Meeting the Parents

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I decided to draw Taro, because why not. I'm very proud of this. Even has his Jack and Coke in his hand.

Ayano's POV

I go downstairs into the basement, and tie a rag over the mouths of Yuna and Sota to keep them quiet. "My parents are on their way home. You will be quiet. If you don't, you will suffer the consequences." I say bluntly. They look at me, clearly afraid. I walk back upstairs, and close the door. I sigh, and head to the kitchen to make tea. Parents should be home any minute, I'll make them some, as well. I am thankful that mom was just like me.. At least she understands. I couldn't ever let my father find out about me, though. I actually feel pity for him. I don't want him to be disappointed. At least now that I'm more normal in terms of emotions, he can be happier. The water finishes boiling, and I start pouring the tea. "Ayano!! We're home!! And I have that amp you wanted!" As I finish pouring the tea, I look up and see my parents walking in the door. I smile, genuinely, which causes my father's eyes to instantly light up. I put their tea on the coffee table as they go put their bags away in their room. They come back out. "I made you some tea." I say, as I sit down with my tea. "Oh how thoughtful! Thanks, sweetie!" Mom says cheerfully, as her and dad sit with me. 

"So, tell me, what have you been up to while we were in America? How have things been?" Mom asks. "Well.. Really good, actually. School has been going well, and I've been really happy.. But I've also been really confused recently, and I don't really know what to do.." "Oh my gosh! Dear, did you hear that? Happy! Isn't that amazing?" My mother asks. Dad gives me a smile. "That's great, honey." He says. "Now, what is it that has been confusing you, are you okay, sweetie?" Mom asks. "Well.." I trail off as I look at my dad. I don't really want him to hear this.. He may not like what he hears, or may grow suspicious. Mom notices this, and speaks up. "Dear, why don't you go start unpacking while I catch up with our daughter, hmm?" He nods, and gets up. I quickly get up, and hug him. He gives me a smile, before heading upstairs. I sit back down, and sip my tea. "Alright, what has happened, Ayano?" Mother asks again. "Well.. The unexpected has happened.. So, I met the one.." Mother squeals. "That's amazing! But why are you confused? Is something wrong?" I look at her for a moment. 

"Um.. I then met another guy.. And now I've fallen in love with them both.." I hear a gasp. "That's a rare occurrence. What are these boys like?" she asks. "Well, the first one I met, the one that triggered these emotions, he's a straight A student, very smart, and very kind.. Soft, smooth, black hair, dreamy grey eyes.. And the other, one would say is the complete opposite.  He's actually the leader of a delinquent group.. He has intimidating golden yellow eyes that could pierce anything just from his gaze. He has long, messy blonde hair.. He's actually quite protective of me. We all hang out together during school.." I say. I look up, and my mother looks surprised, yet amazed. "I see. And what are the names of these boys?" "Taro Yamada, and Osoro Shidesu." I say. "I see. I know those names. Yamada's father was a quiet student, and kept to himself. Shidesu.. He was a very violent man, but he had charm. He knew how to act nice, but I saw how he was in private.." I nod. "Here's another thing.. Both of them are like me, in a sense.." This catches mom's attention. "Like you? How so?" 

"Well, Taro.. We went out to Buraza town one night, and we went to his house after.. Before this point, I was responsible for the murder of his childhood friend, as well as breaking another student's mind.. He asked me if I was the one, and I said yes. He laughed it off, and then I went to use his bathroom. I accidentally went into his basement, and he had two teachers down there. They were both perverted. One of them tried to rape me a few days before, Osoro came to my rescue with that.. Anyway, I went down, because I was curious, and I wanted to punch the male teacher.. Taro came down, and we killed them together. He had them down there for a few days, and had used all sorts of torture methods on them. It was an interesting night." Mother chuckles a little. "Very interesting, indeed. I'm proud of you, darling. Now, what about this Osoro?" She asks, as she sips her tea. "Well.. I think I'm partially responsible for Osoro.. I was talking with him one morning, he had bruises on him. I asked about them. Eventually, he told me that his father had been drinking and abusing him ever since his mother died.. I felt real sympathy for him, I even cried, which was a first.. So we made a plan. We went to his house, knocked his father out, and tied him to a chair in his basement. We beat him up for a bit, and Osoro finished him off. We burned his body in the incinerator at school during the night. The look on his face.. I could tell he enjoyed it.. So now, there are two students in the basement downstairs.. Taro, Osoro, and I all kidnapped them together. They were a threat, which I will explain more of later.. All three of us have collectively murdered and made people disappear, which has started getting attention. But I am so confused because I don't know who I love more out of them.. And now the student council president is back, and she's dangerous."

