Deadly Exchange

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Ayano's POV

"WHAT!?" I yell as I look at my phone with shock and anger. Osoro jumps and looks at me. "Ayano, what is it?" I look at Osoro. "Taro just texted me.. He said that Megami is accusing me of being the 'other murderer' and she also said that I may be his stalker!? FUCK!" I yell as I punch a tree. "Woah, calm down there princess." Osoro says. I look at him, with fear in my eyes. His smirk turns into concern. "Woah, this is actually getting to you.." I look to the side. "Yes, it is. This isn't good in any way! Taro said he has to keep his distance from us for now so he doesn't draw attention. And apparently she reckons that you're a little bit suspicious. And the bitch actually told him that I stalk Taro.. What if he finds out that I did? How would he react?" Osoro looked a bit more worried, and I leaned against a tree and sigh. He walks up close to me, and puts his hand on the tree by my head. He looks me directly in the eyes. I feel myself calm down as I stare deep into his golden yellow eyes. "Ayano.. Tell me the truth.. Do you still have feelings for Taro?" He sounds genuinely worried, and a little.. Scared? I widen my eyes, and look to the side. I can't tell him my feelings, I just can't! "I.. I don't know.." I say, as tears start forming. I see a hint of anger and sadness in Osoro's eyes. I want to tell him everything, from how I developed feelings for him, and how conflicted I am, everything. But I can't. "I see.. Well anyway, even if she finds me suspicious for hanging around you, I won't leave your side."  

I look at him and give a small smile. "Thank you. I hope we can get rid of her soon." I want Megami gone, but I'll let Taro do his thing. There's one girl who I need to get rid of. I watch as 'she' walks by. She looks at me, and frowns. I hate her so much! I can't do much with my position, but maybe I can get rid of her without doing anything? "Osoro, I have a question." I look at him. "Ask away." "Do you know any yakuza by chance?" I ask, in a monotonous voice. "Yakuza? Are you serious? Why on earth would you want to contact them?" He asks. "I can't do much, but there's someone I want to get rid of without me being involved. So, do you?" Osoro looks at me nervously for a moment before speaking up. "Alright.. Yes, I know someone. You know that alleyway in Buraza town? He spends a lot of his time there. I'll call him and tell him about you, and you will meet him tonight at 7pm. You have to be careful, and make sure no one follows you, got it?" I nod and smile. "Thank you, Osoro." "No problem.." He says, a little nervously. The bell rings, and both of us head to class. I sit at my desk, behind Osoro and next to Taro. I notice Taro looking at me, with a hint of longing. It's going to be rough not being able to see him during school. Unless it's in class, of course. I grab out my stationery and paper, and start drawing while we wait for the teacher. 


I walk around the town, thinking to myself, while I wait for it to hit 7pm, like Osoro said. I look at my phone, and realize it says 6:59pm. I head to the alleyway, and get there as it hits 7pm. I look around until I see a tall man, with long slicked back hair, his sleeves are rolled up to reveal his tattoos. That must be him. "Excuse me." I say. He turns around and looks at me. "What?" "I'm Ayano. I assume Osoro called you earlier." He looks a little taken aback. "Yes, he did. You.. You're just a girl, what business do you have here?" I look at him with a cold expression. "I need to get someone out of my way, but it's too dangerous to do it myself. That's why I'm here. I need you to make them disappear. I'll pay you whatever sum of cash, just name your price." The man nods. "Alright. But I will let you know now that it's not cash that I want." I tilt my head. "Oh? What is it you seek?" He looks at me for a moment. "A body. Preferably alive, but unconscious." Interesting. I wonder what he wants a body for? 

"Alright, I can arrange that." He looks at me, a little amused. "Perfect. Tell me, who is it you want me to eliminate?" I smirk. "Amai Odayaka. She works at that Odayaka bakery with her parents. She's a pest." The man nods. "Alright, well here's my number. Produce the body first, and then I will deal with her." I smile at him. "Thank you. I'll bring you a body. How about tomorrow morning, in this spot?" The man nods, with a serious expression. "Deal. I'll see you then." I nod, and sneak out of the alleyway, careful so that no one sees me. Now I need to find someone to get rid of. I don't want to use Yuna or Sota, because I haven't finished my fun yet.

