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I ran into the room locking out all the outside world.Slamming the door,I slumped down frustated on my knees..

"This is not the truth,no this can't be.My pa can't ever do anything wrong.I can't believe Neil,he is trying to blackmail me....I have to go to the depth of this,I need to know the real story"....
All the thoughts were spinning over my head and I was already trying to find ways to escape, to be able to talk to my dad..

I was rummaging through the cupboard to find a clue or anything,when the doors swayed in,revealing Neil at the entrance..

"Hey,what are you searching for??" he asked cocking his eyebrow...

"No..nothing" I stammered shutting the cupboard,shuffling my feets...

"Ohh forgot to take this..."He said forwarding the file to me...

"Read carefully and please act accordingly,okay...your online learning will be arranged very soon,I promise...I have loads of work to be done so please behave see you soon love" he kissed my hair slightly.

He left with shutting the door and I was busy staring the thing in my hands, horribly.

I really didn't care to read and threw it at the table beside...

After an hour of strolling in the room, everytime I glanced those papers,it took all of my curiosity and I was already holding it again, ready to read.

"Rules and Consequences" read the first page with Neil Jones written in bold letters at the end.

I turned over,to the next page...

'Basic rules'
1.Do not dishonor me.
2.Donot ever lie or hide feelings from me.
3.Dont TalkBack disrespectfully.
4.Dont use cuss words or swearing at me or anyone.
5.Do not ignore me.

I felt super annoyed...
"What the hell is this,I ain't a kid here to be following this stupid, so called 'rules'..."I blabberd,agitated.

I was gonna throw that away when the line in silver, caught my attention,

"Must follow-Rules"

1.No going out of the mansion without my consent.
2.Don't ever try to sneak out.
3.Dont come out of the room until needed.
4.Dont ever go to the basement or the upper floor,basically,dont go on exploring this place until said so.
5.Not going anywhere without permission and guards.
6.Dont enter the office unless asked for.

All this is actually all that I want to do and this is doing nothing but provoking me to do all this ,now.
There I really, really wanted to read further.

"Special Rewards " it was written Bold in gold. 'for good behaviour'.

1.Access to the pool ,park and library without permission. can explore the mansion,except the basement area.
3.Access to the office and my room without any consent.
4.Ride,out of the mansion. and outings
(Trips and parties)
6.Access to the in-house theatre.


Woahh!!what the hell ,he ain't my dad or teacher,is he??is this a military School or what..I thought to myself.

And ahead was the most dreadful headline,written in black,

"Punishments and Consequences"

1.Grounding,electronic gadgets would be abducted.
2.locked in the dreaded room
Without amenities for comfort and food
3.various other painful and torturous ways.

I hope I would never need to go further,you won't like it.

Dare go beyond and you will suffer the worst.

'Hope you behave as per above.Try to be a good baby girl , you'.

Fear was not even close to me cause,

This is ridiculous,I felt really aggravated and threw the file round the corner.I strode around the bed resuming my search mission....
Hey wait,there was something written about the restricted area,I must go there.If I could find something, some evidence, that would be really helpful.

I quickly went towards the door ,opening it with slightest noise possible .My path was clear,there was no one around.I quickly got out if the room straddling towards the staircase, glancing around for anyone's surprise appearance,and thankfully there was none except those uniformed,scary looking guards having guns stucked out of the belt.

Neil was not in the office too,that means, clearly am at very low risk to be caught.I sprinted towards the scary looking pathway leading to the 'restricted area'....ahh,basement ofcourse.

It was dark in there,but I had my flashlight on.The place was really scary with the cells which had bars like prison.All the ways led to Different rooms.

The fist one was the medical room which I visited earlier as my pa was kept there for days.I stepped ahead and there it was,'the torture room' that made me flinch,and I gasped. I entered in with courage,heavy steps,and racing Heartbeats.It had various chains and chairs with variety of torture equipments ,a single view of it left me shaken.I would never want to experience any of this.There was nothing to search for so I left the room rather speedily to go further,it was 'weapon room' which definately had various weapons used for killing.
I entered in and saw the guns hanging around the wall.handguns kept at the table various knives, sword's and many more.