"Saikou, I presume?" I nod. "She suspects me of being the murderer of everyone, but she only thinks it's me, and another girl that I broke. Taro has a plan to get rid of her, since she's not only a threat to me, but to the others as well. So far, he has joined the student council.. He is seducing Megami, who already has a crush on him, the bitch.. And now I'm in a relationship with someone who had a crush on me to keep Megami's suspicion at bay. I don't care for him, honestly.. But whatever helps Taro. So, yeah." I say. Mom looks at me, with mixed emotions, and we sit in silence for a moment. "Wow. They both sure seem very interesting. I can't say I have an answer on who you should go with. This is very rare indeed. I would like to meet these boys, though. Bring one or both over sometime. Anyway, so you're getting into music?" I smile at the change of topic, and nod. "Yes. I've made friends with the music club leader, and I actually like her. She is the one that gave me the guitar. I joined the music club, too." Her face lights up. "That's great, honey! I'm really proud of you!" She says cheerfully as she gives me a hug. As we break from the hug, the doorbell rings. "I'll get it." I say as I get up, and walk to the door. 

I open it, and see it's Taro, still in his uniform. I feel my face warm up. "T-Taro.. What're you doing here?" I ask. He smirks. "I came to visit you, and also check on those two.." He says. "Hello! You must be Taro Yamada! Come on in!!" My mother says excitedly. I widen my eyes. Taro sees my mother, and widens his eyes like me. "Uh.." He looks at me with a questioning look, as if seeking approval. I nod, and make way for him. He sits on the couch, and I sit next to him. "I-is that your mother?" He asks me. I just nod. "So, Taro! I hear you have been helping my daughter out." She says, a little too casually. "Yes.." 

3rd POV

"Ayano, why don't you go and play on your new guitar?" Ryoba says. Ayano nods, and looks at Taro before heading upstairs. Once she's gone, Ryoba looks at Taro. "Now, my daughter just told me about everything, including your plan. I must say, I'm impressed." Taro feels a little less awkward now, and smiles. "Thank you, Mrs. Aishi." Ryoba smiles, too. "I can tell you're a smart boy, but I want to know, how do you feel about my daughter? Do you love her?" She asks. Taro widens his eyes, and thinks for a moment about what to say. "Yes. I love her more than anything in the world. She's my light, my goddess, my one reason for living. I don't know what I'd do without her.. One day I'd like to tell her all of this, but for now, there are too many obstacles." Ryoba nods. "I see. And those people that you have murdered. I'm curious to know why you murdered them." Taro smirks. "They had feelings for Ayano. I simply couldn't have it, so I got rid of them. And that fucking teacher.. I was more than happy to exterminate him and his perverted sister." He chuckles quietly, with a dark grin on his face. Ryoba smiles, and nods in approval. "I like you, Yamada. I wish you luck winning my daughter's heart." She says. "Thank you, Mrs. Aishi." He smiles. "No problem, dear. Just be sure that if you meet my husband, not to let him know of your.. Dark nature. Got it?" Taro nods. 

Ayano comes downstairs. "Is everything alright?" She asks. Taro smiles at her, gets up, and walks up to her. Ayano smiles in return. "Let's go up to my room.." Ayano says. Thankfully, she hid her shrine upon hearing her parents were on their way home. Taro smiles and nods, and they head upstairs. "Ah, young love. I should start dinner." Ryoba says to herself. Ryoba's husband then comes down the stairs. "Dear, where is Ayano?" He asks. "Oh, she's in her room with her friend! Taro, I think his name was." He widens his eyes. "WHAT!" He starts going up the stairs. "Darling, leave them be!" Ryoba calls out, but he doesn't listen. "No boy will be alone with my daughter in a bedroom!!" He yells. As he storms up, Ryoba hears noises coming from the basement. "I should make dinner for our guests, as well." She says, as she starts preparing food.

