Emotional Torture

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I wish I could draw hands like the person who created the artwork above this text. If it's one thing that annoys the living hell out of me (besides drawing lips) - it's drawing hands. I'm sure most of you creative people out there can relate. Before the chapter starts, I want you to guess right now, what will Taro do to Mida? You could say the title is a hint.. ;)

Mida's POV

I made sure to wear a sexy dress, so that my boobs would stand out. The one thing that matters most besides a dress that hugs you, is having the boobs stand out. 'I'm still surprised with how easy it was to get this one, he must be a virgin or something. I look forward to having fun.' I ring the doorbell and a few seconds later, he answers the door. "Mida, come on in." he says with a smirk. Oh, that voice. I sit down on a couch and look around the room, which is clean and tidy. "You look sexy in that dress." he says in a sort of cheeky, but seductive tone. I can't help but blush. "Would you like a drink?" Taro asks in a polite tone. "Yes, please." I watch and admire him as he goes into the kitchen to get a drink. 'Far out, he's got a great ass.' I think to myself.  

Taro's POV      

I pour wine into a wine glass, and Jack Daniels and cola into another glass for me. I quickly sneak some sleeping medicine into the wine glass. 'Since this is a strong medicine, she'll pass out within the next 10 minutes.' I give her the drugged wine glass. "Wine? I see you were prepared for this." She smiles and sips her wine, politely mentioning that it's her favourite brand. I can't help but smirk. "Now, Taro. Why don't we get down to.. business?" she then pulls me into a passionate kiss. 'AAAHHHHH! I have never felt so v i o l a t e d! This feels so wrong, I was saving my first kiss especially for my Ayano! Oh how much I'd like to just stab her and get this over with! But I mustn't, besides, what I have planned is more.. Fun.'  she pulls away and smiles. "Before we continue, may I please use your rest room?" I nod. 'Perfect' "3rd door on the left." She gets up and walks into the hall. I quietly follow behind. 

3rd POV - Taro's Basement

Mida stops and gasps at the tied up form in the chair before her. Taro, who is behind her, has a giant grin plastered on his face. "What the hell!? Mido! W-what did you d-do to him?" Taro closes the door to the basement, and walks to Mida's side. "He laid eyes on my Ayano, and dared to lay his hands on her. I'm simply punishing him for his actions. No one can have Ayano but me. She will be mine." A speechless Mida looks at Taro with fear in her eyes. "That black haired girl that kept staring at you.." Mida's words slow down and turn into mumbling before passing out. Taro picks her up,  ties her up, and puts her in a cage. He turns Mido's chair around so that it faces the cage. Taro walks out to grab his Jack and coke. Along the way, he thinks about the words Mida let out before passing out. "That black haired girl that kept staring at you.." What could it mean? How did she stare at him? Was it with hatred, or perhaps.. Love? Taro would only hope. He'd have to question Mida about it later, or he could text Info-chan..

He walks back down to the basement once he gets his drink. As he walks in, Mido opens his eyes, and groans. His eyes widen when he fully wakes, and notices his sister in the cage before him. "Mida? Mida! You bastard! What do you want with my sister!?" Taro takes a sip from his drink and smiles. "Well, the way I'm torturing you now will eventually get old, and you'll get used to it, will you not? So why not use a new form of torture, emotional torture! Haha, You love your dear sister so much, you'd hate to see her get hurt, I'm sure it's the same for her. It's like double torture!" Mido stares at Taro in shock, which quickly turns into anger. "You hurt her, I'll kill you! You hear me!? I'll-" Taro takes another sip, and interrupts. "Hahaha! Look around! As you can see, you're in no position to do anything, you're stuck down here, where no one can hear you! Don't worry, when I'm finished with you both, you'll be in a better, happier place.. In hell. Good night, sensei." Taro lets out his signature laugh, whilst walking away, drink in hand.

Ayano's POV - Bedroom, 9:30pm

I can't stop thinking about Taro, or Osoro, thank god. I guess I still sort of like Taro in the end, but what if he found out about me..? If he found out about Osana, he would break. Despite that, I still absolutely love Osoro, he even helped me capture Horuda! He was sexy when he did that..  I'll text him, and see how he's going. A bunch of new shops opened in town, I could ask him to go with me, I can at least take him out of that house for a day..

Hey Osoro.

Oh, hey Ayano. 

How are you feeling?

I'm ok, just in my room at the moment.

Avoiding your father?


Hey, there are a whole lot of shops that just opened up in town, do you wanna go there with me tomorrow?

Yeah, sure. I'll come by your house, then?

Yeah, sounds great. Goodnight, Osoro.

Goodnight, Ayano.

I wanted to type my true feelings for him so badly, but I have to wait, he would probably reject me. I really want to get rid of that so called "father" of his. Not only is he an obstacle, he hurt my Osoro. For that, he must pay. I put my phone on my side table, and head to sleep.

3rd POV - Ayano's dream

Ayano is floating in a black void, which turns into her standing in the school courtyard. Ayano looks around, and then looks over at the fountain, Taro Yamada sits on his usual spot, looking around. He looks at Ayano, smiles, and waves. Everything has a pink tint for Ayano, as she feels warmth. Then Osana pops up, and yells "baka" at Taro. He looks ashamed, and small. Ayano feels anger and hatred boiling inside her. The people who have "disappeared" - Ayanos victims, and other victims, suddenly pop up, and disappear with Osana in an instant. Ayano walks over to Taro, and Taro stands up. The atmosphere darkens as a look of insanity forms on Taro's face, at the same time, Ayano feels her sanity dropping. Taro caresses Ayano's face, still adorned with a twisted smile. 

