Bonus Scene

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November 28, 2014

In the NHL Basement, Tommy Gorman is typing on his big computer as usual. But he is not looking out for the power players at the moment; he is finishing up his project: teleportation.
"Alright." Tommy leans back in his swivel chair and stares up at the screen. "Take one." He pushes himself forward toward the massive keyboard and hits a red button by the keyboard.
Suddenly, crackling sounds begin to emit from underneath the computer; then a beam of silver energy streaks out from underneath.
His eyes eagerly follow where the beam is heading straight to--
Tommy gasps with wide eyes. "No, no, not the--"
The energy makes contact with the Stanley Cup, which is standing on its podium right next to the computer. The Cup bursts into multiple sparkles of silver, black, and white. Once the sparkles dwindle away, the trophy is no longer visible.
"Oh no, oh no, oh no...!" Tommy turns back to the computer and begins to furiously type on the computer, attempting to teleport the Stanley Cup back as quick as possible before someone finds it...

Meanwhile in the back parking lot of the First Niagara Center, the arena of the Buffalo Sabres, Alex Galchenyuk, a centre man for the Canadiens, is lugging his hockey bag with a serious look. The Montréal Canadiens are in Buffalo, because they have a game tonight against the Sabres.
He hears asphalt cracking under the weight of one's footsteps, so he flicks his eyes up to see who it is.
It is Nikita Zadorov, a defensemen for the Buffalo Sabres, who is strolling happily against the direction of Alex.
Alex shoots him a grumpy look, like as if he's telling him to stop smiling through his facial expression. Nikita continues galloping with a huge smile.
All of a sudden in mid air, a burst of silver energy along with scattered white, black, and silver sparkles erupts in between them. Rays of energy shoot out in all directions, striking Alex and NIkita. The strength of the energy is so strong, the two hockey players fly off their feet and skid against the hard asphalt. The energy that made contact with them is absorb and subsides deep inside them.
With a groan, Alex lifts himself up to a sitting position. He stays in that position for a moment in a daze, experiencing an odd flow spiralling inside him. He snaps his eyes up to see how Nikita is.
Nikita is on his knees, scratching his head with a puzzled look.
Alex then swings his eyes to his left, catching sight of the reason why everyone plays in the NHL: the Stanley Cup. With his sublime-filled eyes glued on the Cup, he slowly rises to his feet, shifting a bit due to bad balance, and slowly lumbers over to it. He gradually raises his hand toward the object to touch it, holding his breath. Before he could touch it, the Cup explodes into sparks of silver, black, and while, forcing him to shield his eyes and step back.
When Alex removes his hand from his eyes, he notices that the Stanley Cup is no longer around. With bewilderment building up, he looks at Nikita, who is now standing, gaping at the place the Stanley Cup was once standing on.
"Did you..." Alex starts in his Belarusian accent, pointing at the spot. "Did you see the Stanley Cup?"
Nikita reverts his eyes at him and nods his head with raised eyebrows.
"Hm." Alex grabs his hockey bag and continues walking in the same fashion he as before. Except that he feels something physically and emotionally different about him deep inside...

"Whew, that was close!" Tommy exclaims as he lifts up the Stanley Cup from its podium after he teleports it back. He traces with etched names on it. "I hope no one saw it." He pulls it up from his lap and places it back on its podium. "There. Now..." He turns back to his computer. "I gotta be more careful with what I'm teleporting. At least it works." He happily continues typing.

