Chapter 11 "Yeah, They're Thawing Out Now."

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Sidney and Connor are now back in Connor's hotel room.
Connor is packing up in tense silence while Sidney is next him, helping him out.
"Connor, what's wrong?" Sidney asks with concern as he hands him a pair of pants. "Why are you leaving New York?" He gives him a tube of toothpaste that is laying next to him. "Where are you going to go?" He picks up a pile of folded clothes that is on top of his bed and hands it over to him. "Why aren't you answering any of my questions?"
Connor harshly stuffs the pile of clothing deep into his overflowing suitcase, which is also on his bed. "We're going to Edmonton; you and me...!"
The Penguin's eyes widen with raised eyebrows. "Edmonton? Us? Why?"
"Because--! I got--games--to--play--!" He grunts in between his words while attempting to make his clothes fit inside his suitcase with his arms.
"But the League Leaders!" Sidney cries, throwing his hands into the air. "They're going to try to take away our powers!"
"They don't scare me." Connor thrusts the top of his suitcase to close it; it did not go too far overdue to the high stack of clothing. "They're just old men." He presses the lid of the suitcase against the clothes. "Besides, they already tried that once and lost!" He reaches for the zipper and attempts to zip up the suitcase.
"Really? They tried the same thing before?"
"Yea, back in 2015." Connor tugs at the zipper, but it was not budging.
Sidney eyes the Oiler struggling to close his suitcase. "So why are they still around then if they lost?"
"I mean they failed to exterminate us--" He lets go of the zipper with a gasp. "--not lose their position." He straightens up with his eyes on his suitcase.
"See?" The Penguin starts, gazing up at the Oiler. "They still have their position! That is a guarantee that they'll try to take over the power players again! You guys didn't complete your part in saving yourselves back in 2015 if the League Leaders still hold their position! To win fully, you must complete the whole war--you must, you must..." He narrows his eyes, casting a dark look upon his face. "...overthrow them." His blithesome expression appears on his face again. "Then the threat of the power players would no longer be around!" He throws his hands up into the air. "And then everyone can be happy and happy and happy and happy and happy and happy and happy and happy and happy and--"
"Are you done now?" Connor asks flatly, staring down at him.
Sidney lets out a satisfied huff and drops his arms. "Do you get what I'm saying though?"
"So you're saying that we must get rid of the League Leaders."
He frowns with knitted eyebrows. "But we already did that...!"
"Didn't you hear what John just said?" Sidney places his hands on his hips with a grumpy look.
"He could just be making that up!" Connor lets out nervous chuckles, casting his eyes to the upper-right side. "We did trap 'em in a ice cube in Paris, how the heck could they escape?"
"Maybe they fell...?"
He makes a flat look. "They'd be dead."
"Maybe the ice melted!" He shrugs.
"I don't think Paris is that hot."
"Let's see." Sidney holds out his hand toward Connor. Connor pulls out his phone and places it in his hand. He takes the phone and begins looking up the current weather of Paris.
"Twenty-five degrees," Sidney announces with his eyes on the bright screen. "Ice does melt at that temperature."
The Penguin answers by handing the Oiler's phone back over to him.
Connor takes his phone and looks at it. "Oh goodness..." He scratches his head. "Yea, they're thawing out now..."
Sidney nods his head. "See? We got to find a way to totally get rid of the League Leaders!"
"We can place the ice cube in Antarctica," Connor grumbles, turning off his phone and slipping it into his pants' pockets.
"I know I love Penguins and all, but I don't wanna go down there-- There's little sun there, which is very sad..." He frowns with puppy eyes.
"So do you have any idea of how to get rid of the the League Leaders, hm?" the Oiler questions with a miffed expression.
"Hmmm..." Sidney hops onto the bed and sits on its edge. He rubs his chin, staring at the carpeted floor in deep thought. "I think...I think..." He then gasps and straightens up with his eyes lit up. "I got it!"
"Well, what was quick." Connor has an unamused look with lifted eyebrows. "What is it?"
"I remember Jonathan telling me one time how he got rid of the EHP!"
The Oiler gasps quietly as stomach jumps and his eyes widen; he takes a step back. "Yea..?"
"And he told me that he used Nightmare Imprisonment: locking them up in a nightmare! Ever since he did that, they hadn't come back!" he says happily.
Connor lowers his eyebrows with pursed lips. "Mm-hm."
"And you have Jonathan's powers, so you can do the same thing he did, except on the League Leaders!" He flashes a toothy grin, extending his arms out from his sides.
The Oiler tilts his head from side to side in consideration, looking at the left side of the room. "I guess I can do that..."
"For the sake of the power players and our powers...!" Sidney adds in.
"Yea..." Connor darts his eyes back at Sidney. "Yea," he says more meaningfully. "For the sake of my powers. Let's do this."

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