Chapter 19

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The next day, Tuukka comes back into his house with a huge smile on his face.
"Tuukka home! Tuukka home!"
El Choowe, who is laying on the sofa, makes some happy, squeaking sounds. "M-ow! M-ow! M-ow!"
"Pony!!!" Tuukka drops his bags and rushes over to his pony, carrying it carefully and hugging it. "I'm so glad I lost! Now I have time with you! How are ponies?"
"M-ow." El Choowe looks at its owner cross-eyed.
"Good, good!" Tuukka brushes his cheek against the pony's cheek. "I love you, pony."
"M-ow!" El Choowe makes some purring sounds.
Brad trots into the room, looking at Tuukka loving his pony in the middle of the living room. "Hey."
Tuukka turns around, looking down at Brad. "Oh...hi, Brad."
"Uhhh...your pony's actually fun to take care of. She did a good job."
"Good. You don't need take care of pony--Tuukka take care of Pony because Tuukka has time! Tuukka gone from playoffs! Jee!" He hugs the pony tightly.
Brad looks down sadly. "Oh...good job..." He slinks back upstairs slowly.
Tuukka looks at Brad with big, confused eyes. He looks at El Choowe. "Tuukka be back." He kisses it on its head and puts the pony down. Tuukka walks upstairs with big steps. "Brad! Brad? Brad! Brad?" He walks into his room, finding Brad curled up on his bed with big eyes. "Brad...what wrong?"
"We lost...we're outta the playoffs..." He lifts his head up at Tuukka. "BECAUSE OF YOU!"
Tuukka makes a shocked look. "Brad, Tuukka didn't want lose, but had to for pony--"
"That pony can wait! You're team can't! Don't you know that the team stuff goes before your personal life‽ And that includes the pony!"
"But pony needs me!"
"I could take care of the pony for goodness sakes! I thought this was our year for the Cup, but nooooo, you little cute pony had to decide to get pregnant and make you slack off! Don't you know how furious the team's gonna be?"
"Team already mad. But Tuukka lose for good reason--"
"Good reason‽ Tuukka, the reason why you lost is the most stupidest reason anyone can think of! I can't believe you!!! This is terrible! You ruined everyone's dreams! Everyone's, every single Bruins fan and teammate out there just because of some pony!"
"Pony not some pony! Tuukka already say that!"
"I don't care! I don't care that you love that pony and I don't care what you're saying! I just wanted to win and you didn't want to and I couldn't stop you because I'm a darn honey badger! That's it, this is making me sick! I'm outta here!!!" Brad rushes past Tuukka, exiting the room.
"Wait, Brad!" Tuukka shouts at the direction Brad headed to.
There is no response. "Brad!" He exits the room and goes down the stairs rather quickly. "Brad! Wait! Odota!" He sees Brad jumping onto the window panel that is on the window next to the front door.
Brad turns his head, looking at Tuukka with a sad look. He then looks away and jumps out the window.
"Brad, no! Ei!" Tuukka runs over to the window and peers out, spotting Brad running down across the street, running out of sight. "Brad...come back..." He frowns and looks back into his house, seeing El Choowe still laying on sofa.
"M-ow?" It looks at its owner with huge eyes.
Tuukka lumbers over to the pony. "Brad gone." He sits next to it with a sigh, placing his elbows on his lap and his hands on his jaw. "It all Tuukka's fault." He brings his face lower, slipping his hands over his eyes.
"Oooo..." El Choowe rubs his head on Tuukka's lap, trying to comfort him. "M-ow?"
"I love you, Pony." Tuukka looks down at the pony with tears coming down his eyes. He scoops it up and hugs it tightly while sniffling.
"'Ow..." El Choowe licks the tears that are rolling down on Tuukka's cheeks.
"Kiitos, Pony." Tuukka chuckles and scuffs its bright orange mane.

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