I wanted to explore more when the creak sound of door opening and a few footsteps were heard.I was trembling, sweatdrops were forming on my forhead ,I couldn't process my mind ,I was panicking,really afraid.

I quickly hide my self at the back of the door locking it and wished no one to check here.I was praying to God for the person to leave and my prayers were heard.Soon enough I heard the footsteps fading,awaring me about their exit.

I carefully unlocked the door with trembling hands.Rubbed my forehead of sweat drops and marched back to the same staircase ,I entered in through.I couldn't take risk of being here for anymore time,so I scurried upstairs.soon enough, I was at the first step,carefully glancing out before stepping out.I casually entered the lit area so that it doesn't seem suspicious to anyone and was back on the hallway successfully ,without anyone noticing.

I paced to the staircase leading my room when a familiar voice called me out,

"Hey lovely girl" it was definately Niall's voice.
I turned around and smiled at him waving,he gestured me to join him at the dining and I gladly accepted.
I always felt that connect and protection when he was around, since the day he comforted me.

"So,how ya doing" he asked sitting at one of the chairs.

"Good"I replied meekly.

"Don't you study anymore,I mean I don't see you attending any of the classes." He asked curiously.

"Umhh.."I was searching for words about what to answer when Stephanie came in the view, holding the trolly..

"Glad to see you both... chatting"she smiled cheekily and Niall laughed.

"Ohh come-on gorgeous,you are embarassing her.." he chuckled glancing at me.

How kind of him,Stephanie was the only mother figure here,I guess,as she really cared for these 2 brothers.

"Awh,dont be shy and open up more lovely girl,he ain't scary.."she chuckled keeping the food infront of us.I mouthed a warm thankyou and she simply smiled and walked away.

"So,you still haven't answered my question" he said stuffing his mouth.

"Umh,neil had barred me..."I replied lowly.

"Ohh!!why?what did you do.."he asked huffing.

"I didn't obey him and left on my own when a senior tried f..forcing me and Neil saw that.." I blurted out ,in a go..

"What!!!That piece of sh**,who was it" he asked getting angry.

"Neil had beaten's all solved."I said casually trying to cool him off.

"He must be having a name,right!!"he seethed,above a whisper..

"Jo..Josh,please don't be mad."I requested.

"Ahh okay sorry,dont worry.If neil has dealt with him then am not interfering..."
I smiled too,thankfully and he continued.

"You know what,he is a wasted fellow,I can assure you He won't dare do that again.."he smirked.

"I know"I sighed.

"Hey,whats wrong...."

"I don't wanna be homeschooled like kids" I answered sadly,

"Ohkay..I can fix this.."he said with a glint..

"Really"I exclaimed.

"Yes,really..I will talk to neil,As we both will be in the same college,it won't be a problem anymore..."he smiled assuringly and I felt contented.

We sat there for minutes and he had eaten all the food..

"Neil won't return anytime soon,so you have to finish that .."He said pointing at my plate..why is everyone so bossy here..

I started pouting with a scoff and he chuckled..

"That won't help..Am sitting here until you finish..then we can watch a movie ,how does this sound!!"

"Perfect!" I exclaimed childishly and started stuffing my mouth with the delicious lasagna.

I have to talk to Stephanie,she is the only generous lady here,she may be knowing everything thats unspoken and I can easily find the truth...I thought to myself.


Please follow this account.. WritersDomainAvneil
If you haven't yet.. pretty pls.

Do tell me ,what do u think about the story..'feedback Nd idea's are always welcome'.

Honestly ,am not getting enough motivation,sorry if I sound demanding,i can't help it😪.


Love u all❤
Have a great day!

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