Later that night, the game between the Sabres and Canadiens is underway.
Alex is skating down the ice toward the Sabres' zone with the puck. He has the boards to his left and an on-coming Sabres defenseman, Mike Weber, to his right. He looks past the defenseman, seeing that the Canadiens' captain, Max Pacioretty, is wide open to pass.
He passes the puck over to him just as Mike smashes him against the boards.
Once the defenseman skates away, Alex automatically slumps to the surface. He gazes out at the other side of the ice, feeling pain erupt in his left shoulder; he spots Nikita laying on the ice as well.
With furrowed eyebrows, Alex gets up and begins to head back to the benches with confusion and the urge to complain beginning to rise in him. I don't want to complain, but why do I feel like complaining?
He passes by Nikita and lands his eyes on him, seeing that he is rubbing his left shoulder in discomfort--the same shoulder Alex himself just hurt.
Shrugging off the odd coincidence, Alex climbs back into the away bench and sits down on the edge of the bench, next to defenseman PK Subban. He watches the game playing out in front of him in silence, adjusting to the pain of his shoulder.
He sees the Canadiens gaining possession of the game, crossing right in front of his view to enter into Sabres' territory. Nikita is skating backwards, waving his stick on the ice before him; he is one of the two defensemen trying to stop the Canadiens from advancing. But the Canadien with the puck, Tomáš Plekanec, shoves himself against Nikita, causing the Russian to fall over onto his back.
"OW!" A forceful pain slams inside Alex, making him shove himself onto the ground; it seems like he randomly flew off from his bench.
"Whoa!" PK leans away from the flying Belarusian so that he would not get taken down as well. He then peers below, seeing Alex laying on the ground between the benches and the boards. "You okay there, buddy?" he asks him, holding out his hand to help him out.
With a groan, Alex throws his stick to the other side of the bench, since it fell on top of him; he then grabs onto PK's hand and lifts himself up; he sits back down on the bench. "I don't know..." he says, eyeing Nikita returning to the home bench. "...but I'll find out."

The game ends with the score of 2-1-- Sabres win.
Alex storms out from the stadium and into the frigid Buffalo night.
Throughout the whole game, whenever something intense happened to Nikita, it was like as if he was in his position. The same thing happened with Nikita when something intense happened to Alex. Along with that, odd, random feelings and emotions would pop up inside Alex, making him want to do many things ranging from celebrating when the Sabres scored to picking up a fight with his own teammate. It is like as if Nikita has control over him.
Alex shakes his head to try to get rid of that thought. He does not want anyone having control over him--just himself having control over him. He sees Nikita walking in the same direction as him, about three yards away from him.
"Hey," Alex calls out to him, nodding his head toward him.
Nikita turns to him with a confused look.
"Did you..." He rushes up to him so that he would not holler across the parking lot; he halts in front of him, causing him to stop walking as well. "Did you feel something...different?"
Nikita nods his head with wide eyes.
"I did, too." He scratches the back of his neck with a frown. "It's weird."
Nikita nods his head more. "Yeah," he replies softly.
"Good, you can talk."
Nikita nods. "Yeah."
"You can stop nodding now."
Nikita makes his neck still.
There is silence for a moment.
"But...," Alex continues on more sternly, "do you know what's going on?"
Nikita opens his mouth to speak, but before he could say a single word, a booming voice answers Alex's question: "I know what's going on...!"
Alex turns to his right, which is where the voice came from.
There, he sees Jimmy Howard sauntering up to them with a sly expression on his face. He is wearing a black cloak along with a hood; in his arms is Nacnud, his pet basset hound, who is sleeping.
"I know why you're feeling what you're feeling..." He halts in front of them, since they are now turned to face his direction.
"Why?" Alex asks with a shrug.
"Because, you two have powers." Jimmy lowers his head, giving him a menacing effect due to the shadow casted over his face.
"Powers?" Nikita gasps, looking like as if he saw a ghost. "But it don't...don't...aren't...aren't..." He pauses for a moment, trying to find the English word he is looking for. "...alive."
"Ohhh, they're more alive than ever!" Jimmy's eyes light up. "How do you explain your guys' new experience tonight, hm?"
Alex and Nikita exchange looks; they then face him with blank expressions.
"That's what I thought," Jimmy concludes matter-of-factly. "You do have powers. Powers that are powerful. Powers that can change the world. Powers...that can take over the NHL."
Alex's eyes fly open. "Take over the NHL?"
"Mm-hm." Jimmy nods his head. "You heard me right."
"Taking over the NHL..." He gazes at Nikita, who looks like he is daydreaming. He turns back to Jimmy. "Is that possible?"
"With your powers it is indeed possible."
Alex turns back to Nikita, tapping his shoulder; he feels someone tapping his shoulder, but when he looks at his other shoulder, no one is there. Right...right. He faces Nikita, who is looking at him now. "Do you wanna join Howard and take over the NHL?"
"That'd be...fantastic!" He claps with glee with a huge smile.
Alex feels the urge to smile while glee is bubbling inside him. He turns back to Jimmy while suppressing the urge to smile. "We'll join you."
"Good." He holds out his hand and shakes the two hockey players plans. "Welcome to the EHP--also known as the Evil Hockey Players' Society. I am the EHP Master, Jimmy Howard. It's always a pleasure recruiting new members." He lets out low, sinister chuckles through his wicked smile.

To be continued in AAOOOSC! #10

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