I walk around town thinking about who I should take out. I happen to come across Musume Ronshaku, who was shopping. Perfect. I walk up to her. "Hey Musume!" She looks at me, with a questioning look on her face. "Oh.. Hey Ayano.." I smile at her. "I have some gossip for you, and some other things to discuss. Would you like to come stay at my house tonight? My parents are out of the country for the next few weeks. I have some cigarettes and alcohol for you." Her face lights up. "Sure! I've been dying for a cigarette! We can head back after I do my shopping." She says. "Great!" I say cheerfully. I walk around as she looks at different shops. I hope I don't have to deal with this for much longer. Finally, after an hour and a half, she finishes, and we head back to my house. "Can I tell you something, Musume?" Might as well suck up to her before she never sees the light of day again. "Sure." "I think you're pretty cool. I'd like to hang out with you more often." She smiles. "Wow. Thanks, Ayano. You're not as bad as the other girls say." I nod. "I'm just misunderstood, honestly." 

We arrive at my house, and Musume chucks her shopping on the couch. "Would you like some vodka?" I offer. Her face lights up. "Yes! Girl you're amazing!" She exclaims. I smile and nod, and pour the glass. I secretly lace the vodka with sleeping medicine. I bring it over, and give it to her. I also give her a cigarette. She grins at me. Honestly, winning this girl over is way too easy. I almost pity her stupidity. I sit down next to her as she takes a sip of her drink, and lights her cigarette. "So, Ayano, I've seen you talking with Taro recently.. Do you liike him?" I blush. "I.." "Oh come on, be honest! I see the way you act around him, it's actually cute. I think you two would be cute together!" I blush harder. "Yes.. I like him.. But I also-" I am interrupted by squeals of delight from Musume. "MUSUME!?" I hear Yuna yell out. Musume freezes, and a look of confusion forms on her face. "W-what was-" Her face and body relaxes, and she falls unconscious. 

I bring her to the basement, and chain her to the wall. "Oh my god.. Musume!?" I finish binding her to the chains, and I look at Yuna coldly. I walk up to her and slap her really hard across the head. "You need to learn to shut up!" I shout. "Hey, l-leave her alone!" Sota tries to sound brave, but fails. I turn around to face him and laugh. "And so do you." I grab the scalpel, which I didn't clean properly on purpose. I stab into his bicep on his arm, and twist the scalpel. I pour some salt in the wound and smile as he screams in pain. There is a moment of silence after he finishes screaming, all you can hear is his heavy panting, as blood drips down his arm. "W-what are you g-going to do to M-Musume?" Yuna stutters out. "I made a deal with a member of the yakuza. He takes someone out for me, and he gets a body in return." I turn around and see Yuna has a look of complete shock and fear on her face. "That's sick.." I look at her with a cold expression. "I do whatever it takes. It may be sick, but it's necessary." 

Yuna looks at me with anger. "Necessary!? What are you even doing all of this for? You have murdered all of these people! And for what? TELL ME!" I feel myself become gradually angry with every word she says. I storm up to her and slap her across the face. "Shut up! You want to know why I'm doing all of this? Fine, I'll tell you. It's all for the love of my life! My reason for living!" Yuna looks at me, bewildered. "All of this over A CRUSH!? WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" She yells. I walk over to the nearby table, and pick up a knife. I heat it up until it's red and glowing. "I can show you, if you want." I say, as I start laughing and walking up to her. "W-what are you- Oh please NOT AGAIN!" I grin, and insert the glowing knife into her thigh. I hear her flesh sizzle as the knife slowly digs in. "AHH! MAKE IT STOP!! IT HURTS!!" I watch with glee as she starts screaming and crying. "YUNA!!" I hear Sota scream from behind me. I pull the knife out suddenly, and more blood starts pouring out. Through all of this, Musume sleeps soundly. I get up, and put the knife back on the table. "I'm going upstairs. Sota, sort out your girlfriend's attitude. It's rather annoying." I say in a cold tone. I turn off the light, and slam the door, leaving the basement, yet again, in complete darkness. 


