Chapter 8 "My, Have You Grown Younger!"

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Sidney and Connor menacingly march down the long, white corridor that has the large, silver doors looming on the other side.
Once they arrived at the doors, the Oiler, who now has his royal robe on, turns around with the tail of his robe whooshing behind him to face the Penguin. "Remember our plan," he tells him lowly with graveness.
Sidney nods his head with a confident smirk.
Connor then sharply turns toward the doors and with a flick of his two hands, the doors swing wide open, revealing the massive office room of the League Leaders; the glass of the large window is being repaired by two window replacers.
"What?" Harry spits out as he gradually raises himself from his seat, spotting the two visitors sauntering deeper into his office with a royal effect. "What is it now, McDavid?"
"You--" Connor halts a few feet away from his desk, crossing his arms; Sidney stands next to him with a serious stare; the other two members of the League Leaders gather around, standing behind the hockey players. "You shall call off this robot project at once...!" the Oiler bellows.
Harry places the palms of his hands on the surface of his desk, arching his back to lean forward toward the visitors. "I told you this before, and I'll say it again and hopefully for the last time: NO!" he barks back with wild eyes.
"Fine, you placed this upon yourself." With a loud grunt, Connor snaps his hands above him and conjures a portal in the ceiling along with crackling sounds. The portal is swirling with mainly blackness along with streaks of yellow, blue, pink, orange, and purple,
"Let's roll." The Oiler lifts himself from the ground and flies into the portal, leaving behind a faded trail of yellow energy.
Sidney creates an ice path and a circular snowboard made out of ice beneath his feet and glides into the portal after Connor.
The portal begins begins pulling everything underneath it into it, including the League Leaders.
"Oh no!" Harry grabs onto his levitating desk and is immediately sucked into the portal.
"Oh geez, I never knew I was gonna be able to fly again!" Larry exclaims as he floats into the portal.
Gary simply has a closed smile on his rosy faces as his bed brings him into the portal, since he's sitting on his bed.
Connor and Sidney streak through the portal as flashes of light pass by them.
"Where're we going?" Sidney asks with narrowed eyes, since the force of the portal is strong, like the wind.
"Somewhere far far away," Connor replies, gazing ahead of him.
"And where's that exactly?" He cocks an eyebrow.
The other side of the portal is finally shown; the night sky with the shining moon and twinkling stars greets them.
"I dunno, just somewhere far away." The Oiler picks up more speed than Sidney and flies into the opening.
Sidney follows him out; once he is out of the portal, he immediately feels the change of temperature: Wherever he is at, it is frigid! He halts in his flight and gazes down at the scenery of a bustling city that is below his ice path. "This look quite familiar...," he mutters to himself. He gazes ahead of him, spotting a familiar, iconic structure. "We're in Paris!" He turns to Connor, who is a few feet ahead of him, looking at the portal, which is behind him. "Connor, we're in Paris!" he repeats frantically.
"Yes, I know." Connor doesn't take his eyes off from the portal. "It's far enough, right?"
Suddenly, the League Leaders start pouring out from the opening of the portal, plummeting toward the ground in a sympathy of yells.
"Sid, now!" the Oiler shouts.
Sidney emits ice from his hands toward the League Leaders. Once the ice strikes them, it forms an ice cube around them, trapping them in their fear-stricken position. The Penguin then mentally grabs ahold of the large ice cube, halting it in its descent and uses his hands for guidance. "Alright, Connor! Where to now?" He looks to his left to face him.
Connor is gazing out toward the Eiffel Tower. "To the Eiffel Tower!" He then zooms toward the structure.
Well, at least the Eiffel Tower is still around in 2029! Sidney thinks to himself as he flies over to the tower. As he approaches it, he notices something familiar sitting between the metal railings: a wooden, rectangular box.
His eyes widen with shock. "Tommy?" he breathes out. He remembers back in the 2014 playoffs when Jonathan Quick was controlled by Jimmy, Jonny sent Tommy Gorman to the Eiffel Tower in a box. From the looks of it, someone else did the same exact thing.
"Sidney!" Sidney hears Connor shout from afar. "Sidney!" He shakes his head, snapping back into the present.
He halts and looks down, spotting Connor standing on a level below the level the box is on, directing him to place the ice cube on his level with his hands.
Sidney lowers the ice cube toward the level then once it is parallel, he mentally pushes it into the opening space, fitting perfectly.
"Awesome!" Connor exclaims, strolling past the large ice cube toward the opening where Sidney is hovering above. He looks up at him. "Now let's go!"
"Wait!" Sidney flies up to the box.
"What?" he hears Connor yell from behind him.
The Penguin jumps off the ice path, vanishing his ice snowboard in the process, lands next to the box and squats down to its level. He knocks on the box's top. "Hello?"
"Sidney, no!" the Oiler yells from the outside of the Eiffel Tower. Then the crackling sounds of another portal forming is heard.
The box rattles a bit with some muffled sounds coming from it. Then a familiar, suppressed voice is heard: "Sidney? Is that you?"
Sidney gasps with awe. "Gorman!" He immediately flips the latch that is on the top side and opens the top of the wooden box.
Tommy, still looking the same from 2014 in his blue, holographic self, sits up from the box. His eyes land on Sidney and his face shows surprise. "Sidney! My, have you grown younger!"
"Well, I can explain, but I don't think I should." Sidney stands up and helps Tommy up to his feet. "Come on, let's get you back to the NHL basement!"
"Right, right!" The founder of the NHL nods his head, watching the Penguin form an ice path and two circular ice-made snowboards. He looks behind his shoulder to face him "Hop on." He nods toward the "snowboard" that is behind him.
Tommy stands on it and Sidney secures him by spraying ice over his blue feet.
"Let's go!" Sidney then speeds while manipulating the path of Tommy's "snowboard" behind him, heading straight toward the opening portal.

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