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I felt panick and anxiety rise in the central part of my brain.I stepped ahead in search of her, checking below the bed,around the closet,everyewhere but she was no where to be seen. I immediately called the security,awaring the guard's of her sudden disappearance,and put the phone off ,ready to storm out.Suddenly, the door of the washroom clicked,opening wide and she stepped out,eyes puffy red and strains of tears still visible on her face...
Fault of my dumb senses,i didn't check in her second home!!(haha, sm of U got it right!)

I sighed and folded my hands,tapping my foot,leaning on the door frame.

" were in the washroom since I left!" I asked with a lift of my eyebrow and scowl appearing on my face.

"What's your problem,ain't I supposed to be in my room..."she spat, sarcastically..

"You won't talk to me like that, again,you little brat,dont outsmart me.." I warned,lightly.

"Leave me alone.." she grumbled, ignoring me..

"You are getting on my nerves,really.if that is what you want,you will get that.." with that I stormed out of the door locking her in.I really didn't want to do that but her behavior, that was really enough for today,I couldn't take anymore.


After hearing his harsh words I went into my room and locked myself in the washroom to vent out my anger.
I stepped below the hot shower and let my tears flow with the streams of water sliding down my face.I know, I need to be strong but I can't act tough everytime,this facade is hard to hide.
few hours went by, I felt a bit calm after releasing the pented up feelings and emotions.I stepped out wearing comfortable clothes.I unlocked the door,ready to walk towards the bed when suddenly, i noticed Neil standing there,eyes wide,seemingly concerned,and his face muscles moved for a frown to appear.
I tried to ignore him but alas,he had to speak or say boss me around, everytime.

After his ramblings, he went out locking me in and beleive me, that was much better than being watched every second.My stomach gurgled with the movement,signalling its hungry for food but right now I have nothing more than a glass of water.I drank it to cover up the emptiness and went ahead,reading a book.
What a life,i almost spend every minute in this room..not complaining though, as long as he's away.

After a few hours which felt like years,trust me,not exaggerating,this how you feel when you are alone and hungry locked in a room,the door opened and stepped in the kind lady Steph, with a tray of food.

"Hungry Sweety.."she asked politely.
"Starving.."I squeaked,getting up.
"Awh,I knew it,thats why I brought this up,eat your food then I have a surprise for you."
Well I really ignored the last part as the delicious food and its Aroma was so inviting when it was placed infront of me. I munched on it real quick.

She went out may be to get something,meanwhile, I was busy devouring all the food down my throat. soon,she returned till then I had fulfilled my stomach.
She cleaned the mess and I thanked her.
"Lovely,you need to get dressed really pretty, as you are going with Neil for a party."
I choked,eyes widening.
" can't deny"
I was shocked...
"okay but why this sudden change in his behavior,he never takes me out anywhere."
"Well,this is really important.also, Neil is really unpredictable"
"Undoubtedly..."I huffed ,but atleast I would get to be out for this place once in months and maybe I could get a chance to escape,very fewer chances though.but the very thought, brought smile to my lips.

"So let's get started,take this and get changed darling,you need a little makeover." She said,with those always happy and caring, glittery eyes.

I wore the gown she brought,which was dark maroon with printed black flowers,i have to agree, that looked really pretty with the frill over it.

I wore it and stepped out of the closet,
"You look like a princess,really.."she said, adoring.
but...I don't go well with compliments.

Maybe,this was the chance I could get to talk to her,while she was busy fixing my hair.

"Steph,may I ask you something.."
"Ofcourse darling.."she replied curling my hair strands.
"Since when are you working here?"
"Umh,its been 8 years."
"Ohh,really!was Neil alone then.. but,why did you choose this hell to work in."
"Oh Sweety,i was in need of money ofcourse,so I had to..and Neil wasn't alone,niall was with him always"
"Doesnt he have any other family.why is he so evil,stoic and strict everytime."
"Oh dearie,every human has a heart so does he,and you know what, you are the first girl he ever brought in this house,moreover treats you so well,cares for you.Trust me he loves you so much."
"If that was true,Why would he kidnap me,blackmail and threaten my father."
"I really....."she was interrupted with the doors opening wide and Neil entered wearing a royal suit.

"Why'd you take so long.." he asked eyebrow furrowed.
"Oh there...she's almost ready."
Steph replied on my behalf,she had styled my hair perfectly and there I stood,all ready.
"Thank you Steph,niall would be home soon,he ain't coming." Neil said.
"Yeah,sure. have a good time you 2" with that she left and Neil smiled smugly, staring at me.

"So beutiful,lets talk about some rules.."
He moved forward..
"dont talk to anyone unless I said to,no dance with random guys and don't accept got that,and please, don't takeover any foolish stunt,y ou will regret later..." He lectured sternly.god,why he had to be such a control freak.also,why is he even taking me with him.
I nodded turning around,couldnt miss the opportunity.

" alright,lets go, are looking so pretty" I couldn't stop the blush appearing on my cheeks.he held my wrist firmly and we walked out.

Neil opened the door of the expensive looking car and I stepped in the passenger seat and he drove to the venue.

*Skip ride* (hehe,couldn't describe...)

