Chapter 1

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One spring night at the EHP HQs, all the EHP are in the dining room, waiting for their food to come.
"I'm here!" Kari Lehtonen exclaims, busting through the door, carrying two bowls and a glass jar.
"FOOOOOD!!!" Tuukka Rask jumps out of his chair and runs over to Kari. "Tuukka want food! Tuukka want food!"
"You will get food, Tuukka, just go sit back down!" Kari raises the food over his head while hovering, trying to get it out of Tuukka's reach.
"Okei." Tuukka lumbers back to his seat. (Okay.)
"Sorry that it took awhile, I decided to cook this time." Kari places the bowls and jar on the table and uncaps them. "Finnish style!"
"Meatballs, mashed potatoes, and raspberry jam... Where does the jam fit in?" Carey Price asks.
"It fits in with the mashed potatoes."
"WHHAAAA???!!!" All the American and Canadian evil players covered their mouths with disgusted looks.
"Uh, ruuuuude! It's actually like the best combination ever!"
"Tuukka love mashed potatoes with jam!" Tuukka bounces up and down on his chair, clapping happily.
"See? Tuukka here loves the idea!" Kari points at Tuukka.
"'Caushe he'sh uh Finnish!" Claude Giroux explains.
"Still, just try it-- It won't kill you." Kari walks away to grab plates and silverware.
"Those meatballs look like Swedish meatballs." Henrik Lundqvist eyes the meatballs.
"Jimmy, should I just go order pizza?" Carey asks.
"Nah, I wanna try this Finnish dish! Like what he said, it won't kill you trying!" Jimmy Howard smiles slyly.
Kari comes back with the plates and silverware and serves everyone his Finnish dish.
Tuukka inhales his in less than a minute. "Tuukka want more! Tuukka want more!" He serves himself more.
"Mmmm...raspberry jam and mashed potatoes actually go really well... Who would've knew?" Carey says.
"The Finnish." Kari smirkes.
"Okay, so while we're eating this lovely Finnish dinner, we need to talk"
"Uhhh...Mashter Jimmeh?" Giroux raises his hand.
"Yes, Claude?"
"Shompting'sh botherin' meh uh-bout Ryan 'ere." Giroux points to Ryan Miller, who is eating quietly next to him. (Something's bothering me about Ryan here.)
"What's wrong about Miller?"
"He ain't talkin'."
Ryan looks at Giroux with huge eyes and shakes his head vigorously.
"An' he hate duh fact that I wan' 'im to talk."
"C'mon, Ryan, you do need to say somethin' while talking about evil business."
Ryan shakes his head and continues eating.
"Well, I can't do anything. We'll wait 'till he cracks."
"I can use my telepathic powers on him!" Carey exclaims happily.
Ryan shoots Carey the 'Grumpy Cat' frown with big eyes.
"Don't, just don't bother him," Jimmy tells Carey.
Ryan nods his head with a smile on his face at Jimmy.
"But you are gonna talk wether you like it or not in about the next five minutes."
Ryan gives Jimmy a bored look and goes back eating.
"Okay, so before we talk about anything else, I just wanna say this: If I ever lose my powers, which I'm hoping that that'll never happen, but just in case--"
"Who'll be the next Master?!" Carey cuts in.
"That's what I was getting to, and it's not you!" Jimmy frowns at Carey, who slumps in his chair. "It'll be..." A smirk appears on Jimmy's face and points to the chosen one. "You."
Kari looks up from his iPhone. "Me?"
"WHAT? HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMMMM--!!!" Ryan shoves his hands over his mouth. When Ryan said 'him,' it trailed off into an opera singer's voice. So it sounded like he was singing the word 'him' in an opera style voice.
Everyone looks at Ryan with shocked looks on their faces.
"I hate my voiiiiiiicccceeeee--" Ryan covers his mouth with his hands again.
"What's up with your voice? It sounds like Wolverine practicing for the opera," Kari says.
"Shut up, fangiiiiirrrrrlllll--" Ryan stops talking.
"Ryan, tell me, what happened to your voice?" Jimmy asks patiently.
"The Blues existed, that's what haaaapppppppeeeennnnnneeed!!"
"Ohhh! You're in the Blues now! That's right!" Henrik exclaims.
"But Brian Elliott didn't talk like that when he got the Blues' powers," Jimmy points out.
"'Cause I'm not hiiiiiiiiiimmmmm!!!!"
