AAAAA Toic Lv2

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PART 1     TEST1

1.B  XEP THANH HANG                                                          

2.B  nguoi dan ong rot nuoc

3.D  vai kai cay

4.C  nguoi phu nu buoc len bac them

5.B  co vai cai chen tren ban

6.A  nguoi di giua 2 kai oto

7.C  hoa duoc trung bay tren cart

8.C  nguoi phu nu khoa cua

9.D  ng dan ong di song song xe bus

10.A  oto dang duoc sua

Part 1 test 2

1.C nguoi phu nu mua cai gi do

2.B the woman is filming something ( vac may quay)

3.B may cai oto do trong bai xe 

4.D 2 nguoi dung dua vao tuong

5.D xe dap do?

6.C  lau hanh lang

7.D nhieu nguoi o ngoai tao nha

8.C buc tranh chua ve xong

9.B con chim dau tren hang rao

10.C nguoi phu nu painting the wall

Part 1 test 3

1.B  go ban phim'

2.C ca heo nhay?

3.A thuyen tren song

4.C mua quat

5.A noi dien thoai

6.B oto do truoc nha

7.A xem menu

8.A  swimming pool

9.B the man is sitting mext to the table

10.A  di moto nuoc (riding)

Part2 test1

1.B    2.C     3.A yes,they are very clear         4.A not enough, I'm afraid        5.C    6.A    7.C     8.A it paid of it        9.B no I had to walk quite a ways      10.C    11.A       12.B      13.B yes,it's 7.5%        14.A 15.B        16.B no ,it is improted       17.C      18.B       19.A       20.C      21.B        22.A         23.B       24.B      25.A Yes, we're on the first plane out tomorrow      26.B     27.C       28.A      29.A    30.C

Part 2 test2

1.B no, i got up late     2.C not bad at all      3.A nothing....     4.A pretty busy     5.B yes,i wanted to speak to you     6.B in just a few minutes     7.C it'sclosed today      8.B it dosen't ....        9.C I don't know him       10.C just wait ,and ......       11.B that would be nice      12.A just about      13.B  no,it's       14.C she has the flu        15.A five o'clock       16.B not yet      17.B it' only an hour long      18.C  above my knee     19.A it's perfect      20.B  that one        21.C onle one student         22.B no ,thank      23.C every weekend        24.B sorry....        25.B I don't know        26.A no.....      27.Bnobody is home        28.C tomorrow morning    29.B of coure      30.A I'm afraid so

Part 2 test 3

1.A  I'm sorry     2.C 5553481          3.A yes , I'd like that        4.C  at seven o'clock        5.B  no, not yet      6.C yes ,I do       7.A  you are welcome        8.B no we don't         9.A it's next to the bank       10.C no      11.B they are going          12A I got a          13.B no t didn't           14.C  not at all     15.A he's got a cold         16.A it was easy         17.B would you like a piece       18.B yes , I bought it yesterday      19.C no problem        20.A agree        21.B yes      22.B I went to a party         23.A It's downtown         24.C you take the number ten          25.A sure          26.C I'm going with my family           27.B I usually            28.C I will buy a new..          29.B I will be working at the bank             30.B

Part3  test1

1.C in a bank       2.D Wait in the lobby           3.C more than 12phut____________4.B          5.C as much as....           6.C he can receive extra money _____ 7.B in a restaurant         8.B      9.A she was honest __________10.C forms of identification          11.D        12.A _______13.D just after 12:00      14.C        15.C ______16.A use her credit card         17.A       18.B______ 19.C at least three weeks     20.B        21.C________22.A monday morning           23.D          24.B______25.A  a job offer          26.C       27.A _______28.B an automobile rental company          29.C            30.A        

Part 3 test 2

1.C hiking socks          2.A sales clerk        3.C_____4.D take his kids to a movie         5.C         6.C _____7.D the mayor           8.C          9.D  _______10.C white pants          11.C          12.C______13.B thirty minutes         14.C for three years           15.D never      _____ 16.A the front door          17.D       18.B________19.B the yearly picnic        20.C                21..B______22A the problemwill be expensive             23.C             24.C____-__25.D the woman's sister               26.D       27.C_______28.B to city halll          29.B             30.D

part3 tese 3

1.B to attend a conference          2.C new york         3.A tuesday ____-4.C three           5.D  eight       6.none______7.C he's a fireman        8.D         9.B________10.B there are a lot of black clouds           11.C        12.A _____13.C she fogot  her wallet           14.C $50       15.C tomorrow ______16.D a sofa       17.B     18.A ________19.A her cell phone       20.C      21.B_____22C next week       23.B        24.C______25.D his cell phone        26.B       27.C_____28.B he quit his job      29.B        30.D

part5   test1

1.A  so    2.D keep    3.C regardless     4.B on       5.D is being consideered           6.A satisfied     7.A postpone        8.C make      9.B disposable     10.A denied      11.B with      12.C to maintain          13.C Unmoved      14.A character      15.C at      16 C which      17.B eloquent       18.D      19. B but    20.B ing       21.A though     22.C will hava finished     23.A crew      24.B      25.C to      26.B advise     27.C        28.B     29.A to      30.D resort      31.A anyone         32.C     33.C much less        34.D taking over      35.B        36.B fatigue        37.A mandatory      38.A productivity      39.A say       40.B  regarding

