E. 17. "The Icemare Decade" (2/6)

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Before you read:

If you want to get the best experience out of reading the rest of this episode, do the following:

1. Change your device's display to grayscale (aka make it black and white) 

2. Listen to the song above and other '40s music

3. Enjoy! :)


It is a beautiful day, yet a day lacking in colour: the cloud-scattered skies are light gray with the bay below in a darker shade of gray.

By the bay are small, rectangular-shaped buildings ranging from one-story to two-stories. Old-fashion cars buzz down the roads between the buildings, passing by the sidewalks lined with electrical lines, lamp posts, and classically-dressed people.

In front of a lonely building, the same streak of purple energy cuts through the air and immediately disappears.

Once it flashes from sight, Matt and Ryan appear in view, standing on the sidewalk side-by-side. Yet their appearances have been altered: they are now wearing gray-shaded double-breasted suits with ties and pocket squares, a fedora on top of Ryan's head, all while being colourless.

Matt gazes around the black and white scenery with rising terror. "Ryan...?" He reverts his gaze back at his goalie buddy. "What's going on?"

On the other hand, Ryan has a massive smile on his face with awe-filled eyes. "Whoa, this is pretty sweet!" He turns to his goalie buddy, catching sight of his spiffy outfit. "Hey, you look pretty fine there too, Matty Hack!"

Matt's cheeks grow a darker shade of gray. "Thank you!" He tugs at the top edges of his suit's coat. "That's very kind for you to say."

Ryan takes a quick glance at the historic-appearing scenery. "But seriously, where are we?"

"That's what I was asking you...!" Matt tells him.

He faces him with narrowed eyes and a hand on his stubble-filled chin. "Well, with these outfits and everything being black and white, I can only think we..."

"GUYS!" they hear Brandon shouting from behind them.

They whirl around, catching sight of who is behind them.

Brandon, Joseph, Bryan, Stu, and Joe, all wearing matching double-breasted suits with different shades of gray along with Joseph, Bryan, and Joe wearing fedoras, rush up to them.

"Good, we're not alone on this!" Ryan points out with a wave of relief.

Brandon halts in front of the goalies. "Guys, we went back in time!"

"Isn't this so much fun?" Joe asks, clapping jubilantly.

"NO," Joseph snaps flatly, crossing his arms.

Joseph's black fedora then slips over his eyes due to his movement. With flustering anger, he rips it off from his head and slams it against the person closest to him, who turns out to be Brandon.

Brandon stands still as Joseph's fedora is shoved against his head and over his eyes. He then slowly lifts the fedora to a comfortable position on his head, above his eyes. "Nice!"

"Now we get to learn about history!" Joe points out with a massive smile.

Bryan's eyes light up under the brim of his fedora. "Oooo, am I gonna see my great grandfather?" He bounces up and down in place happily. "I've only seen pictures of him when I was little at my great grandma's house, but I've never seen him before because he died before I was born, but if I ever saw him--"

"Can someone shut him up?" Joseph huffs out. "Slap him or something."

Stu slaps his hand over his small friend's mouth, ceasing his chattering.

Joseph nods at the action. "That works too."

"Okay," Brandon starts, holding the palms of his hands out in front of him, "I think this is Icemare's curse, but it's never been THIS bad before."

Joseph whirls to him with flashing eyes. "THIS bad?" he roars incredulously. "Me turning small was worse! Me turning into a merman was worse! Me turning into Mikey was worse!"

"No, no, no, no, no--" Brandon waves his hands in front of him. "--like we're now in a WHOLE other place! We've NEVER been transported before with one of Icemare's curse!"

"And if we're not at your house, then we can't find a cure!" Ryan points out, gaping.

"We're stuck here forever!" Matt squeaks out with terror, his nails in his mouth. "We're doomed!"

"Maybe we can find your guys' house and see if the cure is here," Stu suggests.

"Do you even KNOW where we're at?" Joseph shoots at him.

"Erm..." The tallest man makes an uncertain expression, slipping his hand from Bryan's mouth. "...back in the past?"

"I don't even know if we're in San Diego," Brandon mutters with his eyes cast on the ground.

He then peers back at his teammates and proclaims louder, "Okay guys, don't panic. We can...we can look around, try not to mess around with history TOO much and hopefully the curse can wear off by then, okay?" He flashes them an anxious smile.

Joseph has his sharp eyes on him. "We already messed up history by being here."

"But it's a great way to learn about it!" Joe exclaims, throwing his hands into the air. "I'm so excited, aren't you?"

"Yeah!" Bryan tells him excitedly with delighted eyes. "Now I can say that I lived in a history textbook!" He places a hand on his chest proudly.

"And I would be so jealous of you," Joseph says sarcastically with his arms crossed.

Bryan makes a confused expression up at him. "Why would you be if you did the same as well?"

Joseph rolls his eyes in response.

"Where are we though?" Matt asks his teammates. "Like which era?"

"I'm thinking the forties," Ryan replies with his eyes darting around the vintage scenery. "Based on what I learned back in college."

Bryan peers ahead of his teammates, spotting a crowd of people strolling into a massive, light-coloured building right by them. "Ooo, people!" He turns to them with a thrilled expression. "We can go over there and ask the people which year we're in!" He points behind him toward the disappearing crowd.

Stu shakes his head frantically. "Um, no, we shouldn't interact with--" He stops his warning as he watches his best friend zoom off into the building.

He peers at the building his small friend entered with a weary expression. "Bryan, why do you do this to me..?!" With a huff, he jogs down the sidewalk and makes the turn toward the building, vanishing as he enters it.

Brandon then turns to the remaining teammates. "Let's go with them-- We shouldn't split." He then turns around and leads the way into the building with the others following him.

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