Chapter 19

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* Hey guys. I'm sorry for my lack of posting this week but school has become very busy. I hope to post more soon. Also this one is a little shorter but I'm planning to post way quicker the next time. Hope you like it! *

Newt made his way up the mountain where Sonya said his friends would be waiting. The group—Minho, Thomas, Frypan and Winston—had claimed the top of a hill to camp out so that they could look down at the Right Arm camp but keep to themselves. People ran around either empty handed or with large crates filled to the top with supplies, all seemingly panicked. Of course, none of the Gladers could have any idea why they would be worried but they hoped it didn't mean anything big.

There was an empty space between Minho and Thomas that Newt took while he entered the conversation they were having. From what he heard, they were only reminiscing memories of the past.

"I wish Chuck could have seen all this," Thomas commented, bringing the cheerful energy of the conversation to a dull silence.

"And Alby," added Newt, glancing over at his friends.

It was funny to think that out of around fifty boys (and (Y/N) and Teresa) in that Glade, only seven remained. The other dozens were simply memories now that would live inside their heads for as long they lived and memories never compared to the real thing.

"How do you feel about this place?" Frypan voiced his wonders as he caught the eye of Vince who had a close eye on the Gladers above. It made sense why he was skeptical considering they were new and could somehow betray them but with Sonya and Newt's recalled relationship, maybe Vince would one day be welcoming to them.

The Gladers took longer than Frypan liked to answer and it was Minho who spoke first. "Not sure if we can trust them yet."

"But with Newt's sister, I'm sure we can do whatever we want," Winston added which caused a laugh to spread amongst them.

Shaking his head, Newt looked down at the tent where his sister and his girl were sitting. He obviously couldn't see them so his mind conjured up different things they could be talking about or doing. All in all, he saw them bonding with one another.

Breaking Newt from his lovely thoughts, Thomas asked, "hey, where's Teresa."

Minho pointed to the ledge to the right and above where they were. "She went up there." They could see where she stood, gazing out at the mountain range in front of her. Thomas was curious as to why she was first, looking off the way she was and second, not staying close to the others. This place seemed trustworthy but sticking together still seemed like a good idea.

"I'm gonna go check on her." With that, Thomas left to talk to Teresa.

The others didn't move and instead continued overlooking the camp in silence. Newt's mind went back to images of his sister and his girl and the others most likely filled their heads with daydreams of the possibilities this camp could offer. Was it safety? A new family? Or was it a trap just like the compound had been? They wouldn't know until it happened.

A lot of time went by without a hitch until something caught their eye. Out in the far distance were two sudden lights. At first, they thought it might have been a building of some sort that had survived the solar flares and the virus but they knew that was wrong when the lights got brighter as they came closer.

"What the shuck is that?" Winston was the only one out of the group to voice what they all were thinking even if they knew what it was: bergs.

"They found us," Frypan cried out, his hope for a future here destroying before his very eyes.

There was nothing the Gladers could do as it got closer so they stood there paralyzed and watched them get closer. The shapes of the bergs became more apparent as they came overhead and that's when the trouble started.

One bomb shot first, blowing up the center of the camp and anyone who had been standing too close to it. The Gladers could only jump and scream, not able to help any of the people who possibly just died.

They watched the second berg fly over and do the exact same thing the other one had just done but this one hit one of the two medical tents. Newt's heart stopped in his chest. The berg blew up the tent and he didn't know if (Y/N) was still inside. Ignoring his friends, Newt ran down the hill to see if the love of his life had just been killed or not. 

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