All of a sudden, the courtyard fades into the back of the school, next to the incinerator. Ayano is holding Osana's lifeless body, Osoro stands there, with that sexy smirk of his. Ayano dumps the body, and turns on the incinerator. Suddenly, loud screaming and banging can be heard from inside the incinerator. Osoro starts to laugh, whilst Ayano just watches, with a smile. Osoro, along with the rest of the scenery, fades back into the black void. Info-chan appears, Osoro on one side, Taro on the other. "Only you choose your path, Aishi. You may be stuck now, but remember, In the end, you have to choose one.."

The Next Morning - 8:30am (3rd POV)

Ayano can't stop thinking about that weird dream she had last night. Does it even mean anything? It could just be worries getting to her. As she is finding out, the mind works in really weird ways. She finishes brushing her hair, tying it up in her normal pony tail. A knock is heard on the door. Ayano runs to get it, excited to see her darling delinquent. As she opens the door, she is greeted by Osoro, who seems happy, and relieved to be out of the house. "Are you ready to go?" Osoro asks. Ayano grabs her bag, and nods, with a smile. As they walk to town, Ayano finally dares to ask, "So.. Why did you help me the other day?" Osoro smirks. "Well, you've done well so far, it'd be a shame if you got caught now." 'And I love you' he thought in his head.

As they walk around town, Ayano and Osoro have conversations about little things, how they've been, anything interesting coming up, etc. They look in a few stores, buy some new games, and stop for lunch. Once they get their food, they sit at a table. "Osoro, I'm sorry, but I cannot forgive your father for what he did to you." Osoro looks at Ayano with wide eyes for a moment, before recomposing himself. "No need to be sorry, I hate the bastard too. To be honest, I wouldn't care if he were dead." Ayano then looks at Osoro's arms and sees a deep cut, bruises, and a cigerette burn on each arm. "He hurt you again.." As Ayano says this, anger starts burning in her eyes. Osoro just nods. "You said you wouldn't care if he were dead, correct?" "Yes, I couldn't care less." Ayano looks at him for a moment. "Then I will kill him." Osoro smirks. "Are you actually serious?" Ayano looks at him with a very serious face. "Yes, I am dead serious. (Ba-dum tssss) Osoro contemplates for a moment. "I want to help." Ayano looks at Osoro with a hint of excitement. Osoro questions her display of emotions around him, but shrugs it off as good acting. "Really? Ever since we met, you've been somehow helping me with my murders, and now you actually want to get in on the dirty work? I'm impressed. Osoro smirks and chuckles. "Well, I do hate the bastard. I've wanted revenge for years. For me, this is closure." Ayano looks at Osoro, still with her serious expression. "Then we'll do it tonight." They both nod in agreement, finish their food, and walk around town. 

Ayano sees a clothing store and says she'll be right back. Osoro sees a nearby stall, and looks at its contents. It has some good quality weaponry on display. He sees one special knife, that reminds him of Ayano. "Hey, can you please tell me about that knife?" The vendor smiles and talks about how it's specially handcrafted, and how it's really sharp. "How much is it?" Osoro asks. "10,000 yen." Osoro pays for the knife, puts it in a case, and thanks the vendor. Ayano comes out of the clothing store with a bag, and runs over to Osoro. "I have something for you" Ayano cheers. Osoro is confused, but intrigued. "What is it?" Ayano proceeds to pull a leather jacket out of the back. Osoro smiles, as this is the first time someone has given him a gift since his mother died. "For me?" Ayano blushes. "Try it on." She hands over the jacket, and Osoro tries it on. Sure enough, it fits him perfectly. "I love it. Thank you, Ayano."Ayano blushes even more, and struggles to speak properly. "Y-you're w-welcome." Osoro smiles thinking about how the love of his life just gave him something. He then remembers the knife. "I also got something for you, Ayano." Osoro gives the case to Ayano, and she opens it. When she sees the knife, she smiles and blushes. "It's really beautiful." Osoro blushes. "Well.. It reminded me of you." Ayano lets out a giggle. "You're funny. Wanna head back to my place? Then we can plan on what to do with you know who." Osoro smirks. "Sounds good." On the way home, they both think about their love for each other, unbeknownst to the fact that the other is crazy for them. Literally.

Taro's POV

I smile and hum a tune as I walk down to the basement with a tray of food for my victims. Mida stares in fear whilst Mido glares. "Good morning!" I say cheerfully. I put food and water in the cage for Mida, and feed Mido myself. "You have kidnapped us, and tortured us, but why do you feed us nice meals?" I hear Mida ask. "Well, I must keep you alive for a while. I can't have you die of starvation or dehydration now, can I? I'd rather have the pleasure of slowly killing you both myself." I walk up to Mida, stick my hand through a gap, and hold her chin. "If you're lucky, I might just spare you, since you haven't done anything to my Ayano." I watch Mida think for a bit. "Ayano.. Is that the one with black hair?" The question reminds me. "Yes. Now, before you passed out, you said that she was looking at me?" Mida nods. "Interesting. What was her expression?" Mida thinks for a moment. "Well, if I'm not mistaken, it was a look of interest, but I remember seeing some.. Conflict." It's interesting to know my Ayano has some interest. This is a sign. "Thank you, my dear Mida, you have helped me a lot." I head over to feed Mido. He puts up a bit of a fight, but I manage to feed him. When they are done, I collect their dishes. "I will come back later for some..."


Yay! Another chapter done. Alright, hope you enjoyed! I'll try to make the next chapter more interesting for you. Aren't Osoro and Ayano cute? :D

 Thank you for following the slow ass development of "A Yandere and a Delinquent.

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