I get up, and open the door to the basement to see Sota and Yuna asleep, while Musume is looking around in shock. I push the door open forcefully, causing it to bang against the wall loudly, which makes Sota and Yuna wake up. I walk down the stairs and stand in front of Musume. "A-Ayano? Where am I? What are you going to do, you freak?" I smile at Musume, and pull out a syringe and tranquilizer. "What are you doing? I hate needles, get that thing away from me!" She shrieks. I use the syringe on her, and she passes out. I unchain her, and carry her back upstairs. I place her inside the instrument case that I kept. I wheel her out to Buraza town, and into the alleyway, making sure no one follows me. I walk up to the Yakuza guy, and he looks at me, impressed. "I assume you have my payment in that case there?" I nod. "Yes. What do you plan on doing with it?" I ask, out of curiosity. "Never you mind that. Anyway, you said you wanted Amai Odayaka to disappear? I can do that, after you guys finish school. I'll text you when it has been done." I smile. "Perfect. Pleasure doing business with you." He nods, and gives a small smile. I walk out of the alleyway, and make my way to school. I realize how cold it is, and get annoyed that I didn't bring my blazer with me. Damn it.

On my way to school, my mind starts to wander upon the last couple days. Taro seemed a bit agitated yesterday, I hope he was okay.. And he was going to say something after expressing his disgust for Megami.. I have a sneaking suspicion that he was going to say he has feelings for someone else. I need to know who this is.. I might have to ask him about it at some point.. I hope I'm wrong. Damn it. Why did this have to happen to me? He noticed me at the wrong time.. Now I don't know who I love more. I feel so.. bad.. I believe it's called guilt, which I'm still trying to wrap my head around. I need to hurry up and make a decision before Friday, because this is getting really out of hand. Damn it, I hate Megami so much! How dare she! She is trying to distance me from Taro and Osoro. She wants Taro to herself. What if Taro falls in love with her? What will I do then? 

I have to do something, I have to! And fucking hell, it's bloody cold! I feel myself bump into someone. "Hey, watch where you're- Oh, hello princess." I look up and see Osoro, who I had just bumped into, smirking at me. I smile, and blush. "H-hey Osoro.." I say. "Are you alright? You look a bit cold there. Did you forget your blazer?" He asks, concerned. I nod. As I look into his eyes, I feel really calm, and relaxed. "Yes, I am okay. Thank you Osoro. And yes.. I forgot my blazer.." He smiles back. "I see." He takes his coat off of his shoulders and puts it around mine. "There you go. I want that back later, though." I snuggle into the warm jacket. "Thank you Osoro, it really helps." He looks off to the side, smiling. "It's no worry, princess. Your happiness is all that matters to me.." That last part was quiet, but I heard it that time. I tilt my head at him, and smile. "Did I say that out loud? Um.." I giggle. "It's fine, Osoro. I appreciate it." My happiness matters to him? Does he see me as more than a friend..? No, Ayano. You wish. Don't get ahead of yourself. He smiles at me again. I can't get over his gaze, and his smile. Every time he smiles, every time I'm around him, I feel so warm, and safe. "Well, I'm going to go walk around, and think to myself for a bit. I'll see you in class, okay?" I say, as I smile at him. He nods. "Alright, see you in class." 

I continue walking around, stuck in my thoughts. Maybe a club will distract me? I should look around. I don't want to join the cooking or drama club, I was never into acting, and I cannot bear to be in the same club as Amai. Sports and martial arts is not my thing, gaming and photography club don't do too much.. How about gardening? Maybe.. Heh, I could join Osoro's band of delinquents. But I wouldn't fit in too much.. Art is another consideration, but I don't know. And science isn't my thing. I walk by the music club, which catches my interest. I walk in and look around. "Welcome to the music club!" I hear a cheery voice say. I turn around, and see who I believe is the leader. She seems really cool, I've seen her around. 

