Chapter 9

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That same morning in Pittsburgh, the GHP, not including Jonathan, are having a meeting at Sidney's house.
"What do you need to tell us, Antti?" Sidney asks the Master.
"Well, I have some good news and bad news."
"Tells us the bad news just to get it out of the way," Pekka says.
"No, no, good news! I wanna hear the good news!" Sidney cries.
"Bad news first, dude, bad news!" Patrick tells Antti.
"So bad news first?" Antti asks.
"Yup-a-doo-da!" Jonas exclaims with his eyes closed.
"Okay..." Antti sighs. "So I found out why our powers are gone--"
"That's good news!" Sidney cuts in.
"Sidney, don't interrupt!" Antti shoots a glare at the Penguin.
Sidney slumps in his chair. "Okay."
"Alright, so like what I was saying, I found out why our powers are gone: because Jimmy got ahold of the Cup, which has control over all of the powers of the NHL, and he took them all for himself."
"No way, man!" Patrick exclaims.
"It's true--Gorman told me himself."
"How are we ever gonna get our powers back, though?" Jonas asks.
"If one of us wins the Cup."
"What if non of you guys win the Cup?" Pekka asks.
"Then we won't get our powers back. See, the way it works is like this: if we win the Cup, we would get our powers back and the rest of the players who had powers will never get them back again--the powers'll go to new players. If someone from the EHP wins the Cup, then he'll get their powers back, including the rest of the EHP and we'll never get our powers back again."
"So if I win the Cup, then I'll get my powers back, all ya guys'll get your powers back, and the rest of the players'll never get their powers back again?" Sidney asks.
"That's right."
"Well that's not bad, man. I won the Cup last year, dude, so I can win it again," Patrick tells them.
"And we also have Jonas, who's doing pretty good!" Pekka pats Jonas's shoulder.
"And don't forget about Jonny! Jonny's also really good!" Sidney bounces up and down on his chair happily.
"No, Jonathan's out of the question," Antti tells Sidney sharply.
Sidney stops bouncing. "What do you mean?"
"Jonathan's no longer in the GHP."
There is a long moment of silence for a moment.
"WHHHHAAAAAA???!!!" they all shout.
"Jonny?" Sidney looks like his on the verge of crying. "Gone? Why?"
"He wasn't respecting me, that's why--questioning my authority. He almost beat me up! I couldn't have him in the society with us like that. I'm sorry, but I had to."
"That's...not Jonny..." Sidney whimpers. He grabs Bubby from the table next to him and hugs him tightly. "Maybe it was an imposter."
"No, it was him--it happened after he beat me in Los Angeles in game four. I don't know what happened to him."
"Well, it was nice knowing him, while he was with us, dude," Patrick says.
"So if he wins the Cup, then we won't get our powers back?" Pekka asks.
"Unless he comes back," Sidney says quietly.
"Which I'm not planning for that to happen," Antti tells him.
"No, Antti, he has to come back!"
"He can't, Sidney! Please just understand!"
"No!" Sidney stands up with a stern look. "I don't believe that Jonny's evil! I'm gonna go over to his house and prove to you that he is the same Jonny we all know of!" He rolls up his sleeve, revealing the teleportation bracelet Antti gave him when he teleported to his house. "Take me to Los Angeles." Then he disappears.
Antti, Jonas, and Pekka exchange looks.
"Well, there goes Sidney," Pekka says.
"I hope Sidney doesn't end up like Jonathan," Antti mutters.
"He left us at his own house," Jonas points out. "What do we do?"
"Well, meeting's over--we're dismissed." Antti gets up and teleports back to his house.

"Jonny‽" Sidney shouts as he ambles into Jonathan's house. "Jonny? Where are you?" He pasts by the kitchen, which was to the left of the entrance and the living room, which is next to the kitchen. He walks into the backyard through sliding doors, leaving them open. Sidney sees Jonathan sitting forlornly on a rock near the edge of the slope that leads down into a canyon.
"Jonny! There are you!" Sidney excitedly runs up to Jonathan.
Jonathan quickly stands up, turning around to face his friend with a doleful look. "No, Sid-- Don't come close to me."
Sidney stops in his tracks. "Wait, why?"
"Because I might...hurt you."
"Hurt me‽ Now how can you hurt me?" Sidney has a confused look.
"Like what I did to Niemi. I almost punched him, no lie. But it was too late with what I've done and he kicked me out of the GHP."
"But you can redeem yourself!"
"No I can't. Niemi would never want me back! He hates me!"
"No he doesn't! Just come back and apologize for what you did!"
"What I did was an accident! I had no idea what I was doing! It was like..." Jonathan stops talking for a moment, thinking of what to say. "...something took control over me. I wasn't controlling myself--and I couldn't!"
Sidney's brown eyes are wide with horror. "Something controls you?"
"That's what it seems like..." Jonathan turns his back on Sidney. "Go now... You don't need me."
"Who cares if something controls you--? You can overcome it! Come on, let's go to Antti!"
"Who says I need to see Niemi when I can go back to the GHP myself?" Jonathan asks.
"What?" Sidney turns plain confused.
"I don't need his permission in order to go back to the GHP. I'm already in the GHP, wether he likes it or not."
"But Antti just told us that you were out of the GHP."
Jonathan turns around sharply with a dark look. "He has no right to kick me out of the GHP!"
"Well, yes he can 'cause he's the Master!"
"Oh, so now you're defending him? I thought you were defending me a moment ago!" Jonathan points to himself.
"But you're--you're sayin' that you're in the GHP but you aren't! First let's go to Niemi and then you can say that you're back in--!"
Jonathan rushes up to Sidney, grabbing his collar and lifting him off his feet. "I don't need someone else to tell me what group I'm in," he growls. "I can be in whatever I want to in, whenever I want to be in it, however I want to in it."
"Jonny...," Sidney whimpers. "...what's wrong with you?"
"Nothing's wrong with me--I feel just fine." Jonathan smirks.
"No, no, I'm gonna go...tell Antti the truth... Put me down--"
"You are not going anywhere; I'll deal with Niemi myself!!!" And like that, Jonathan thrusts Sidney onto the grass, making him roll over to the wall by the sliding doors. Jonathan marches over to Sidney, who curls up into a tiny ball in fear, and looms over him with those glowing eyes. "Ooo, what is this?" He grabs Sidney's wrist that has the intercom and teleportation bracelet on it.
"No...let go..." Sidney whimpers in his legs.
"I never got the memo that there was a new gadget being passed out. How rude." Jonathan unbuckles the bracelet from Sidney's wrist and puts it on his own. "Do you know what this does?"
Sidney doesn't say anything.
"Well, let me figure it out myself: Take me to San Jose." Jonathan disappears, leaving Sidney behind.