We reached the place ,full of lights,d rinks and royal audience.I stepped off the car,he entangled his fingers with mine and we walked in,together.his hands holding me protectively,making a way out of the Paparazzi.(he is a freaking billionaire,so why not)
That was mildly crowded with the people swinging with the music.drinks all was a  ballroom with the couple's dancing.that was certainly awkward for me, I hate crowds,basically parties.

We met a few of his business partners and so called friends,but, the thing is,he referred me as his girlfriend to would have been awesome really,only if the feelings would have been mutual from both the slides.we stood there with the group when he asked,

"Let's dance ,love.." he smiled goofily and dragged me to the centre.His hands moved to my waist bending me backwards, he leant to my face very close. I was totally clueless until he kissed my knuckles.He swayed his hands,moving and tapping his legs with the music with me doing the same. I was brought out of my daze when I heard the audience cheering and clapping and suddenly he kissed me on my cheeks.
"That was dance really well." I just smiled in response and he kept complementing proudly.

"I have to attend some guys over there,will be back in a minute okay,you stay here.." he smiled at me and squeezed my hands, walking away with a smirk.
I went to the table ahead,thinking of what just happened.

Why was I so mesmerized,dont tell me I just danced with him,because i never wanted to do that, but I did. I felt lost in those dark blue orbs of him...i was brought out of my thoughts when someone tapped my shoulder...

"Hey sweet girl,how you doing.I wanted to talk to you about something..."it was Samuel,a very close friend of my father, and ofcourse a father figure or say uncle to me,but the way he talked made me to worry.

"Yeah,sure uncle sam."
I said politely and he took me to a less crowded,silent area.

"Let's get to the point,why are you with that man,here.."
"He...He is my boyfriend.."I stuttered.
"Really,avni.child I know you since you were young so, I won't believe this, please tell me the truth."
"Trust me,am saying the truth"
"Please Avni,dont try to avoid me..may be I can help you out if there is something going on..because i know how this man  is.. definately,not a good guy to be around,he is really dangerous".
"Okay,uncle Sam. he..he has blackmailed me to stay with him and threatened that if I disagree,dad will be in trouble,I am trapped.."a tear drop slipped from my eye and I didn't bother rubbing it.

"Ohh child,you should have told me'ere."
He hugged me,fatherly and assured me that he will help me get out of here.

"I have a plan,i can get you out of here but you have to be very careful."
"Really!!thank you for trusting in me."I whispered, thankfully.
"Ofcourse...Am just helping you kid,i know all about your father's,now listen to me very carefully."

He whispered something into my ears..and I was been assured that this will workout just fine. And there after,we went out to the main area trying to act normal.soon,there came Neil searching for me.

"Hey Mr.wills,may I have a word with my girlfriend."he seemed worried.
"Yeahh sure."
Dragging me to the side,he asked harshly.
"Where were you, I clearly told not to talk to anyone...what did you say.."
"N..nothing" I stuttered.
"Am warning you Avni,behave yourself."he Pressed my fingers harshly and walked away towards Sam.

"So Mr. Billionaire, let's have a drink."
"Sure Mr.wills"
That was the main part,sam will offer him a spiked drink and he would help me to escape.I was surely uncertain and afraid of the events after this but right now,the only thing I could see was freedom.

I sat on the table nearby praying to god,for this to go the way we had planned. And yay!! it did.I saw the 2 as they chatted and gulped down their drinks.Sam motioned me to get to the doors when Neil was slightly dizzy,i did step ahead very consciously.As soon as I was out of his sight,i far and fast as I could.Very far from this place,from him,forever.finally, I was out of the hell,away from the evil for ever.


After getting dressed,I went to avni's room to check on her.I have to agree,my girl is adorable.I just can't take my eyes of her ..I went in to talk to her about the rules, after that
I held her hand and we left for the ride to the venue.

This was the party of my friend.that was huge,with ballhall and drinks everywhere.I introduced abni as my girlfriend to everyone i met,and that was really a great feeling.I danced with the beutiful lady,everyone including me enjoyed the moment.
I left her at a point to meet a few old friends of mine leaving her, as they are not to be trusted.

"Hey man"I greeted them
"Hey dude,long time no see..."
"Ohh yeah,was certainly busy"
"Huh,ofcourse,by the way who is that lady with you,man,she is damn hot,i would love to have a chance.."
"Heyy,mind your language,she is my girlfriend.."
"Woah,calm down bro...I was just messing around."he held his hands up,surrendering.
All others chuckled..
"anyway,drinks" he offered.
"Nohh thanks...will see you around..."
I somehow left the place,and I was surely regretting the idea of meeting them at first place.

When I returned to notice,avni was not there anymore,I rotated my gaze all around trying to find her when she came in front of my vision with a man,he was Sam.
I excused us and made her aware about the rules we discussed and went to join Mr.wills again for the drinks as he offered.

After few drinks,i felt a little dizzy.My vision fading and blurring constantly. I was unable to think or concentrate on anything.I wanted to getup from the place but I couldn't and soon the darkness took over me and I fell down, unconscious.


Will they ever meet again...??
Comment below.
Thanks for the love u r showering on me so far.

Hope you enjoyed reading.
Thank you!


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