along with the gloves. I need to change before I can burn the evidence. I use the mop to clean up the blood, and tip the blood bleach mixture out. I turn to the man. "What's your name?" I ask. He looks at me, taken aback by my question. "You don't know who I am..?" He asks. "Hence why I asked." I state. He looks at me for a moment. "My name is Osoro Shidesu. Leader of the delinquent gang. And you are Ayano Aishi, am I correct?" He says. I look him up and down, and nod. It kind of makes sense. "Well, nice chat, Osoro, but I have to go change into a clean uniform. I'll see you around." I say. I then walk up to him, and hold the knife to his throat. "And if you tell anyone about what you witnessed, I will kill you." I say with a dark voice. He smirks. "You got it." He says. "Good." I bring the knife away, and run to the changing room. 

Alright. This is the updated first chapter! It's not as long at the latest chapters, but that's fine. 2,800 words is far better than the 900 something that it used to be. I hope this start is up to your standards. Have a lovely day/night!

Thank you for following the development of 'A Yandere and a Delinquent'. <3

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