E. 14. "What A Great Dish!" (4/7)

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Thirty minutes later, the three roommates are sitting around the dining table, munching on their own uniquely filled hamburgers.

The living room, dining room, and kitchen has been cleaned up, which is why they are able to actually sit around the table once again.

Brandon takes a bite of his classic hamburger. Right away, he feels the familiar sensations whizzing through him. His eyes immediately go wide.

He turns to his right, where Joseph has halted his eating with his hands holding his Greek-styled burger over his plate.

"The feeling came again," Brandon whispers to him.

Joseph turns to him. "You know?"

"Yeah..." He nods his head. "That feeling..."

Joseph cranes his head forward to catch sight of Nick devouring his hamburger stuffed with macaroni and cheese and bacon. "I can't read Ritch's mind..."

Brandon knits his eyebrows. "Weird."

The two then turn back to their hamburgers and continue eating.

Nick then peers to his left, gazing at the television situated on the other side. He turns to Brandon. "Can we watch TV?"

Joseph flicks his sharp eyes at him. "If only you clean your hands first." He eyes his cheese-covered hands.

Nick puts a serious face for him. "I was planning on doing that, Joseph." He takes a napkin, wipes his hands with it, then gets up. He lumbers over across the room, where the kitchen sink is located, and washes his hands with soap. He then trudges across the room to the television and turns it on.

Joseph turns to Brandon. "I hope there's something good on TV."

From the living room, the television's screen grows bright as it comes to life. Once the screen is fully on, it is displaying a hockey game of the Detroit Red Wings versus the Toronto Maple Leafs.

Standing in front of the television, Nick scratches his head with a perplexed expression. "Huh, we turned it off at the news station yesterday..."

Joseph spots what the television is broadcasting. A smirk forms on his face. "Now that's something good. Keep it on."

Brandon takes a look at the television. His eyes light up. "Ohhh, my team versus your team!" He whirls to his roommate with a playful grin. "Get ready to get beat!"

He nods with chill to him. "You're on."

Brandon turns back to face his plate. "I hope my Wings win!"

Joseph rolls his eyes with a huff. "Hah, keep saying that."

Nick reads the scores of the only current games at the bottom of the screen. He nods. "Caps beat the Avs. That's good." He then shuffles back into the dining room.

Joseph takes a glance at the game; he scowls at it. "Ugh, they can't score!" He squeezes his hamburger in frustration. "It'd be nice if they can score!"

Instantly, a Leafs forward takes the wraparound and pops the puck between the crossbar and the goalie's skate blade.

Joseph promptly drops his hamburger, stands up, and raises his hands in the air, soaking up all of the glory.

Brandon eyes the Maple Leafs hugging each other in celebrating with raised eyebrows. "Wow, you're on point."

Joseph peers down at him with a haughty expression. "I always am."

From Brandon's other side, Nick is now on his smartphone, scrolling through the upcoming games on the NHL app. "Who are the Caps playing next?" He stops scrolling when the phone gives him the answer. "Oh, the Coyotes. We should beat them." He turns off his phone and slips it into his shorts' pockets.

"I hope they don't," Joseph tells Nick as he sits back down.

Nick just picks up his half-eaten hamburger and continues consuming it.

Next to him, Brandon is anxiously watching the game on television. "Come on, if only the Wings can get the lead...!"

Right away, a Red Wings skater takes the slapshot from the blue line, shooting the puck over the goalie's catcher glove.

"Oh yeah!" Brandon throws his hands up with his hamburger. "Oh yeah!" He turns to Joseph excitedly. "Who's leading now? It's the Wings!"

"Pffft, keep talking." Joseph rolls his eyes then takes a bite from his hamburger.

Nick is back on his phone, checking on Ducks' next game. "Ducks play the Canucks tonight..." He pauses, giving the phone an odd look. "Wait..." He lifts his head up. "Red Wings play against the Wild tonight and the Leafs aren't suppose to be playing today."

Joseph shrugs after swallowing. "Whatever."

Brandon whirls to him. "Really?" He receives the phone from Nick and glances at the schedule. "Weird. Why are they showing the game?" He peers at the television.

"It's something good," Joseph mumbles before taking another bite.

Brandon turns to him. "This game's not supposed to even happen yet!"

Joseph picks up a napkin and wipes his mouth. "It's happening now anyway."

He rolls his eyes as he turns back to the television. "Ugh, I hope the NHL schedule doesn't get messed up...!"

The television flicks itself to another game: the Chicago Blackhawks versus the Winnipeg Jets.

Joseph gawks at the new game the television is now displaying. "The game's gone!" He throws his crumpled napkin at the television's direction. "Give me back the game! I don't wanna see the stinkin' Blackhawks!"

The camera zooms in on a Jets skater, cropping out any bit of Blackhawks.

Brandon purses his lips. "Same here..." He peers back at Nick's phone in his hand. "But they are actually playing today. The Wings and Leafs play tomorrow."

Joseph crosses his arms with a fuming look. "I don't care. I want the game back!"

The channel switches its broadcasting back to the Red Wings and Maple Leafs game.

