Today I am Carey Review

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I recently finished a modern sci-fic book titled Today I am Carey  by Martin L. Shoemaker. I enjoyed this book so much I felt like writing a review, so here goes my first review of any book.

For the first five or so chapters, the book is quite mind bobbling futuristic . I recommend reading it slow at the start. After you adjust to the technology this book presents, you will not be able to put it down. I was literally out of breath when I completed this book! It sparked so many memories of my own lost of loved ones; I would go as far to say that this is a Classical modern tragedy comparable with Shakespeare.

Today I am Carey is an emotional roller coaster; some chapters you are feeling gloomy, grief, sorrow next thing you know your emotions are on the opposite side of the spectrum. The emotions are presented from the view point of a medical android which adds to your own curiosity and understanding of emotions. The book provokes your emotions with ease; every tear, laugh, and smile leaves you filled with the corresponding emotion. There are many lessons about life for both children, young adults, and elders who can bare the varied intensity of each chapter. I am both amazed and gratified about the magnitude of knowledge and characters presented in a single book all the while never losing my interest. There is even a mildly graphic chapter about child delivery (highly recommend reading before you think about just having kids with anyone).

All that is left is to give a taste of my two favorite parts of the book.

From Chapter 58:

"It's never easy. You forget where I've been living. This isn't my first time through this, not even my tenth. It's never easy, and no one should go through it alone ... Not even you."

~ Luke

From Chapter 61:

"Remember you told me once from a book you read: Brave heroes are afraid like anyone else, but they do what they have to do anyway." ~ Carey

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