E. 8. "They Speak!" (4/5)

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In the kitchen of the Monarossabergie House, Mr. Ernie is on the granite countertop, munching on hamster pellets from a mini bowl of pellets. From the edge of the table, Matt is gazing at him with a satisfied smile.

"Are the pellets good, Mr. Ernie?" Matt asks him sweetly.

Mr. Ernie peers up at him, nods his head once, then continues eating.

Matt tilts his head at him with a confused expression. "Mr. Ernie?"

Mr. Erie grabs a pellet and begins shoving it into his cheek. He then peers up at him.

He gasps with realization. "You can't talk anymore?"

Mr. Ernie peers around his surroundings then resumes eating.

"How?" Matt knits his eyebrows. "You were just talking before you..." He then gasps with lit-up eyes. "Ryan! Ryan!"

Ryan immediately appears into the living room. "Yeah?"

Matt turns to him. "I figured out—" He then stops himself once he spots Zeppelin by his feet. "Come with me." He strides over to him, grabs his wrist, and drags him across the foyer and into the hallway.

Zeppelin of course follows her owner.

Matt stops leading his goalie buddy and whirls around to face the cat. "Zeppelin, can you look over Mr. Ernie, please?"

"But I want to be with Ryan," she tells him.

Ryan peers over his shoulder to shoot her a hard glare. "Zeppelin, go."

With a scoff, Zeppelin makes a U-turn and trots away.

The two then resume their path down to Brandon, who is founded in his bedroom in his hole in the wall.

"Monty! We got the cure!" Matt shouts to him from below.

Brandon pokes his head through the entry of the hole. "Really?"

"Yes! Let's tell Crammer!"

"Okay!" Brandon turns around and climbs down the ladder to the bedroom's carpeted flooring. He then follows the two goalies down the hallway and into Joseph's room.

In Joseph's room, Joseph himself is now wedging clay: He is standing over his clay board that is laying on the ground with a cube-shaped piece of clay high in the air; he then thrusts the clay against the board.


He scoops the clay back up and hurls it against the board again.


"Crammer! Crammer!" Matt shouts, grabbing his attention before he goes through another round of wedging. "We got the cure!"

Joseph straightens up from peeling the clay off from the board. "Good."

Brandon gazes at the goalies. "So, what's the cure?"

"It's the—"


Everyone whirls to Joseph and stares at him.

Joseph glares them in return. "What?"

Brandon steps over to the board with the clay stuck on it and kicks it over to the corner, out of reach. He then steps backward as the owner of the clay gives him the death stare.

Brandon turns to the goalies. "Go on."

"It's the pellets!" Matt exclaims, extending both hands from his sides. "Mr. Ernie stopped talking after he ate the pellets! I even asked him!"

Ryan frowns at him. "So Zeppelin has to eat the pellets to stop talking?"

Matt lowers his eyes with concern. "Ummm..."

Brandon knits his eyebrows with a frown. "Can cats eat that?"

"They're only for hamsters," Matt tells him.

"Oh, good job, guys, you found the cure," Joseph exclaims sarcastically with a roll of his eyes crossed arms.

Matt eyes him with worry. "But I thought I had the cure...!"

"Ugh." Ryan hides his face with his hands.

Brandon turns to Ryan. "What if you let Zeppelin eat cat food?"

Ryan frowns at him. "But she already ate cat food, the only food she could have!"

"When was the last time she had that?"

Ryan narrows his eyes while scratching his stubble-covered chin. "Ummm...before the game." He eyes Matt. "I think it might work!" He reverts his gaze to Brandon. "Do you have any cat food here?"

"I saw some right next to the hamster pellets!" Matt tells him.

Ryan pumps a fist into the air. "Awesome!" He then speeds off from the bedroom and to the kitchen.

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