E. 18. "The Ones Behind It All" (8/8)

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Back in the Monarossabergie House, Brandon, Joseph, Matt, Ryan, and Stu are sitting on the sofas and reclining chairs, around the coffee table. Laid out on the coffee table is the game Apples To Apples with each player having seven red apple cards and a pile of green apple cards in the middle.

Ryan plucks a card from the green pile and peers at it. " Alright...what is 'dazzling'?" He places the card back on the table with it facing upward.

The others begin flipping through their own stack of cards for the perfect noun that is dazzling. The only exception is Joseph, who is hearing Matt read off his choices.

The four red cards are then passed to Ryan. Ryan begins reading them as he places them on the table. "'Zombie apocalypse..., frogs..., Lady Gaga..., open heart surgery?!'"

With that, everyone begins laughing at the silly answers, covering their mouths and leaning back with squinted eyes.

Then the doorbell rings: Ding dong!

Brandon takes in a deep breath, calming himself down. "I'll get it!" He lifts himself to his feet from the sofa and strolls into the foyer.

He opens the front door, spotting who is on the other side. His eyes immediately fly open.

On the other side is Nick with his typical small smile. Instead of his business suit and cloak, he is now wearing his regular attire of his white, gray polka dot shirt, khaki pants, and sneakers.

"Hey, Monty," he says in his warm, dull voice. "Am I still welcomed here?"

To Be Continued.

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