C - Cynical

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cynical - distrusting or disparaging the motives of others

"I'm not going to indulge in silly questions when I know we aren't going to leave. I don't want to die over a doohickey or other. And all of you should put your minds in the same place if you don't enjoy crushed hopes and dreams." You say as everyone fawns over Jacob, asking him questions about the future.

The other children sigh and stop their questions, but Enoch, the corners of his lips lift in a slight smirk. He's always adored your cynical personality. You don't pretend everything is on a wild ride to the end of the rainbow to land in a pot of gold. You believe in the hard, cold truth, and because of that, some people find you harsh, or have even used the phrase 'heartless', but he adores it.

Now all of the children are sitting in an awkward silence, so with a huff, you stand up from the couch and smooth out your skirt, "I will just retire to my room, please, let my absence commence your questioning."

Enoch waits a handful of minutes before excusing himself and following you. Your brow furrows when you hear the strong knocks on your door. "Who is it?" You call from behind the door, cautious about answering, even though you know - for the most part - that a murderer wouldn't waste their time knocking on your bedroom door.

At first there's a clearing of a throat like whoever it is is preparing to give a speech, but nothing follows but a firm, "Enoch." Brows knitted, you open the door for him. "Hello Enoch... Everything alright?" At least it isn't a murderer, quite the exact opposite really. The boy shakes his head, his hands slightly twitching at his sides, "Oh, yeah, everything is fine. I just wanted to tell you that, what you said back there, I agree. I, and I didn't want you to think you were the only one who thought that."

You smile at the thought of Enoch coming all the way up stairs and down the hall to knock on your bedroom door and tell you he agreed with you. And honestly, it felt good. "Oh. Um, thank you Enoch. Good night." You say to him sheepishly. With a nod of reassurance to himself, Enoch gives you a quick and rare smile, "Good night, Y/N." As he's walking down the hallway, you push your door closed, before yanking it open again, "Sleep well, Enoch. It's going to be a bit drafty." You say before shoving the door closed again.

Enoch doesn't bother turning around, he heard the door, but he does smile all the way into his room, until his own door is pushed closed, and even in his dreams, he reckons.

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