IV:Dancing Flames

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Shikha's POV


Life sure knows various ways to throw curveballs at us.
Its been 1 whole day. One whole day since my Aagneya went missing.
The weather outside though, was in complete contrast to the weather inside me.
There was a tumultuous swirl of emotions ranging from fear, anger, sadness and melancholy. Fear crackled like thunder, the rain of sadness pitter-pattered on my heart's shingles.
Tears flew down and dropped into my bossom, reminding me of the times when Aagi had buried her head there and shed her tears.
I thought back to the previous day, oh! how happy we were.
........... ........................ ..........

Date: 10/6/20
Time:- 8:30pm
I looked up from my phone, to see Nakul sitting on the floor and going through our old photos.
I laid my head on his shoulder and let out a deep sigh.
"I can't believe it's almost been 22 years since we got married"
"Yes. It still feels like yesterday", Nakul replied.
We started going through our wedding album.

(A/N: A few pics of their wedding.
(P.S This is not the real cast. Tell me if you want one)

My eyes fell on a particular album that had Aagneya's photos as a baby.

(I wish I had such a cute sibling)

" You remember, what she used to answer when someone asked her whether she was mumma's girl or papa's?", I asked Nakul

"Yup. She used to say, she was mumma's girl and papa's world", Nakul replied.

We were still going through the albums, when my phone pinged. The message from Aagneya read"Help".

We both exchanged a glance and immediately walked out of the house to the nearest police station.
Shikha's POV

We had already lodged a complaint in the police, put up newspaper advertisements and posters, hoping for some miracle to happen and Aagneya is found.
The justice system in our country is very shabby.
The police had taken 45 minutes to get the complaint lodged. Every second, I had spent there seemed like an hour with all the worst scenarios in my head.
Her friends were clueless about what had happened and they were in their own turmoil.

Just then we got a call,

" Her location was traced......"


Sorry. Its a very short chapter.
Until then,

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