Revenge of the Past

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"Because u r mine sweet heart" he said,I got terrified,the words continued ringing at the back of my mind..

"No,please leave me,this is not true,let me go" I pleaded breaking down so hard,I fell on my knees,tears flooding my eyes.

" Why dont you get that in the pretty little head ,I said no cries.t hat won't change anything..also,you dont want me to hurt u in anyway,right princess.."he said, annoyed..

"My pa would be waiting for me,please let me go home" I pleaded controlling my tears..

"Ohh..ohkay..I will take you to your home" he said sadly..


The car was ready,we got in but again,he never let me sit on the seat,instead pulls me on his laps..I felt so awkward and uncomfortable,but he was stronger than me so nomatter how much I struggle,i failed.

The ride was short.we reached home,I felt releived,stepping out of the car.I went towards the door assuming he already left,but no, he was right at my back,he held my hand and rang the bell..

My father appeared at the entrance,I feared as why this man was still here..

"What a pleasant surprise,Mr,Ashton Wells ,is ur father.nice to meet you"he said forwarding his hand.I guess,my pa is well known to him.

"Mr.Neil ,the billionaire,you here??" He said shocked , exasperated..
Okay,means they know each other,I thought.

"Ohh yess,I came here to drop her.I must say, your daughter is so so pretty.."

"Yeahh, I know,thank u.please come in" he said unenthusiastic.

"No, I just came to drop her.see u soon" he said with a smirk on his handsome face..oh wait what I jst said,actually, I mean devil face..

Soon he left and I saw folds on dadda's forhead,also a few drops of sweat..

"Pa,what happened,you alright??" I asked concerned, putting a hand on his shoulder...

"Avni,stay away from him,he is not a good person,please.." He said sternly..

I was shocked again as how does dad know everything about him..
"Dad,you know him and how??is there somthng ,I need to know" I asked worried

"Ohh daughter,you are too small to understand all this.its just that ,dont get more into him,stay away" I wonder why he always addressed me as a kid when I am already 18.I was tensed,all these ongoings were adding up to the pa covered up the topic and sent me upstairs.

I freshened up to complete my pending works and assignments..after a couple of hours he called me ,for dinner..


I ate my food quietly,the question still spinnng over my head..I asked out of curiousity..

" dad plz tell me who is he.How does he know you ,please dad,am mature enough to be able to understand,I want to know" I requested ,

" fine,but please beware.. I was working in one of his company's years ago and then some disputes occurred which brought his real face infront of us.....and I left the job.since then I know him....This is enough for you to know ,now dont ask me a thing" he said concentrating on his food ,ignoring my further doubts..

"Okay.." I replied as I knew he won't answer any of my questions, I silently ate my food.He greeted me goodnight with a pat on my back,assuring me that everything's okay when actually, it was not..
He moved to his room and I went to mine..


After changing into my nightwear. I fell on bed but the questions arising in my head about pa and the thoughts of devil didn't allow me to sleep..soon my eyes shut,without me realising and I went into a deep slumber..


*After 2 days*...


I woke up ,completing my morning routine.I went downstairs and saw a note left on the table.i opened it and started reading ,

"Goodmorning, all ready!!sorry, I had to leave early, due to the workload.please be safe and stay away from strangers. (obviously him I thought) breakfast is ready,don't forget to have it.bye,hopefully will come to pick you up"
I smiled, feeling his endless love and care for whole world was him,after ma's death.....a year drop slipped my eyes.

I had my breakfast and moved out with my bag..

Shockingly, his car was already there but not him when a driver came out to inform me..
"Hello miss,sir told me to drop you,please get in or I will get into a problem" he seemed really nice and frightened oh his, so called 'boss'.

"I understand" i said and silently went in as ,person in the car is doing his duty..
Soon we reached

I stepped out,the car left and I entered in,tgere she was,keni.she has become a really close friend of mine,also she is just like me.

The day went same with lots of lectures and loads of assignments to work on..


I couldn't find pa anywhere,but yess it was neil again,as promised.I had no chance to leave ,so unwillingly,I sat in and he pulled me onto his laps..

" How was your day, darling"he asked me smiling..ughh!!his sweet words made me feel like throwing up.
I didn't speak anything..when he again asked me with a harsh tone.

"Do I need to repeat yesterday's session again" he yelled..
" no,no..the day was quiet good"I said fumbling
"Wow!! that's great. A good one for me too" he said and I thought, who is interested to know,sarcasm in my head..

"You smirking baby,let me tell you, it won't last for long"he grinned evily,  which frightened me and I sat quiet hanging my head low..

We reached my home soon,thankfully it was my home,but wait ,he never left me,he walked in with me.His hands clutching my forearms in a tight grip..he walked in to the house..

" You here again..." my dad asked, astonished.

"Yeass... Neil's here again for you to repent the past debts..."

"What?what are you talking about..get the hell out of here.." he snapped annoyed.

"Woahhhh!!!chill Mr,Ashton.let us get in first..."

He entered in forcefully...

"Okay... so,its time to repent for earlier mistakes...."

"What do you mean"

"Enough,its time to warn you...if you really want me not to harm you or your company,so I want you to handover your precious daughter to me.I still give you a day to decide..till then stay safe,see you tomorrow again..." He left with a victorious evily glint on his face..

My dad panicked, and I saw a tear falling from his eyes which was very rare..this hurted me the most..and I fell down.. Devastated.




That's it for now...
Thank you!!fr all ur support ..keep showering ur love through comments..


Lots of love,

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