Brandon's eyes widen at the sight. "Whoa." He mindlessly hands Nick back his phone. "Joey..." He turns to him. "Don't you think there's something a little bit off?"

Joseph has his eyes on the television. "The game's back right on my command." He shrugs. "It's beautiful."

"That's the odd thing though— TVs don't show future games on the watcher's command." He knits his eyebrows as an explanation for this phenomenon pops into his mind. "Do you think it's Icemare?"

Joseph narrows his eyes at him. "Can I watch my game?"

Then Brandon's phone begins to sound: BZZT BZZT.

With a sigh, Brandon pulls his own phone from his jeans' pockets and peers at the caller: Shea. He taps on the green button and presses the screen against his ear. "Uh, hi?"

"Hey, Monty, favour--" Shea's voice sounds from the other end. "Can you help me find Jaycob?"

He gets up from his seat and ambles toward the kitchen. "I would, but I'm pretty busy right now..."

"Jaycob's been gone for like three hours and I'm getting really worried. He's the best guy to ask if my hair's good!"

He halts behind the countertop with his eyes on the television. "Well, I would help you, but I can't go anywhere right now— The car's broken."

"Ah, and you're all the way out in Del Mar. I would pick you up, but I don't wanna miss Jaycob."

He frowns. "Yeah, sorry, Shea."

Shea lets out a detested sigh from the other end.

"Well, I hope Jaycob comes around really soon!" Brandon tells him as words of encouragement.

"Thanks—" There is a pause with the faint sounds of footsteps and a door closing. "Jaycob?" Shea says, his voice sounding far away. There is another pause with scuffling and muttering heard in the background. Then: "Jaycob just came back!"

Brandon's eyebrows shoot up. "Wait, really—?"

"Oh, thanks, Monty! I'll leave you now!"

"Uh, yeah, okay... Bye..." Brandon then holds his phone into his view and ends the call. He strolls back into the living room and rejoins his roommates.

Joseph eyes him with his hamburger in his two hands. "Shea was about to put up lost posters for Jaycob?"

"Close." He then pauses as he contemplates about what he wants to say next. "But..." He lowers his voice. "...can I talk to you? In the hallway?"

Joseph takes a quick glance at the television. "I don't wanna miss my game."

"You won't, this is gonna be on tomorrow—" He immediately stops his talking as he witnesses his roommate's face morphing into a cold glower; a realization comes into mind. "And we have a game tomorrow." He sighs. "If only we could pause it...!"

The television freezes the game.

Brandon peers at the paused game. "Okay, I didn't really mean—" He whirls back to Joseph. "Well, it's paused, so you definitely won't miss anything..."

"I better not miss anything," he states sternly.

"You won't..." Brandon begins to slowly rise to his feet. "You have twenty-four hours till it comes on...literally." He fully stands up and nods toward the hallway's direction. "Come."

With a begrudging groan, Joseph sets his hamburger down and rises to his feet. He then follows Brandon around the foyer and into the hallway.

They halt at the end of the hallway. Joseph faces Brandon with sharp eyes. "What?"

"What?" Brandon asks him back incredulously. "Didn't you see?" He lifts an arm toward the television's direction. "The TV's practically obeying you!"

"And I like it like that—"

"But it's also obeying me..." His face softens with a possible clue in mind. "Wait, I don't think it's the TV though."

Joseph frowns at him. "What do you mean?"

"When Shea called me to help him look for Jaycob, I told him that I hope Jaycob would find his way back to him and...right at that moment...Jaycob did..."

Joseph crosses his arms. "Coincidence?"

"I think not." Brandon pauses. "Wait." He then rushes down the hallway and into his and Nick's room. Joseph follows him and halts next to him by the closet.

Brandon gazes around the room with curiosity. He then proclaims: "I wish the...walls would be red!"

Right on cue, the walls flick into a Red Wings' red hue.

"I wish Monty would never have said that!" Joseph barks at the room.

The walls switch back to their normal cream-colour.

Joseph turns to his roommate, who is gawking at him. "The red looked ridiculous."

Brandon faces the room. "So it is true!" He whirls back to his roommate and states in an awe-filled voice: "Joey...whatever we wish, hope, want for...it'll happen."

"Hmmm..." Joseph rubs his facial hair-covered chin while a smirk forms on his face. "I like this..."

He eyes him with trepidation. "Uh oh..."

"I wish..." Joseph clasps his hands behind his back with an authoritative stance. "...everyone will do what I ask them to do."

"Joey, no!!!"

Joseph faces him with the motion him to shut his mouth with one clamp of his hand in the air. "Shut it."

Brandon immediately closes his mouth and dips his head.

Joseph stares down at his roommate with a pleased expression. "It does work."

Silence drones over them for a few moments. Then Joseph finally says, "Okay, you can talk. That was boring."

Brandon peers up at his roommate. His mouth is still closed.

"I want you to talk!" Joseph shouts at him.

He then shouts back: "I wish Joey would've never had said that he wants everyone to do what he asks them to do!"

Joseph rolls his eyes with crossed arms. "Oh, thanks a lot, Monty Muffins."

He faces him. "Look, this is a great power, but we have to put some limits on it. Like...don't use it where others would get suspicious."

