E. 12. "The Ducks Are In Town" (3/6)

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Seventy-five miles, which equates to one hour and twenty-seven minutes, later, the Jeep rolls into the players' parking lot of the grand Honda Center, which is standing in all of its dark orange marble walls and green roof glory!

Brandon puts the Jeep in park once it is situated in an empty parking space. "Well, here we are: apparently our home ice." He then turns off the car and yanks the keys from the ignition.

"This is meant to be our home ice." Joseph throws his seatbelt off from him and gets off of the vehicle.

Next to them is Joe's car with Joe himself and Stu and Bryan.

As the rest of the Monarossabergie House's residents are getting off, Joe exclaims to them, "Oh, hello, there, buddies!" He shuts his door close. "We got here at the same time!" He then goes around and hugs Brandon, then Joseph, then Nick, the only one who actually hugs him back.

Meanwhile, behind the captain, Bryan is muttering feverishly: "We're the Ducks. We're the Ducks--!" He then reaches to the person closest to him, which turns out to be Nick, and shakes him hectically. "WE'RE THE DUCKS!!!"

Stu rounds the car from the passenger's side and spots his friend's frenzy. "Chill, Mooresy—!"

Bryan whirls to him with delirious eyes. "I CAN'T CHILL THIS IS LIKE THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE I THINK I'M GONNA SCREAM--" He then breathes in deeply to get ready to scream.

"Close your mouth...," Stu tells him tranquilly, yet sternly.

Bryan closes his mouth with puffed up cheeks.

"...and let's go in." He then swings his head toward the direction of the arena and begins walking in it. Bryan follows him as the others do so as well.

Joseph catches up to Stu and whispers to him: "Thank you."

The six teammates amble into the arena, going through a maze of hallways before stumbling into the majestic, round locker room with polished and name-plated stalls and the glorious Ducks' symbol in the middle of the floor.

Already in their assigned stalls by the entrance of the room are the two goalie buddies, Matt Hackett and Ryan Faragher.

"Guys! Look!" Matt points deeper into the room. "You got your own stalls!"

They gaze out at the stunning room in awe. After a few moments of adjusting to its grandeur, they step into its presence.

Joseph strolls up to his assigned stall. It is already decked with all of his equipment, including his Ducks' jersey. He reads the nameplate stuck on the stall with a Ducks' symbol on its left: Joe Cramarossa 74

He smirks down at his nameplate, his well-rounded cheeks becoming more evident. "Doesn't it look so perfect like that?"

Meanwhile, Brandon is with the two goalies. "Guys, how did you get here?"

"Gibs and the Dane came by our place saying that they're part of the Gulls, we're the Ducks, so we just went up here," Ryan explains.

Stu joins in on the conversation. "That was just like us: Getzy, Pers, and Silvs stopped by and told us the same thing."

Brandon peers up at Stu. "Do you guys think this is a joke, though?" He turns to the goalies. "Joey thinks so."

Ryan shrugs. "Seems legit to me— They even got our names on the roster." He reaches over to the clipboard with the roster, which is in his reach since he is by the whiteboard. He then hands it over to Brandon.

Brandon takes the clipboard and scans through it with Stu. It is true: all of the Gulls' names are on it.

Brandon peers up at them from clipboard. "Does the site say anything about this move?"

"Yeah, they have all of our stats on the Ducks' site," Stu says, pulling out his smartphone. He pulls up the Ducks' website and hands his device over to him.

With his free hand, Brandon takes the phone and scans at its content. "Whoa. This is serious."

"Yeah—" Ryan adds in, his thick eyebrows shooting up. "--and epic!"

From next to him, Bryan goes on his tippy-toes and taps Stu's upper arm. Stu peers down at Bryan, who raps a dry erase marker against the whiteboard. Stu peers at what the whiteboard displays.

Can I open my mouth?

Stu reverts his gaze back down at Bryan a confused expression. "Yeah, I don't see why not."

And from the outside of the Honda Center, all of Anaheim's civilians can hear Bryan's scream: "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!"

In the locker room, everyone has their hands pressed against their ears with a grimace. Silence then sweeps through the room.

Bryan gazes at his pain-stricken teammates. "Sorry, guys, I just really need to get that out!"

Joseph slowly removes his hands from his ears while glowering at the small skater. "You're lucky I'm in a good mood," he growls at him.

Bryan raises his eyebrows. "Good mood?" He lets out a chuckle. "What's your bad mood—? Oh wait, I don't need to know...!" He then slides away from him.

The head coach of the Anaheim Ducks, Coach Bruce Boudreau steps into the room, wearing his suit and tie attire while humming: "Hum-dee-dum-dee-dum!"

He then halts his singing as he catches sight of his team. "Oh! There are my star players: my Ducks!"

His team quickly retreat to their assigned stalls and place their attention on him.

The coach extends his hands out toward them. "Tonight we're against them Bruins! What are we gonna get from them?"

"Lots of bruises after fights!" Bryan exclaims from his stall.

Coach Boudreau nods his head slowly. "Yes...but not what I was looking..."

"Their souls," Joseph states soberly with mesmerizing eyes.

The coach eyes him with a hint of fright. "Um, a bit too deep..."

"Their pucks!" Matt pipes in happily with a sweet smile.

"Goalies..." Coach Boudreau mutters. He then nods again. "Yes, but what are we gonna get from them?" He gazes at his team. His team returns to him blank stares.

Then another teammate wanders into the room:

"WHERE'RE THE LOCKER ROOMS?" Jaycob Megna asks loudly.

Brandon faces him. "You're in the locker room."


Shea Theodore, his best friend, gets up and strolls up to him.

"Over here, wise guy." He then wraps his arm around his shoulder and leads him to his stall.

The coach clears his throat, bringing the attention back to his question. "Anyone?"

"Their smiles!" Joe exclaims bubbly, throwing an index finger in the air.

"Come on, what is up with you guys tonight?!" Coach Boudreau cries out, throwing his hands on his lap. "We're gonna get from them OUR WIN."

Everyone continues giving him blank expressions. Then realization sweeps across the room: "OHHHHHHHH!!!"

"Yes!" The coach declares. "So be back here at six o'clock because tonight's showtime!"

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