Chapter 23

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The aftermath of the fight felt like the worst part for Newt. The camp was in ruin, bodies lying around beside patches of smoke. But the worst part was how alone he felt.

(Y/N) was always at his side, in the maze, in the scorch and then here at this camp had they been given the opportunity to live in it, but that was all taken away. He was left alone in this large yet small camp, not too many survivors but enough that he felt angry that not one of them could have helped save her.

As he sat off to the side of the camp, his friends and sister giving him the space that he needs, something caught his eye. A tan colored seashell laid there in the sand, the exact one Sonya had given to (Y/N) the afternoon before he lost her. Brushing it against his thumb, tears welled up in his eyes.

No. No, he was done. The boy stared at the shell until he became furious. Rising quickly, he stormed around the camp, throwing different tools and objects he could into a bag he had found. The people around him silently watched, assuming that the boy had gone mad with grief. It wasn't until he started wandering off that someone stopped him.

"Newt?" Sonya's nervous voice called out. She lost many good people but watching her brother try and leave was hurting her the most, especially since they had just found each other. "Newt, what are you doing?"

"I'm getting her back," he spoke solemnly, knowing that he was ready to crumble down at any moment and he couldn't let all of them see that.

"Kid, WICKED just kicked our asses," Vince remarked, overhearing the siblings. "Think about what you're doing."

"I'm not asking anybody to come with me but I'm going after her. I've lost her once in my life and I'm not losing her again." His emotions were beginning to come out so to comfort himself, he reached into his pocket to rub his fingers against the shell, the only thing he has of hers. He wished now more than anything that they owned some kind of belongings so that he would have something to have of hers.

His friends and a few others started gathering around, seeing the boy in terrible pain and wondering if this was the grief talking or true dedication.

"Newt, this is impossible," spoke Winston.

Then, Jorge added, "More like suicide."

"It may be but this is what I have to do. I've fought grievers and cranks and WICKED and I'm done letting them take things from me. They won't take her."

Slowly, people became moved by his speech. Comparing it to their lives. WICKED had stolen something from each of them and they wanted it back, they wanted revenge or a form of both. No more would WICKED be the thieves but instead will finally feel what it's like to be stolen from.

"It might kill me, I don't bloody know. But I will not rest until I have her back and WICKED knows that they've lost this fight. They won't stop taking until someone stops them—I'm gonna stop them."

The survivors looked around, not expecting Newt to move them yet he had. He had many good points and all of them had lost someone that day so this mission was long overdue. It was the right thing to do.

"I'd like some revenge," Sonya added, smiling up at her brother who was able to return a small one. People were agreeing with him and with more people, he can get her back easier.

"Well, it's a good speech kid," Vince chuckled although he really did believe everything Newt said. "So what's your plan?"

The group turned to him, wanting to know how this mission would run. His mind had multiple ideas of how to destroy WICKED but all of them led to one central outcome, all of them with one single reward that would make all of this worth it. No matter what they did, Newt would find (Y/N) again, even if it's the last thing he does. 

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