Ayano's bedroom

"You have a nice room, Ayano." Taro says, as he sits on the bed and looks around. Ayano smiles, and blushes. "T-thank you.." Taro chuckles at her shyness. "It's nice to be able to finally talk to you." He says. Ayano nods. "Yeah.. School is frustrating." Ayano sits next to Taro. "Where were you last period, by the way? I didn't see you or Osoro.." He says. "Oh, I was skipping last period with the delinquents. Honestly, I really needed the break." Taro nods, and smiles. "So, your mother sure is a character, huh?" He asks. Ayano nods. "She sure is.. She was like me in high school." Taro nods, and they sit in silence, until Ayano's door bursts open. The two teenagers jump, as Ayano's father storms in the room. "You! Get off of my daughter's bed! Who are you, and what are you to my daughter!?" He yells. "DAD!" Ayano yells in return. "Hello, Mr. Aishi. I'm Taro Yamada, a good friend of Ayano." Taro says, as he holds out his hand. Ayano's father looks at him with a little relief for a moment, and hesitantly shakes his hand. "I see. Nice to meet you, Taro. I hope you're here of free will." He mutters. Taro smiles. "Dad, can you please leave us be?" Ayano asks, out of frustration. Her father looks at Ayano. "You're displaying real emotions.. Have you met someone, Ayano?" He asks. She looks away, and blushes. 

After a moment of her staying silent, he nods, and thinks to himself. He looks at Taro for a moment before turning around. "I love you, dad." She says. "I love you, too, sweetheart." He says. He sheds a tear as he walks out, and closes the door. "I am so sorry.." Ayano says, with her face buried in her hands. Taro just chuckles. "No worries, your father seems quite protective. It makes sense." Ayano looks at Taro, and smiles. "Ayano.. Who is this person you have "met", and what did he mean when he said you were displaying real emotions?" Ayano widens her eyes, and blushes madly. "I... I-I can't t-tell you.. N-not now, anyway..." She stutters. Taro nods. "Alright.. Well, when the time comes, I'll also tell you something in return." He says, with a smirk. "T-Taro.." "Yes, Ayano?" "Thank you. For everything." She says, still blushing. This makes Taro smile. "Oh, are you staying the night?" She suddenly asks. "Ah, I guess so, though I didn't bring clothes.." He laughs a little. Ayano giggles with him. "Don't worry, I'm sure my dad will let you wear some clothes of his. I'll be right back." She says, as she gets up, and walks to her parent's room, leaving Taro alone. Taro gets up, and looks around the room. He sees a hairclip on the floor, picks it up, and puts it in his pocket. "I'll save this for the shrine~" He whispers to himself with a smirk. He sits back down, and Ayano walks in with a white shirt, and track pants. She passes them to Taro. "You know where the bathroom is.." She says. "Thank you." Taro says, as he makes his way to the bathroom to change.


Ryoba serves up two meals, picks them up, and walks down to the basement. The door closes behind her, as she turns on the light and walks down the stairs. "Well, hello! You must be Ayano's friends! Don't worry, I've brought you some food!" She says cheerfully. Sota and Yuna look at her, absolutely bewildered. They try to speak, but the rag over their mouths stop them from doing so successfully. "Oh my, what was that?" Ryoba removes the rag of Sota. He takes a moment to breathe, and looks at Ryoba. "W-who are you? Please, help us!" He says with a shaky voice. "Oh, I'm Ayano's mother, but you can call me Ryoba! And please, quiet down, I like minimal noise in my house." She giggles as she feeds Sota a spoonful of food. He wearily chews, and eventually swallows. "Well, how is it?" She asks. "I-it's good.." He says, with no enthusiasm. Once she finishes feeding Sota, she walks over to Yuna, and removes her rag. "My my, you two have quite the injuries, hmm?" She says. She tries to feed Yuna, but she shakes her head. Ryoba slaps Yuna across the face. "Come on girlie, you need to learn some manners. I put a lot of effort into this meal, I'll be insulted if you don't eat up." Ryoba insists. Yuna finally gives in, and Ryoba feeds her the rest of the meal. "There. Now, you both need some sleep. Don't worry, I put a strong sleeping medicine in your food." She says, as she ties the rags back over their mouths. "Goodnight, dears. I'll deal with you tomorrow." She giggles as she walks up the stairs. The pair try to make noise, but fail, and fall into the depths of dreamland.  


