Chapter 18 "Let Me Tell You A Story About A Young Man Named John."

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Walking up to John's house is Toews, who is carrying two plastic bags by the handles. Yes, he just finished grocery shopping for John because for some weird reason, John doesn't like going outside, unless he has to go to a game, of course. So John sent Toews out to do the shopping for him and now Toews has finished his task and is now back at John's house.
Toews pushes the front door open with his weight since his hands are full and twirls into the house, quite exhausted, since the bags are pretty heavy.
"I'm home!" Toews shouts into the empty living room and kitchen. "John! I got your--" He heaves the bags onto the counter top. "--groceries! I even got your almonade water stuff!" He digs into one of the bags, pulling out a glass bottle with a blue label on it. "I got the coconut one! John!"
"Hold up, I'll be there in a jiffy!" John's voice calls out from the hallway.
There is a series of crashes and clanging echoing from the other end of the hallway and a few moments later, John arrives into the living room, looking quite hectic.
Toews looks at John with an odd look. "What's with the lab suit?"
"Lab suit? Wha?" John looks down at himself, seeing that he is wearing a lab coat chemists would wear in a lab. "Oh, hahaha." He chuckles, quickly slipping the lab coat off of him, revealing the tan sweater vest he is wearing over a collered, long-sleeved white shirt and jeans, and places it on the coffee table. "It's nonentity, kid, no need to have qualms. Now you accomplished your task, which was to do the courses for me, right?"
"Yea...and I got almondade." Toews raises up the bottle for John to see.
"Oh yes, lovely." The Islander takes the bottle and begins drinking some. "You sure you don't desire to have some?"
"No, I am perfectly fine without that...stuff."
John shrugs. "If it suits you." He walks over to the sofa and collapses on it, continuing to enjoy his drink. He picks up a newspaper from the coffee table and beings reading it.
Toews eyes the scientist coat on the coffee table, then back at John. He clears his throat. "What were you doing that required you to wear a scientist's suit?"
John looks up at the Blackhawks' captain with raised eyebrows. "Hm?"
"What's up with the suit?" He points to the coat.
"That is something I'd rather not confabulate about."
Toews sighs, knowing that John said something about not wanting to talk about what he was doing. But Toews wanted to know what John was doing...he does have the right to since he was practically staying with him, right?
Toews looks back at John, who is back to reading his foreign newspaper. "John, why don't you want to tell me?"
"It's non of your affair, kid..." John mumbles, turning the page of the newspaper.
"But why don't you want to tell me? Is it something bad? Are you going against me? Are you doing a secret plan to destroy something? What is it?"
The captain of the Islanders puts the newspaper down on his lap. "You're not going to cease trying to divulge what I was transacting down there in the corridor, right?"
"Errrr..." Toews didn't know what John just said.
"You're gonna make me cough up what I was doing before you got home, right?" John translated, looking up at Toews.
"Yup...I would like to know... Is there harm in that?"
John thinks for a moment, staring straight ahead at the wall. He then looks up at Toews. "Can you make this dossier...esoteric?" He grabs his lab coat and pulls out a black folder from one of the pockets, holding it towards his apprentice.
"Uhhh...what do you mean?"
"Can you keep this a secret?"
"Uh, yea, sure! I just want to know what you were doing with that coat, that's all." Toews takes the folder and opens it, seeing lots of paper with sketches and messy handwriting scribbled all over them along with math and chemical equations.
"I am launching a project...a project that will fluctuate the supernatural consuetude of the NHL."
Toews is still confused about what John is saying and showing. "Speak English, please?"
The Islanders' captain closes his eyes for a moment with a frown then opens them again. "I am making a project that will change the supernatural area of the NHL. Jonathan, do I have elapse to primary school vocabulary just to communicate with you?" He looks at him with a grave look.
"My vocab is just not as high as your's...that's all."
John breathes in heavily. "After we figure out your powers, I am going to aggrandize your vocabulary. Maybe we can engender your vocabu--"
"John, what's this project you're working on?" Toews cuts in.
"What project?" He looks at him with a clueless look.
"Uhhh...this?" Toews closes and raises the folder in the air.
"Oh, right! Haha! That, it's a project that'll change the NHL--"
"What's your plan to change the NHL?"
" it a necessity to advise you about that?"
Toews gulps, realizing that John is getting mad at him since he called him by his first name. "Ummm..."
"Okay, okay." John throws his hands in the air. "It's either I tell you this or you're gonna find out yourself and I'd rather inform you about this instead of you finding out yourself, so here it goes: I am planning to take away everyone's powers in the NHL...except for mine...and your's." He looks at Toews with a serious look.
Toews makes a shocked look. "Why?"
"'s just...unfair...what they did to me..." John's voice faded off.
"What happened?" Toews is now looking down at John with big eyes.
"Let me tell you about a young man named John."
"Didn't you tell me that story before?"
"No, that was the story about a young boy named John. This is the story about a young man named John."
"Oh...okay." Toews sits next to John, ready to listen to his story.
