E. 11. "I Am Monty Muffins!" (4/5)

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The game is pushed into overtime and the odds go against the Gulls' favour as they fall five to four in an overtime loss.

As the Heat celebrate, Matt gets up from his stool and lumbers into the tunnel to get to the locker room. Catching up to him are his teammates, who are grimly following the line of carpets that lead to the locker room.

Matt steps out from the carpet line, letting his teammates pass by. He then spots Joseph approaching him.


Joseph perks up at him. He then marches over to him. "Yeah?"

Matt darts his eyes around the black-painted vast room, before landing them back on his teammate. "Is Monty okay?"

Passing behind the two, Brandon is hopping up and down as he chants: "Muffins, muffins, muffins!"

Following him is Jasmine, who is gleefully filming him.

Joseph gives the scene a dour expression before turning back to the goalie. "No. He's gone nuts."

Matt makes a surprised expression. "What happened to him?"

He shrugs. "I dunno." He then waves his gloved hand in the air aimlessly. "I walked out of the kitchen when he was fine and then I come back and he's loopy."

"How did this happen?"

He eyes him with narrowed eyes. "I'm thinking Icemare."

Matt gasps, appalled. "Icemare?"

"Yeah." He extends his hands toward him. "What else can cause him to have a sudden obsession over muffins?"

Matt nods his head with realization while gazing ahead. "That's right..." He reverts his gaze back at him. "So if this is Icemare behind this, how can we cure him?"

"Something that's the opposite of muffins."

"So he ate muffins and this happened?"

Brandon then zooms next to them. "FOOD!" he blurts out.

Then the two stare down at him in sudden silence, wondering how on earth to respond to him. In the background, Jasmine can be seen being dragged out of the secluded area by two security guards.

Brandon whips out a sugar packet from his glove, rips it open, and begins consuming its sugary contents. "MMMMMMMM!!!" He licks his lips then turns around and speeds back toward the locker room.

Joseph eyes the goalie. "I'm thinking of something else." He steps back on the line of carpet and strides into the secluded area where the entrance of the hallway is located.

When Joseph enters the locker room, he immediately spots Brandon: Brandon is at his stall, pouring more sugar into his mouth. "Yummy yummy yummy!"

From the other end in his stall, Bryan is gawking at him. "Whoa, straight up sugar! That's some hardcore stuff!"

Joseph steps up to him and looms over him.

Brandon swallows the last of his sugar and peers up at his roommate with wide, youngish eyes. Despite the ominous expression that is displayed on Joseph's face, he still tears open another packet and dumps more sugar into his mouth.

"Give me that—!" Joseph snatches the packet from his grasp, cutting his sugar supply.

Brandon immediately shoots his hands out toward his stolen possession. "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!"

"Crammer...!" Matt hisses a foot away from him with trepidation in his eyes.

"Don't eat this stuff!" Joseph continues to snap at his roommate, shaking the half-empty packet in his hand.

Brandon clutches onto the edge of the stall's bench. "But that's my fooooooood!!!"

"Eat something healthy."

"Noooooooo!!!" he wails as tears build up in his eyes.

Matt steps up to Joseph and peers down at the defenceman from above his shoulder. "Maybe there's a better—"

Joseph whirls his head to face him. "NO—!" He then pauses to compose himself for the goalie. "No."

"NO NO NO NO NO NO NOOOOOOOO!!!!" Brandon slams his fists against the bench with squeezed eyes in a growing temper tantrum.

Joseph spins to face his delirious teammate. "Brandon, shut up!"

Brandon halts his tantrum and stares hard at him with tear-stained cheeks. "No!"

He holds the sugar packet in front of him. "You can have the sugar," he tells him lowly.

Brandon's eyes immediately light up at the sight of his "food." "YES!!!"

"BUT—!" Joseph pulls the packet away from Brandon just as he reaches out to it. "If you eat something healthy."

Brandon gazes at his packet with massive, teary eyes. "But my food..."

"No, real food-- not your food," he tells him sternly.

Brandon's face then crumbles as he reverts his gaze up at him. "Why you have to be so meeeeeaaaaaannnnnnn..." He then takes in a deep breath before yowling: "I WANT MUFFINS!!!"

Behind Joseph, Matt is tearing up. He wipes his eyes with his jersey's sleeve.

Joseph peers at the goalie from behind his shoulder. "It's like I'm dealing with a little kid," he mutters.

"I WANT MUFFINS!!!" Brandon continues to cry.

Joseph wags his index finger at his roommate. "Muffins are at the house. You're gonna eat something healthy then you'll have your food."

Brandon peers up at him with glassy eyes.

Joseph stares down at him, his heavy-lidded eyes more evident.

Brandon then crosses his arms with a grim frown. "Fine." He then turns his head away from his roommate and lets out a "hmph!"

Joseph faces Matt and lifts his chin at him.

Matt nods as he continues wiping his eyes with both of his sleeves. "Sorry...," he squeaks out. "I was feeling his feelings."

Joseph pats his shoulder in sympathy then tromps to his stall.

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