Ryoba hums as she serves dinner up for Ayano, Taro, herself, and her husband. "DINNER IS READY!!" She calls out. Everyone comes downstairs. Ayano and Taro sit next to each other, opposite Ayano's parents. They all sit and eat in silence for a little while. Ayano lightly blushing every time she side glances at Taro. She doesn't notice Taro doing the same thing. Ryoba observes this, and smiles at how adorable it is, meanwhile Ayano's father just keeps to himself, and eats his dinner. "So, how did you two meet?" Ryoba asks. "It was the morning you went to America. I was in a rush to get to school, and was running. I bumped into Taro, and he apologized and helped me up.." Ayano explains. "How interesting! Don't you think, sweetheart?" Ryoba looks at her husband. He nods. "Yeah.. Very interesting.." He says as he looks at Ayano and Taro. The two teenagers finish their dinner, and go back up to Ayano's room. "Hey! You better not sleep in the same bed!" Ayano's father yells out. "DAD!!" Ayano yells back. Ryoba giggles at this. 

Monday Morning - Ayano's House

Taro spent the weekend at Ayano's house. He gets ready before Ayano. "Thanks for letting me stay for the weekend, Mr. and Mrs. Aishi." He says, as he waves. "Not a problem, dear! You're welcome at any time!" Ryoba says. Ayano walks out to say goodbye to Taro. He walks up to her, and smiles. "I'll see you later, Ayano." He says. Ayano nods. "You should go, before Budo comes by.." Taro turns around, and goes to the door. "Thanks again!" A few minutes later, Budo knocks on the door, and Ayano opens it. "Hey Angel!" Budo greets. Ayano smiles. "Hey." She says as she grabs her bag. Her parents look at Budo. Ryoba is curious, while her father seems displeased. "Ayano, who is that, and why did he just call you Angel?" He asks. "Relax dear, that's Ayano's boyfriend!" Ayano and her father widen their eyes. "WHAT! BUT-" Ryoba puts her hand over her husband's mouth. "Hush, darling, and let them go to school. The last thing our daughter needs is for you smothering her with protection. You should head to work yourself." She says. He calms down, nods, and tidies up his tie. Ayano and Budo walk to school together, hand in hand. 

As they walk into the gates together, everyone looks at them with awe, and surprise. The odd fangirl scream could be heard. For Ayano, pretending to be in love was easy, but she felt it wasn't the best because of her true feelings towards Budo. For him, this is heaven. He is with the person of his dreams, and couldn't be happier. Of course, none of them knew of the jealousy that Osoro and Taro felt for them. They would watch them walk in, and struggle to contain their anger. Sure, it was all part of the plan, and they know Ayano is acting, but the sight of it still irritated them. And now, Osoro had more than that to worry about. This whole time he hadn't thought much about Taro's crush, but now, it's a little more concerning to him. However, it won't stop him. He will still go at any length to get Ayano. 

Megami walks next to Taro, and she looks over at Ayano and Budo. She looks at them, completely confused and baffled. "They're a couple now?" She asks. "Yeah, crazy isn't it? I thought you said she liked me!" Taro says, in a joking manner. Megami widens her eyes. "Relax, Megami. It was a joke." Taro says, with a smile. She instantly calms down. "Well, either way, now I really have to rethink who may be the real murderer. If Ayano really liked Budo this whole time, then she might actually be innocent.. I'll have to look over the disappearances. Anyway, apparently that Amao boy is returning today. I'm not quite sure of the details, but he somehow managed to get bail. So for now, keep an eye out for any suspicious activity." She says. Taro nods. "Sounds good." This worried Taro a little. Now he has to stay around Ayano to keep her safe. He heads to the courtyard, as well as Budo and Ayano, while Megami patrols the first floor corridors. Budo, Ayano, and Taro are the only ones in the courtyard. 

Ayano looks at her phone, and sees a text from the Yakuza saying "The trash has been taken out." She smirks and puts her phone away. "What was that, Angel?" Budo asks, as he cuddles into Ayano. "Oh, a friend just said something funny." She says. He smiles and cuddles more, to which Ayano cuddles back. She wishes this were Taro or Osoro, but unfortunately that can't happen. Yet. Ayano looks over to the entrance of the courtyard, and notices Amao walk in. "Strange. Wasn't he arrested for murdering Kizano a couple weeks ago?" Budo asks. "Yeah.." Ayano responds. "He flirted with me quite a lot." She says. "Then I don't like him. You wouldn't leave me for him, would you?" Budo jokes. Ayano giggles. "Don't be silly." She says as she rests her head on his shoulder. Ayano then notices Amao looking at Taro, with what looks like anger. Ayano didn't think of Amao as the angry type. 

