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Today is best day of my life for which I waited from the day I decided to be bussiense woman .

Bussiense award 

Thousands of tears millons of hard work took me to be here I bani arora who is finally happy . Not for myself but for my father who worked hard to raise me up .

I got ready and took my father hand into mine and moved towards our destination .

This is first time I am seeing proud for me in his eyes .

As moved media besiege us .

After answering their questions we both moved towards award ceremony .

As I moved my heartbeat increased .

Is I am getting nervous .

No bani  arora can never be nervous .

I sat on a table of two with him.

Ceremony started my eyes moved to all haul . I think searching for him .

No I can't .

Every award was done now it was time for the most precious award that is bussiense woman of the year .

As host was talking I started getting nervous . I tried to maintain in stern face but I failed and it's didn't go unnoticed by papa .

I hold my hand and assure me that  "everything happens for good ."

I smiled but deep inside I was hell nervous .

The host announced to call someone to present this award .

And destiny played again and that someone was "him"  .
Looking sexy in that black formal .

Yes my ex Mr. Veer rai singhania

I laughed at my Fate .

Host handover him mic to announce the winner .

Ms bani arora . He said looking directly into my eyes and with his not so good smirk .

I was shocked and surprised by this incident .

I was wondering that is it my name .
Ya that's funny but I couldn't believe .

My father tapped my shoulder " don't u want ur award .

I smiled and moved towards stage .

He handover me award " congrats Ms bani arora .

I said " thanku it's my pleasure to revive award from a big personality like him .

The time I took award all words which he said me in past ringed in my ears .

Ur are useless girl . Who can't do anything for herself . Who use a boy for money .

This. Boosted me up .

Host asked me to say something .

"  Uh ! I didn't expected that I will be bussiense woman of the year .

Firstly I want to thank a important person who was important .

He told me that I am useless and I can't do anything of my own . That made me realize that when someone try to put me down I raise up even high . ( She said looking at Veer with a smile and  later moved her eyes to audience .)

I want to dedicate this award to most precious man in my life .

My father . I request him to came up on the stage to receive his award .

He came on stage i kneely down i gave  him award . The smile which he gave me in return was unmatchable .

For this smile i can do anything .

I continued " dada u won this award not me . Bcoz of u I am here I am nothing without u " he hugged me .

First time in my life I am feeling proud for myself .

I was leaving the stage but host stooped me saying he want me to present next award and handoverd me a chit . As opened and destiny played again .

Mr. Veer rai singhania

I came up on the stage and took award from me saying thank u ms bani

My pleasure.  I replied

He started giving his speech .

I want to dedicate this award to my ex .
When mentioned ex my eyes pooped out in shock .

He continues bcoz of her I am bussiense man .

I said and left stage .

I know he said that purposely to scare me .

But it doesn't effect .

I received a phone call and I moved out to take it .

I picked it up and was busy talking that I  didn't realize I banged with someone . Due to which my phone fell down .

" Don't u have eyes bloody broke my phone . I said without looking at the person .

I moved my eyes to see the person and again destiny played .

U don't have eyes bcoz u are the one who got me he said .

I cursed him under breath . I chooses to ignore but again destiny played my bracelet untangled with his coat . We shared a eyelock I tried to take my bracelet but failed . He moved his hand for help but I jerk bracelet which result it in falling into pieces .

I gave him attitude look and left from there .

I heard host saying something I sat on my chair to listen him .

Today we will not only give awards to our bussiense man and woman but also a deal in which they will have 50% profit . But they two have to work with each other he announced .

Again destiny played.

So guys first chapter of this book . I hope u liked it .

To be continued .


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