"So, how did your meeting go?" Jonna asks Antti as they settle together on the the sofa.
"The boys were shocked when I told them that Jonathan was gone."
"Well, you gotta do whatcha gotta do." She pats her husband's shoulder.
Antti sighs. "I just feel terrible about kicking him out of the group; I don't know if what I did was right. I mean, what he did was something I couldn't tolerate with, so right then and there I just threw 'im out."
"I think what you did was the right thing to do."
"But shouldn't I have given him a second chance? See if he cooperates?"
"You can't really do that now...unless you re-recruit him back into your group."
"Well, I am gonna be playing against him again, so I can just see if he's back to 'normal' or --"
Antti's sentence was cut off by loud bangs on the front door.
"What's that?" Jonna has a scared look on her face, facing the door.
Antti turns around to see the door, which was vibrating against the loud bangs. "I don't wanna know--let's get out of here." He held onto his wife's hand. "Take me to--"
"Los Angeles!" Jonna blurts out.
"Wha--" They both disappear.
They both land in the middle of Jonathan's living room.
"Why the heck did you say 'Los Angeles'‽" Antti cries. "That's where Jonathan's at!"
"Whoops..." Jonna blushes. "I just like that city."
Antti groans, looking around the living room and kitchen. "Great, now we're in his house."
"Is that a foot?" Jonna points to a shoe sticking out from the open sliding door.
"Foot?" Antti walks over to the sliding door, peering to the right side, seeing Sidney curled up in a ball. "Sidney?" He steps outside.
Sidney perks up and turns around, looking at Antti with huge eyes. "Antti!" He gets up and hugs him tightly. "Take me home...!"
"Where's Jonathan?"
Sidney shakes his head vigorously with his eyes still wide. "Noooo... I don't know what's up with Jonathan..."
"He's not here?"
"He went to San Jose. And took my teleportation bracelet. He's evil!" Sidney looks up at his Master.
"Maybe that was the dude who was about to bring our door done," Jonna guesses, walking outside.
"Are you guys okay?" Sidney asks.
"Yes, we are; we escaped before he came in."
"I want Bubby."
"Now that's gonna have to wait." Antti looks down at his sidekick, who is shaking in fear. "You can let go of me now."
"No." Sidney squeezes Antti tighter.
"Aiy, gosh..."
"I think we can go back home now," Jonna says.
"Don't...Jonny's evil... I lost my friend." Sidney frowns.
"Hey, you still have other friends," Antti tells him.
"But I always hang out with Jonny! He was my third best friend after Bubby and Bubby Jr.!"
"You'll get over this, Sidney, I know it. I warned you about him, though..."
"Can we go back home?" Jonna asks. "My TV show's gonna start."
"If we get beat up, the blame's on you," Antti tells her.
Jonna gasps, gawking at Antti. "Antti!"
"I'm only joking!" Antti looks down at Sidney. "Can you let go of my now?"
"Sidney, I'm serious."
"Leave the boy alone," Jonna tells Antti.
"I-- Ugh, okay. Take us to San Jose." The three of them disappear.
They end up back in Antti's living room, which is exactly the way it was when Antti and Jonna left; there is no sign of Jonathan in sight.
"Huh, I thought Jonathan was gonna trash it," Antti says.
"Thank God he didn't." Jonna walks over to the TV and turns it on.
Sidney gasps. "My teleportation bracelet!" He finally lets go of Antti, snatching his teleportation bracelet from the small table that is next to the sofa. "He left it for me! He's so nice! But he was mean-- Wait, what?" Sidney looks up at Antti. "I'm confused."
"Same here."
Sidney wraps his bracelet on. "I'm gonna go tell Bubby and Bubby Jr. all what I went through! Oh my Bubbys! Thanks, Antti!"
"No problem."
"Take me to Pittsburgh!" Sidney disappears.

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