Previously on "AAOOOSC! Gulls' Adventures!"

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"Hey, Monty," Nick says in his warm, dull voice. "Am I still welcomed here?"

Brandon steps aside, standing parallel to the door jam. Nick steps inside and lumbers to the right, where the living room is located.

He peers up at the teammate who betrayed him. "I forgive you."

Matt nods with a small smile. "Yeah, I do."

"I forgive you," Ryan tells him.

Stu lets out a heavy sigh. "Even though you traded Bryan, I forgive you."

"Will you forgive me, Joey?" Nick asks from behind him in sorrow.

"Over my dead body." Joseph harshly gets up and paws his way around the sofa, storming away from it.

"Ritch hurt me. He took Maxi away. I am hurt by that." Joseph takes in a deep breath and begins to turn back around slowly. "Maxi is my best friend. We would talk to each other, play with each other, even dance and make videos with each other but he took that away from me." His eyes are on the ground. "He took Maxi away from me." He adds in bitterly: "And then he made me blind! I knew he was up to no good when he walked into this house."

Nick lets out a heavy sigh, staring ahead the neighbour's two-story house. "What could I do to have him forgive me?"

"Make him see again," Brandon suggests with a shrug.

Nick's eyes immediately light up. He peers down at the palm of his hand, then quickly closes it and reopens it.

A flame immediately springs into view, flapping in the wind.

"I can heal him...," Nick states with hope. "Fire healing!"

Joseph eyes narrow at the doorjamb. "You have powers?"

"Uh, yeah, recently." Brandon darts his eyes back at his roommate. "They're the same as the ones from the constellation party.

"I'm gonna get powers," Joseph growls to himself. "How did I get those powers...? That's right: that telescope."

Joseph softly places his hand on what feels like the side of the telescope's lens.

Joseph is now sitting on the edge of his bed, all alone. He extends his hands out, his palms facing the ceiling. He then closes his eyes, his mind searching for the greater power he anticipated the telescope bestowed him.

He instantly senses a spiral of power twirl around inside him smoothly, running up to the palms of his hands. A smirk curls on his face.

"Nicky is here to heal you," Brandon tells Joseph.

Nick halts in front of the blind roommate and reaches out his fiery hand out toward his black-coloured eyes. Before the fire can connect to his eyes, Joseph exposes the palms of his hands by his sides and emits a thick blast of roaring water.

The water slams into Nick, thrusting him across the room and smashing him against the mirror.

Brandon rushes up to Joseph, halting behind him. "Joey!" he shouts at him over the roaring water. "That's enough!!!"

Suddenly, Joseph crosses his arms in front of him, then throws his arms out from his sides, emitting a smooth sheet of water from all around his body.

The water shoots out in all directions, hitting both of his roommates: Nick is thrown against the wall and onto the floor; Brandon is tossed across the room and thrust out of the window.

Brandon is lying on the bed with a bandage around his forehead in the dim guest room. Kalle is sitting beside him on the edge of the bed, peering over him.

"What happened?" Kalle asks with worry.

"Another fight," Brandon mutters with narrowed eyes ahead in the dark.

"With Cramarossa?"

Brandon reverts his gaze at Kalle with a slight frown. "Yeah... I just need to get away and recoup my sanity before I go back."

"That's fine! You're welcome here anytime!" Kalle's toothy grin reappears.

Nick stays still for a few moments with stern eyes on his fiery hand against Joseph's face. He then slowly raises his hand back to himself, revealing Joseph's unharmed eyes.

Then, the two of them hear Joseph muttering, "Whoa..."

Brandon and Nick exchange each other expressions of happy surprise.

"Ritch?" they hear him murmur. "Monty?"

Brandon and Nick whirl to Joseph with excited expressions.

Joseph has his eyes open, locked on both of them. His black iris' colour has now returned to his natural green mint colour.

"Do you forgive me, Joey?" Nick makes a pleading expression.

"I forgive you," Joseph replies.

"How do we celebrate?" Nick asks excitedly with one hand on Brandon's chair's backrest and another on Joseph's chair's backrest. "I wanna to celebrate!"

Brandon peers up at him. "We can—"

"Maybe I can help with that," a familiar, calm, sinister voice cuts in.

Everyone whirls to their right, landing their eyes on the living room.

Standing next to the entrance of the foyer is Dustin Tokarski in Icemare's suit, minus the helmet. He has a placid, yet grave expression.

"I'll be more than happy to," he finishes up with a sick smirk.

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