He briskly walks up to Taro, who's looking at him with a little smirk. Ayano watches closely. "YOU! YOU'RE THE REASON WHY I SPENT A COUPLE OF WEEKS IN HELL!" He says as he glares at Taro, who then pepper sprays him in the eyes. "AH!" Budo immediately helps apprehend him. "NO! I NEED JUSTICE! I SWEAR IT WASN'T ME!!" He yells. Ayano gets up, and helps hold him down. "Budo, go and grab a teacher." Taro says. Budo nods, and Ayano takes his place. Once he's gone, Taro lets out a dark chuckle. "Yes, it was me. It's a shame that you won't be able to prove it. Enjoy your time in the asylum!" He chuckles again, as Amao widens his eyes and screams in frustration, and struggles. "I'll get you, Yamada! I swear it! This is all your fault!" Taro smirks. "It's a shame. You were once such a sweet person. Prison must've been rough, huh?" He says in a mocking tone. He spits in Taro's face, and turns his head to look at Ayano. "When I come back, we can be together. I love you, Ayano. I'll get better, and make you cheesecake or whatever you like, you hear me, sweetheart?" He says. Ayano looks at him, with disgust. Taro leans into his ear, and whispers. "She's mine." It's too quiet for Ayano for hear. Amao looks at him with pure rage. "URRGHHH!! JUST YOU WAIT! I WILL GET YOU!!" He looks at Ayano again. "And you.." He says, with a smirk. Taro is now looking at him coldly, and tightens his grip, making Amao groan in pain. 

Right on cue, Megami and a teacher walk into the courtyard, with Budo in tow. They all hear that last part. Megami walks up to Ayano, and takes her place in apprehending Amao. "It's alright, we can deal with it from here. We'll do our best to keep him away from you." She says, earnestly. Ayano nods. Budo hugs Ayano, and shoots daggers at Amao. "If you somehow escape the asylum, I don't want to see you anywhere near Ayano." He says, as he holds Ayano a little closer to him. Two police officers walk in, and cuff Amao's hands. "You have to believe me! I'm the innocent one in all of this! It was all him!!" He says, looking at Taro. "You are in no position to make such accusations. I hope you get the help you need, Amao." Taro says. Megami nods in agreement, whilst staring sternly at Amao. "Take him away." She says. The police nod, and escort him out of the school, as he kicks and screams. Megami turns to Taro. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" She asks. "I'm fine. He tried to attack me, but I pepper sprayed him, and apprehended him with the help of Budo and Ayano." He says. Megami looks over to Budo and Ayano. "Thank you for your help, I'm sorry you had to get involved." She says, as she observes Ayano. "As the martial arts leader, it's my responsibility to take action if something like this happens." Budo says, with a smile. Megami nods. "Alright, well now that it's over, I have other things to attend to. Good job, all of you." She says, as she walks away. 

"Well, I must go look after the club, I will see you later, Angel." Budo says, as he kisses Ayano's forehead. She fakes a smile, and watches with no emotion as he walks away. Once they're both gone, Taro lets out a dark chuckle. "This is going much better than intended!" He says. Ayano smirks. "Nice job, but now I'm curious. What exactly did you do to Amao? And why?" Taro chuckles. "How about this, I'll tell you that when you tell me about the emotions thing." He teases. "I'm still holding off on that." She says. "Then so will I." Taro says, with a smile. He walks to the fountain ledge, sits down, pulls out a book, and starts reading. Ayano sits under a tree where she was cuddling with Budo, and gets out her phone. She looks at Taro, and smiles as he reads his book. Just like old times. She goes back to her phone. Every now and then Taro would side glance at Ayano, and smile to himself. They continue their hobbies, as they enjoy the morning sun until the bell rings, and they have to make their way to class, where they would think of their futures. Of course, none of them know what is to come in that future. 


So yeah, this chapter was released pretty fast. That's because I had more free time, and much more motivation to continue. I'm really happy so far, and I get more and more excited as we approach the big finale, which not far off now, believe it or not. Thank you so much for reading, I appreciate every single one of you. This story gained the population of an Ayando fanfic, I swear, lol. Well, anyway, I shall see you in the next update! Feel free to keep an eye on my conversation board, where I regularly post a sneak peak of an up-coming chapter! Please tell me what you thought of this chapter, I love your feedback! Have a lovely day/night, lovelies! And as always:

Thank you for following the development of 'A Yandere and a Delinquent'. <3

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