"There was once a young man named John. Now John loved hockey and wanted to play it as his career. And finally he did, being drafted to the New York Islanders in 2009. Now John was not a normal hockey player--he had powers that he kept a secret, more specially, atmokinesis--refer back to the story of a young boy named John. But one day when John was in his hometown province in the capital of Ontario, Ottawa, he stumbled upon the NHL headquarters. So he decided to be audacious and explore the headquarters. He does...and ends up below the building in a basement where apparently the founder of the NHL resides in. The founder, T.P. Gorman, told this young man about his purpose for his powers, telling him about the GHP and EHP and all that stuff. John was very relieved to know that he was not the only person out there who obtained powers. He wanted to use his powers for good since they had just brought him pure trouble, so Gorman told him to get into GHP, he must meet up with the Master of the GHP: Brain Elliott.
"So John met up with him and they became good friends..." John nods his head. "...but Elliott never told John that he was in the society. So one day, John asked him whether he was in the GHP or not and Elliott he told him, 'I am sorry, but you are not good enough for the can't cope well with your powers.' And that was the last time John ever met up him again.
"Now John went on with his life, playing for his team like any other hockey player, not wanting to get in the hoopla the power players are allowed to get tangled in. But one person pissed John off very...very much." John narrowed his eyes and growled, "Niemi."
Toews blinks for a moment. "Niemi? Like Antti Niemi? The former goalie of our team, the Blackhawks?"
John turned to him. "Not our team, your team. And yes, I am talking about that guy."
"Wh-what did he ever did to you?"
"What did he do to me? It's more like what Elliott did to me! Elliott rejected me because I wasn't good enough since I couldn't control my powers, yet he recruits Niemi, who ends up taking away his powers and then he names him Master of the GHP! The guy harmed him, yet he gave him his place, but I, who didn't do anything deleterious to him, didn't even make it to the society just--because--I couldn't--control--my powers."
"But Niemi...he made it because he controlled his powers... I mean, how else could he been able to get in?"
"The guy couldn't control his powers, I can tell you that much. That's how he took away Elliott's powers!"
"How do you know all this though?"
"I just have my ways, kid..." John smirks.
"So now you're gonna punish the power players of the NHL by taking away the powers?"
"No, I'm not punishing anyone...I'm just avenging the discrimination of the NHL. And I'm doing that by taking away everyone's powers--excluding mine and your's. And when my project is finished, this frivolous war between the GHP and EHP would ceased because no one would attain powers anymore! Ha! Genius, right?" John gives Toews a cocky look.
"And what am I suppose to do with my powers...if I have any?"
"We are gonna decipher which powers you have because I know you have powers preeminent than anyone else's out there. How else could you save the NHL if you don't have that type of power? And with that, you can help me inaugurate my project. How does that sound? And you would not be wanted anymore because there would be no need to since we would have the NHL."
"You want to take over the NHL?"
"No! I just want to eradicate all the powers of the NHL, not take over it. I want to make the NHL normal...the way it's suppose to be. Because this very deranged. Do you fathom?"
"Don't tell me that I must orate what I just putted forth again...!"
"No, no, what did you last ask me with that weird word that was like fath...fathom?"
"Oh, do you...understand? Yes, do you understand, smalls?"
"Yea, I do. So why were you wearing a lab coat?"
"Because I was plying my project."
"And that's to get rid of all the people with superpowers that are past of the NHL except for us, right?"
"And how are you gonna do that, exactly?"
"By this solution that I am producing. You see--" John grabs the folder from Toews and opens it up, pulling out a piece of paper. "--I synthesized a solution that contains chemicals that would negate any power in any power player." He points to some scribbles on the paper, which kind of look like many balanced chemical equations along with conversion factors. "The only thing is that I need to test it out to make sure it works rightly..."
"You can test it on me!" Toews blurts out.
John shoots him an odd look. "Now why would I yearn to do that? I was gonna test on myself."
"But you might lose your powers!"
"Yes, that is true, smalls, but you might obtain the power to bestow it back to me, eh?" He winks.
"Mmmm...if I have that power."
"I bet you'll." John nods his head. "But to exploit this solution on those power players, I must disguise it... That, I'm still debating over, but I'll find a solution for that conundrum."
"So you're like a mad scientist then?"
"Mad? Nah...! Scientist? Indeed, kid! I am connoisseur in chemistry, physics, and statistics. Don't you remember that story of a young boy named John, who had sterling grades at school?"
" you're good at all that stuff?"
"Yes! And including hockey, of course."
"Ugh, I hated those subjects." Toews makes a disgusted look.
"You despised them because you couldn't deduce them. Unfortunately, that happens to most students..." He frowns. "Any way, that's what I'm accomplishing down in the corridor, pal. But, you must do me a ponderous favour."
He makes a dark look, staring into the Blackhawks' eyes and lowering his voice. "Don't. Ever. Go. Down. There. You understand?"
Toews nods his head with huge eyes, frightened at John's look.
"Good." John straightens up and takes a swig of almondade. "Now let's read some Polish news, shall we?" He puts down his folder on the coffee table and picks up his foreign newspaper from his lap and continues reading.
"Polish?" Toews looks at the newspaper that was written in gibberish. "You can read Polish?"
"And speak it, yes, kid."
"So you're bilingual."
"Multilingual, pal."
"Oh, wow... I could only speak French and English."
"Same here. Including Greek, Latin, German, Japanese, Russian, Dutch, Spanish."
"" Toews turns away. "That's a whole lot of languages."
"I outdid Zdeno, that's for sure!" John lets out a burst of laughter. "Zobaczmy, co się dzieje w Warszawie, dobrze? Lub--Or in English: Let's see what's happening in Warsaw, shall we?" (But--)

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