Chapter 5 "Robots Taking Over The NHL?"

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Sidney and Connor are now at Connor's hotel room. The hotel room consists of just one room with the kitchen in the entrance and the bed with the TV on opposite ends of the other side of the room. There is a large, sliding-glass window that leads to a small balcony on the left side of the bed. Next to the flat screen TV, which is perched on a wooden dresser, to its right is a desk.
Sidney is sitting on the desk's chair, which he moved to the front of the TV, munching on the rest of his Hoppin' Nuggets while watching NHL Network. Connor is partially watching it, since he is busy packing up to go to the rink.
The reporter on TV, sitting behind a desk with holographic images on its translucent surface, begins to talk about a new, dramatic change to the NHL:
"We just got word from the NHL committee that they are planning to push the use of robots into games. Since 2020, there has been debates whether the NHL should allow robots to play hockey for the sake of players' safety. Now it has been disclosed that the NHL finally confirmed that they are launching the project of replacing players with robots specially designed to play hockey.
"We have Kimberly standing by the NHL Headquarters. Kimberly?"
Sidney's jaw drops just as he is about to put another chicken nugget into his mouth. "What?" He thrusts the nugget into the box. "Robots?" He spins around in his chair to face Connor. "Robots taking over the NHL? Robots playing games instead of players?!"
Connor straightens up from leaning over, since he is packing his bag. He looks like he is about to explode. "I can't believe it," he mutters. "I can't believe it, they agreed to do this! They went against--!" He picks up his bag and flings onto the other side of the bed.
"So you're not going to play tonight then?" Sidney asks with gritted teeth.
The Oiler takes his phone out from his pocket and stares at the screen. He then slips it back into his pocket and faces the Penguin. "No. I just got a text saying that there's already a clan of robots replacing the Oilers."
Sidney has a shocked look on his face. "Is there something we could do to stop this? We must bring hockey players back to their rightful spot!"
"Ummm..." Connor scratches the back of his neck with uncertainty. "I'm not sure. I knew this day was coming, but I hoped it wasn't. Ever since that hockey player died on the ice nine years ago, the NHL's been taking huge steps for player safety... But they just overdone it!" He extends his hands toward the TV, which is showing the human-like robots of the NHL.
"Someone died on the ice?" His eyes widen. "Who?"
The Oiler shakes his head. "To be honest, I forgot." He sighs as he pads over to the edge of the bed and sits on it, in front of Sidney. "Maybe if I take you to the past, I can come with you and I can have a legit NHL career that wouldn't be overrun by robots."
"But-but..." The Penguin does not look certain. "That won't be a good idea-- It can distort time and space and-and--"
"You're still afraid of what that old man told you, eh?" He shoves Sidney's shoulder a bit. "No worries, he's just trying to scare you!" His eyes dart off to aside. "Or that he's gone mental," he mutters to himself.
"But if you go to the past with me, the robots would still come about! It wouldn't solve anything--you'd just be escaping the problem!" The Penguin points out, extending his free hand toward him.
"Hmmm..." Connor rubs his chin while looking up. "You are right..." He lands his eyes on him. "And now to come to think about it, I think I know who I can talk to regarding these robots..." He slowly stands up and begins heading to the door on his right.
Sidney swivels on his chair so that he could continuing looking at him. "And who's that?"
The Oiler turns around and faces him. "The League Leaders--you heard of them?"
"Ohhhh!!!" His eyes brighten up when he recalls the group. "Yea, they're those old guys that have rhyming names..." He looks at the ceiling in deep thought. "What were their names again? Larry...Gary...Harry?"
"Yea." Connor nods his head. "I'm gonna go talk to them, since they're the ones who came up with the idea." He rolls his eyes and continues heading into the kitchen, toward the door.
Sidney abruptly stands up, placing his chicken nugget box on the chair. "Can I come?"
The Oiler turns around again with an uncertain look. "'s best if you don't."
"Aw...okay..." He reluctantly sits down. "So I just stay here?"
"Yea." He nods his head slowly. "It shouldn't take long--their headquarters are just a couple blocks away since they are in here in New York." He stretches his hand out from his side.
"Alright. Well, have fun!" Sidney flashes him a big grin. "I'll be right here!"
"Good. I'll be right back." He then swiftly turns around and exits the room.

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