"We need to do something about this," Carey says.
"Yeah, go bachk to duh Shabers!" Giroux orders.
"I can't, I'm planning on moviiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnggggggg!!!" Ryan stops for a moment. "To another teeeeeaaaammmm!!!"
"That'll be a good idea," Henrik points out.
"So you don't have your blades anymore?" Kari asks.
"Nope. I also don't have my regular vooooooiiiiiiiccccceeeeee!!!"
"You almost kinda do. For like, what, five seconds."
"This stiiiiiinnnnnkkkkkksssss!!!" Ryan crosses his arms.
"Now that I know about your very interesting voice, Ryan, I won't let you talk that much, okay?" Jimmy says.
Ryan smiles with a closed mouth at Jimmy, approving his idea.
"Okay, so like what I was saying, Kari would be the next Master if I lose my powers."
"Who would be the next Master if Kari loses his powers?" Carey asks.
"He'll be in charge of that."
"And it won't be you!" Kari snaps.
"It'll be Oooooonnnnneeee Diiiiiiiiirrrrrreeeeeecccccttttttiiiiiiooooonnnnnn!!!!" Ryan says.
"Yea, I wish!" Kari places his iPhone screen down on the table, showing the black Dallas Stars' phone cover.
"Tuukka ask if there is more food," Tuukka says.
Kari looks at the empty bowls and jar. "Sorry, Tuukka, that's all I brought over."
"Awww..." Tuukka slumps in his chair.
"So, now that we got 'Kari being the next Master' news over with, let's talk about what would be happening in two days," Jimmy starts. "So, what would be happening in two days?"
"The playoffs!!!" Everyone, except for Jimmy and Ryan, shouts excitedly.
"Okay, so one by one: Carey--" Jimmy points to Carey, who is next to him by the corner of the table, since Jimmy is sitting on the end of the table. "--are you in the playoffs this year?"
"Yes I am! And I'm playing against the Lightning!"
"Good. Claude?" Jimmy looks at Giroux.
"I'm uh in duh playoffsh an' I'm playin' againsht duh Rangersh."
"Good luck with that!" Henrik chuckles.
"We're gonna beatcha! Watch up for ush!!!" Giroux snaps.
"Okay, okay, uh, Ryan?"
Ryan lets out a groaning sigh. "I'm in and--Bla--Black--BLACKHAWKS--!"
"Wow very straight forward! I like that!"
"It sounded like you were sneezing," Kari comments.
Ryan shoots 'shut-up-or-else-I'm-gonna-do-that-for-you' look.
"Hey, if you were in duh Shabers shtill, then you wouldn't beh in duh playoffsh!" Giroux tells Ryan.
Ryan nods his head in agreement.
"Alright, Tuukka?" Jimmy looks straight ahead at Tuukka, who was sitting on the other end of the table.
"Tuukka in playoffs. Tuukka play against you. You lose. Haha!" Tuukka lets out a deep chuckle.
"Thank you," Jimmy replies flatly. "I should've never had callin' on you. I already knew that. Kari?"
"Ooo! I'm in the playoffs, of course 'cause I'm awesome like that, and I'm playing against those Ducks!"
"Good luck," Henrik whispers to him.
Kari turns to Henrik. "Thanks. Like I need it."
"And what about you, Henrik?"
"I am in the playoffs and I'm playing against the Flyers." Henrik looks at Giroux. "Watch out, Claude, 'cause you're gonna play against the King."
"Bah! Eashy! I'm duh captain, sho I'll geht my team prepared for ya!"
"Okay, okay, I know that there is some rivarly in this room, but that shouldn't interfere with our business as the EHP. Okay?"
Everyone nods in agreement.
"Good. So I'm glad that all of us are in the playoffs and surprisingly Miller somehow got in it from being in the worst team in the NHL, but I am so proud of all ya guys. It's getting late, so go home, get prepared for the playoffs, and win that Cup for us!"
"Yea!!!" They all cheer.
"Good. You guys are dismissed! Don't forget to pick up after yourselves!"
They all left, picking up their dirty dishes, leaving Jimmy alone.
"Hmmm...I wonder: what is the reason for the playoffs? For the Cup, of course. But...why the Cup? Why does everyone want the Cup? What is so important about it?" Jimmy narrows his gray eyes with a sly smile growing on his face. "I shall find that out myself."

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