Part 5 test 2

1.B by           2.A cars         3.B many           4.B insists               5.D much            6.D was fixing             7.B ago     8 .C two hundred dollars        9.A seen      10.D can be       11.A different       12.B nor       13.B until             14.D better not           15.A washing            16.D information          17.A with you       18.C in person            19.C respectable           20.B both        21.B was broken             22.B not to fail            23.A since                24.A  deadline          25.A could have been         26.C fixing            27.C each other            28.C glance           29.A  disappeared            30.A taking a new job           31.C of           32.C where          33.A who          34.D buy         35.D wearing          36.B swimming         37.C similarities         38.C speak          39.D did I lose           40.C has been steadily increasing

Part 5 test 3

1.A her          2.C feeling         3.C they are        4.B many       5.C to drink        6. B some          7.A any       8.B beautiful             9.B works          10.A  for         11.D does          12.C buy         13.A swimming       14.B doing         15.A a        16.A take       17.C need        18.B as        19.C hiking         20.B for        21.A  broke      22.C interesting         23.D for         24.A who      25.D to travel      26.D many of        27.B any       28.C  yet      29.A takes      30.B hard       31.B has       32.A on       33.D did      34.B made      35.D for         36.A do       37.C orange       38.B these        39.D drinks          40.A play 

Part 6 test 1

1.C devoted     2.A monthly      3.D of_____4.C following       5.A least      6.C might______7.B delivery     8.C better      9.A above_____10.D current      11.D other      12.A   cheaper

part 6 test 2

1.C dear        2.B for        3.A suitable        4.B will continue ____5.C during           6.D all           7.D kindest          8.D congratulations ______9.B instead       10.C last      11.C best          12.C inform

Part 6 test 3

1.A the       2.A with     3.B some  _____4.B about      5.A everyone        6.C tell ______7.B what        8.B all         9.B directly__________10. informed         11.C  no more        12.A which

 Part  7  test 1 

1.D four     2.B the bookcases     3.A the women's golf clubs   ______ 4.A fourteen years old   5.D proof of age        6. B giua 25thang 1 va 12 thang 2________7.A elderly peop;e      8.D most deaths from......          9.B manypeople trip and fall over......__________10.C they were not blue     11.A for faclitily upkeep      12.D email addres  _____ 13.C there will be one more.....        14.B two       15.A     16.A  _____17.A the cleanliness of the restaurant       18.D     19.B      20.D______21.C homeowners        22.D     23.A      24.D ____25.D It is open only to registered.....       26.C     27.A     28.D______29.D all regional managers     30.B        31.C      32.A       33.B______34.D to renew a memberrship        35.D       36.C       37.C      38.D______39.B a police officer       40.C     41.C      42.C       43.C _______44.D to apply for a credit  card        45.C      46.C      47.B        48.D

Part 7 test2

1.C pet food       2.B the loading area       3.C go to court______4.B fenders         5.D cash        6.C thursday morning  _____7.C denver       8.D to confirm a message         9.C august16th______10.D wednesday          11.D        12.C the bilge and the brine_______13.B information about stock            14.C send a fax        15.B for many  years         16.C ladybug bowls__________17.C palm beach          18.D taxes          19.D june 5th        20.D 7 days__________21.B in the library          22.C speakers at the next meeting        23.C people who want to speak at the meeting         24.C It winn not be closed this winter_______25.D sales tax and shipping costs          26.C operator naame       27.B IF you need something quickly      28.C a consumer advocacy group _______29.A their vacation  plans       30.B        31.B France       32.B spain       33.C 100    ______34.C 7 days          35.D china          36.C a stagehand       37.B        38.C responsible        39.C coffee        40.D         41.D wine       42.B climate troubles        43.C _______44.C        45.B         46.D on the 4th fool         47.C         48.B some extra money

Part 7 test 3

1.D next to a highway         2.C in winter  ____3.C in a hotel      4.B first buy airplane, then by taxi then by bus then by boat ____5.A people who are often tired       6.B because is has vitamins       7.A you have to take vitamin pills with vitagetic ________8.A in the blue bin          9.C magazines         10.A newspapers________11.C on the internet        12.A a michael jackson concert        13.C 50$________14.D chinese food           15.D sunday        16.C 56 West Sycamore Street   ______17.B one hour and fifteen minutes      1 8.C in the city     19.A in the morning and in the afternoon      20.D twelve and a half _____-__21.A his new house         22.D three bedrooms        23.B a flower garden        24.D in February_________25.A on the fourth floor            26.D to the second floor            27.A to the fifth floor           28.B the store will be relocating _______ 29.D music 11             30.C science  11                      31.DEnglish 11 and Art 11         32.C       33.A they think she will not be accepted by a good university.________34.C 150dollars      35.C by email and telephone     36. in a daily newpaper       37.D just the sofa            38.B he will use a delivery company _______ 39.B she was sick      40.C discuss a play        41.A a student in ....       42.D        43.C _______44.C people who have worked in .....            45.C Eight          46.A manager          47.C ten years      48.C mikent to be manager at ....

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