A Man's Biggest Responsibility

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The biggest responsibility of a man is taking care of his woman.

I bet the ladies love that idea!

Why is that?

It goes against what we were taught at a young age:

"Be independent."

"Don't  be emotional."

"Don't trust women."

"Don't let women tell you what to do."

"Women can't raise men."

and whatever else our fathers and even mothers taught us.

It goes against our innate desire to always look out for ourselves.

When you decide to take care of a woman there is a great responsibility. She has needs that must be given the proper care.

1) She has emotional needs. That means she needs to not only share emotions with you but you must also do the same. Women are more emotionally intone than most men. By that I mean they use emotion more than logic to make decisions. Your job is to balance that but at the same time don't brush aside her emotions.

2) Self-esteem needs. Now, this is becoming a big issue in today's time. Many women have self-esteem issues; in fact, even the models do! Your job is to tell her how beautiful she is and to comfort her when she thinks otherwise. This also deals with how intelligent she feels. Notice I said feels not thinks because self-esteem is a feeling. So again you got to throw that don't be emotional bull shit in the trash!

3) This one is a tough issue. Yes, women have sexual needs as do men. However, it is different for women. Women want passion and not just when you want to be in her bed. She wants you to show her that she is sexually attractive through romantic kisses, hugs, cuddles, etc. These things she wants done at appropriate times and places. You have to show her respect.

4) This one is going to be controversial but I will try not taking sides. Women have financial needs. Nowadays women are working more so this need may not be as necessary. I have nothing against women working. However, they are still being paid less than men. This issue should be resolved in my opinion women and men of the same experience and/or education deserve the same pay!

5) Spiritual needs are also on the list. By this I mean she wants to feel a sense of purpose that will outlive her, regardless of what religion she believes. She doesn't want to be just a mom, housewife, or a trophy. Goes back to emotional needs and respect.

For now, that is all I got for now. Since women are more emotionally inclined I suggest reading Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman. This book can help you keep an intimate relationship.

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