After Credits: Ice Cream Party

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The warm, sweet smell of desserts greets Miro Heiskanen and Patrik Laine as they stroll into the cute ice cream parlour. The soft lights block the darkness from the night on the other side of the window and illuminates all the goodies the parlour has to offer: rows of ice cream flavours behind the glass, different types of cones, and jars of toppings beside the cash register.

"Ooo!" Patrik rushes up to the glass displaying the ice cream and squishes his face and palms against it.

Miro approaches him, hands behind his back. "Which one do you like?"

With happy grunts, Patrik jabs his finger at the tub of vanilla ice cream in front of him.

"Vanilla?" He holds a small smile. "Okay, I'll take one too."

Miro then lifts his eyes up to the employee who is busy on the other side of the ice cream display. "Excuse me?"

The employee turns to the two Finns and folds her arms over the counter on top of the display. "What can I get you for?"

Miro holds up two fingers. "Two waffle cones of vanilla ice cream, please."

Patrik then juts his soaked cone out at the employee with a toothy grin. "Eh!"

"Oh, Patrik..." Miro pushes his arm down. "We'll get you a fresh cone."

He stares at his sad cone and lets out an equally sad sound.

The employee serves two scoops of vanilla ice cream on two waffle cones. Holding them, she then asks them, "Would you like any toppings?"

Miro turns to Patrik, who is mumbling to his soggy cone. "Patrik, do you want any toppings?"

Patrik peers down at him, confused. "Eh?"

Miro points to the toppings behind the glass panel next to the ice cream display. "There're toppings."

Patrik turns to the jars of toppings. His eyes light up with a gasp. With excited sounds, he dashes up to the glass and repeatedly jabs his finger at a jar containing blue gummy bears.

Miro giggles at his enthusiasm as he steps up to him. "Okay." He looks back at the employee. "One with blue gummy bears and one with a butterscotch shell, please."

The employee then decorates the ice cream cones with the requested toppings before stepping up to the open area with the cash register.

"Here you guys are." She holds the picture-perfect ice cream cones out to the two.

Patrik's face lights up at the sight of his brand new ice cream cone. He grabs it with his free hand and slurps it with passion.

"Thank you," Miro says bashfully as he plucks his ice cream cone.

* * *

After paying, the two Finns exit the parlour and amble down the lit downtown area of San Jose under the night sky. A cool breeze flutters around them as they enjoy their dessert.

Miro licks his ice cream before turning to Patrik. "Do you want to do anything next?"

Patrik halts as an answer. His small eyes dart around the bustling streets and towering buildings before he lets out a grunt. He then levitates off the concrete ground and blasts through the inky skies.

Miro gawks at his actions. "Wait, Patrik!" Light explodes from his soles and propels him through the air.

The breeze has now become strong gusts as it whips Miro's hair and clothes. Miro locks his eyes on Patrik's feet and back of Patrik's head as he soars in front of him. Patrik then descends; Miro does the same, lowering his upper body.

Nearing the ground, Patrik's destination becomes clear: Arena Green West. The small park is empty with its lampposts and lights on the ground beside it illuminating the area. Across the street, the SAP Center stands strong with its lights burning across the darkness.

Patrik steps onto the grass and resumes enjoying his ice cream as he approaches a bench. He sits on it, only to be joined by Miro.

"You could've told me you wanted to go to the park!" Miro exclaims, breathless. He takes a refreshing lick of ice cream.

Patrik gives him a shrug and question-sounding guttural noise before resuming his ice cream eating.

Miro's eyes wander around the dim park as he savours the sweet and salty flavours of his dessert. He then catches sight of a squirrel sprinting across the playground, sidewalk, and bench, before skittering up the armrest beside Patrik and standing there.

Miro holds a gasp in his throat with large eyes on the small, furry animal, stunned by nature being so close to him.

Patrik turns his gaze to the squirrel as well. An eager expression sweeps across his face. "Ooo!"

He shoves his ice cream cone into Miro's hand to scrap some of his own ice cream cone with his soggy waffle cone. He then turns to the squirrel and grabs it by the throat; the squirrel squeaks.

Miro gasps at the sight. "Patrik, no--"

But too late: Patrik drives the squirrel's face into his ice cream. He then pulls it out, the squirrel covered in ice cream and grunts in question. The squirrel squirms to pop its paws over Patrik's fist; it uses its paws to wipe the ice cream off from its face and licks it. It lets out happy chitters. Patrik nods and guides it back to the soggy ice cream cone. The squirrel continues eating the vanilla scoops with the soggy waffle cone.

Miro lets out an uneasy giggle at the sight. "Wow, I didn't know squirrels liked ice cream...!"

Patrik leans over to take a bite from his ice cream cone Miro holds.

"This is nice..." Miro drowns his uneasiness with another lick of his ice cream.

Then, a whole parade of squirrels swarm around Patrik and his ice cream cone in a chorus of squeaks and chitters.

Miro lets out a yelp and pops out of his seat, backing away from the furry storm. Calmly, Patrik lowers the squirrel he holds and the ice cream onto the grass beside his feet. The squirrels then huddle around the ice cream cone and feast on it.

With a nod and a grunt of content, Patrik dusts his hands. He then turns to spot Miro with his back against a nearby tree trunk and wide eyes at the scene. Patrik motions him to return with a wave of his hand.

Miro gulps before creeping back to the bench. He sits down, pressed up against the corner of the bench, and holds Patrik's ice cream cone at him.

Patrik takes his cone and continues munching on it. He peers down at his furry friends having a dessert feast. A large, toothy smile forms in the middle of his stringy, platinum beard. With chuckles, he turns back to Miro.

Miro gives him a mustered warm smile, attempting to get used to the addition of squirrels so close to him.

So, with that, the Finns enjoy their ice cream in a park along with squirrels to top their eventful day.

The End.

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