"Hey! You're Miyuji, the leader of this club, right?" She grins. "That's me! I think I've seen you around before, Ayano, right? How can I help you?" I nod and smile. "Yes. Um, I'd like to know if I can join your club?" Miyuji's grin widens with excitement. "Yes, of course! You're more than welcome here!" She pulls out a hairpin, which is in the shape of a treble clef. She hands it to me. "Here, take this. It says that you're a member of the club! Welcome, Ayano! I can't wait to jam with you!" I happily take the pin, and put it in my hair. "Thank you, Miyuji! You can call me Yan-chan if you like." I actually really like this girl. I'd like to maintain a friendship with her. "Okay, Yan-chan! That hairpin suits you!" "Thank you. I am going to head to my class now, but I'll see you later." I smile at her. "Alright, Yan-chan. Welcome again, I'll be in here at lunch if you want to hang out." I nod. "Awesome, I'll remember that." I smile at her again before heading to class, and sitting at my desk. I'm so tired. I hear the bell go for class. I rest my head on my hand as everyone walks in. My eyes start to close, and jolt myself awake.

Osoro and Taro walk in, and smile at me, and sit in their usual spots. Osoro stands up and walks over to me. I stand up, and meet his gaze. He is smiling at me warmly. He cups his hand on my cheek, and I blush. The classroom fades and melts into a ballroom. I find myself in a black ball dress, like something out of a fairytale. Osoro is in what looks like princely white robes. He takes my hand, music starts playing, and we start dancing. "I love you, Ayano.. You love me too, right?" He says, softly as we dance around the ballroom. I blush, but before I can respond, he spins me, and our hands let go of each other. I spin into the arms into someone else, dressed in a black attire, similar to Osoro's. I look up into his eyes, and see it's Taro. He gives me a dark grin, as we start dancing. He lets out a deep, and dark chuckle, as he looks into my eyes. I can't move away from his gaze. "Oh my goddess, I love you. Never leave me." I see Megami come up to us. She kills Osoro, who was nearby, and she takes Taro away. I scream, and the ballroom fades back into the classroom. "Good morning, class! I'm back." I look over to the entrance, and watch Mido Rana walk in, with Mida in tow. Mido props himself on the podium. All of the students who have died start walking in, too. Including the ones I didn't kill. They all look at me with mocking smiles, or cold glares. They all start surrounding me, and walking closer. They all close in and reach out for me, but before they can touch me, both them and the classroom fade into a black void. I float in the vast nothingness, until Osoro and Taro appear in front of me. Both are covered in blood. Taro holds a bloody knife, while Osoro is holding a bloody machete. They look at me with an expression of thirst and desire. "Who will it be, Ayano?" Osoro says, in a dark voice. "Yes Ayano, who will it be?" Taro says, with a smirk. All I can do it stand and look at them, unable to move. "Please.. Don't make me choose." I barely get out in a mutter. "You can only choose one, my dear. And you're running out of time." Taro says. "It's too hard!" I yell out. Both guys start laughing. 

I wake up with a jolt, and look around. These dreams are getting way out of hand.. I look over to Taro, who is looking at me. He grabs out his phone and starts texting.

Are you okay?

Yes, thank you. I'm just tired.

You seem disturbed, and you seemed distressed in your sleep. 

It was just a bad dream.

What was it about?

I will tell you at another time.


He puts his phone away, and I put mine away. He gives me a smile, and I give him one back. I feel warm. Yes, from Osoro's jacket, but also from the fact that Taro cares about me.. Before I made friends with him, I thought that if he saw me kill Osana, or someone else, that he'd hate me, and shun me. But he embraced it. He's just like me.. And Osoro.. He just embraced it right away. He saw me commit that crime. I then helped him kill his father. Did I make him like that? Or was he already like that. Either way, I can't get over it. The way Osoro calls me princess. The way both of the guys care.. Throughout my childhood, I never thought I'd ever experience such things.. I love it.. I guess I should pay attention to the teacher now, before she questions me. I start writing down things she writes on the board. 


Alright people. Another chapter, yay! I hope you enjoyed this. I always accept suggestions and ideas, remember. Thanks for reading, have a lovely day/night, and as always,

Thank you, for following the development, of 'A Yandere and a Delinquent'.

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