"Wow, practically don't use it then, okay." He lets out a huff.

Brandon waves his hands frantically in front of him. "No, no, no, no, you CAN use it. But just with caution. Like I can use it to paint the house!" He throws his hands up in the air happily.

"Whoop-dee-do, we got powers to decorate," he says with an unamused tone, rolling his eyes.

"No, no, no, there's-there's more! Like--" Brandon straightens up and commands: "I wish I can have a Steve Yzerman jersey!"

A Red Wings' jersey of Steve Yzerman appears over the shirt Brandon is wearing.

A smile grows on his face as he traces his fingers down the sleeves' soft, yet rigid material. "Wooo, this is so sweet!"

"I wish that jersey will get out of my sight," Joseph grumbles.

The jersey immediately disappears.

"Really?" Brandon gawks at him, offended. "You had to ruin my fun?"

"I wish everyone can be a Leafs fan," Joseph states proudly, not making eye contact with his roommate.

"Joey!" he scolds at him, throwing his hands out from his sides. "That's over the limit! That includes everyone!"

Joseph peers at him with an incredulous expression. "So? They won't know."

"So?" Brandon spits out. He then catches sight of his Red Wings' poster that is plastered on a wall in his hole in the wall. He wrinkles his nose at it. "Ew, that poster's disgusting."

Joseph smirks at him. "See?"

"I wish everyone can like the teams they truly like!" Brandon forces out, turning back to his roommate.

Joseph holds his hands out from his side in shock. "Now you're ruining my fun. What can I wish for?!"

He places his hands on his hips. "Something that we'll both be fine with."

"Which is...?"

Brandon shrugs as his reply.

Joseph returns to him a roll of his eyes before turning away from him. "I wish someone who actually appreciates me is here."

From behind the two, a young woman with long black hair and a sleek mien, wearing a gray T-shirt with black jeans, strolls into the room. "Hey, Joey!" she calls out with a smile. This is Joseph's girlfriend, Olivia Ras.

Joseph spins around, his eyes landing on her. His face immediately lights up. "Olivia!" He speeds up to her and holds her in place with his hands grasping her arms. "Oh, I love you, I love you, I love, I love, I love, Olivia." He then presses his lips against hers.

Brandon gives the couple an awkward expression. "I'm...outta here..." He then breezes by the two and ambles down the hallway. "I hope those two lovebirds would leave to like Paris or something!"

He then returns to the living room. The television is still displaying the paused game that is twenty-four hours ahead of its actual broadcasting time. Nick is now snuggled on the sofa by the window in a deep sleep.

Brandon settles himself on the reclining chair and mutters to the television, "If only the NHL schedule can go back to normal."

Television flicks back to the Blackhawks versus Jets game with its regular angle.

Brandon frowns at the game with discontentment. "I really don't like the Blackhawks. I hope a better game going on today is on?"

The television switches to a television studio talk show regarding the Ducks and Canucks game.

A smile appears on his face. "Better." He then peers over his shoulder, catching sight of his half-eaten hamburger on the dining table. "Ugh, I don't wanna go over there. But I want my hamburger here."

The plate his hamburger is on immediately rises into the air and spins itself over to him.

"Oh geez!" Brandon snatches the plate from the air and holds it down on his lap. He takes a look at his sleeping roommate to see if he woke up and saw the flying hamburger. Yet he is still in a deep sleep, as usual.

Brandon turns back to the television and lets out a sigh of relief. "Whew!"

An hour later, Brandon is enjoying the Ducks versus Canucks game when Joseph rounds the sofa and sits himself next to his roommate.

"Rome would've been nicer," Joseph tells him with his eyes on the television.

Brandon faces him. "Oh! Where did you go?"

He flicks his stern eyes at him. "You sent Olivia and me to Paris."

"I did?" Brandon makes a perplexed expression as he mulls over how so. Then his mind gives him the answer. "Ohhh..." He gives him an anxious smile. "I didn't mean to..." His confused expression comes back as another wonderment pops into mind. "Wait, how did you get back?"

"Magically popped up here." He shrugs. "I didn't even ask for it."

Brandon scratches his head. "Huh, that's odd."

The television then switches its display to the news channel.

Brandon gawks at the man now sitting behind the news desk, babbling about some irrelevant news report. "Wait, what happened to the game? I want the Ducks game back on."

The television continues showing the news.

"Oh no." He casts his eyes downward. "Is it gone?" He turns to Joseph with delight. "The power is gone!"

"Good," Joseph snaps. "I don't have to be sent to France anymore." He then lifts himself up to his feet.

Brandon follows him with his eyes as he strides back toward his room's direction. "I could send you to Rome next time!"

"Rome or Athens only, Brandon!" Joseph shouts as he disappears into the foyer.

Brandon turns back to face the droning television. Then his phone rings once again: BZZT! BZZT!

He pulls it out and sees that it is Shea calling once again. He answers it. "Hello?"

"Hey, Monty," Shea says from the other side with disappointment. "Jaycob's gone...AGAIN. Can you help me find him? Hopefully you're not busy?"

Brandon lets out a groan.

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