Chapter 23 "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!"

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"Everyone, move outta the way, dudes!" Patrick yells as he rushes into the main room of the HQs, carrying his Master, who now lost both of his arms and legs, in his own arms.
All the of the GHP, except for Brad, who is in his room, are already back in the HQs, sitting around the main table, conversing along with Ari and Tatu.
"But we're not in the way--"
"Why you're carrying Niemi?" Jonathan asks with a confused look, cutting into Sidney's sentence.
Everyone turns their heads, looking at the spy.
"He's...glitching," Pekka says while grimacing.
"Yea..." Antti looks up at the Blackhawk. "...just put me down somewhere, please," he hisses.
"Uhhh..." Patrick glances around the big room, trying to find the right spot to lay his Master on.
"I got it!" With his supernatural speed, Sidney dashes out of the room, then comes back in, reeling in a sofa in the middle of the room.
Patrick runs over to the sofa and lays Antti on it.
The Finn sighs. "Ah, thank you."
All the GHP members that are by the table gather around their Master.
"What happened to you?" Pekka questions; Tatu perches itself on his shoulder.
"It's Kari man, he took away Nemo dude's powers!" the Blackhawk explained, answering the question for Antti.
"Oh no, that's not good!" Sidney's eyes grow wide and his places his hands on his mouth.
"Not good at all!" Nathan adds in, shaking his head.
Jonas just speeds up his munching on chips with now a frightened look.
"How'd he do that?" Jonathan asks.
Patrick gazes down at Antti.
"He blasted way too much of his powers at me: Overload," he responded while flickering more than before.
"Is there a way to fix this?" Jonas continues eating since he had to stop to ask his question.
"I dunno--"
"Ari!" Pekka calls, interrupting Patrick's reply.
Ari flies into the circle of good guys, hovering above Antti. Mikä on ongelma? (What is the problem?)
"Antti katoamassa, etkö näe‽" the Finnish Predator cries, extending his hand towards the Master. (Antti is disappearing, can't you see?!)
The flying iPad turns its screen down towards the Master; it then faces its screen back at Pekka for him to read his reply. Kyllä, näen sen. Ei tarvitse suuttua. (Yes, I see that. No need to get mad.)
"Joten mitä hänen käy?" He is still in a frenzy. (So what's gonna happen to him?)
"English, dude, English..." Patrick says between gritted teeth.
"Ei, no, not in this conversation." Pekka shakes his head while letting his pointer finger fly between him and Ari; he turns back to the floating iPad. (No...)
Hän aikoo lakata olemasta hetkenä hyvänsä nyt. (He is going to cease to exist any moment now.)
"MITÄ‽ EIIIII!!!" He yells, throwing his hands into the air, making Tatu fly off his shoulder for a moment. (WHAT‽ NOOOOO!!!)
"Pekka, Pekka," Antti calls him weakly.
Pekka looks down at him with big eyes.
"Älä toimivat kuten että," he tells him in that same tone. (Do not act like that)
The Predator takes in a deep breath and calms down as the security camera lands back onto his shoulder. "Onko mitään keinoa pelastaa hänet?" (Is there any way to save him?)
Ei, se on liian myöhäistä. (No, it's too late).
Pekka dips his head in morose.
"What did the flying iPad say?" Sidney asks.
"Antti's gonna be gone any moment...and there's no way to stop it," he mutters.
Jonas almost chocks on his chips.
Jonathan freezes with his eyes widen.
Sidney and Nathan hug each other and yell, "Nooooooo!!!"
Patrick's eyes fly open. "What, man, no, dude, there has to be a way to stop this! We can't let Nemo man die like this--!"
"Patrick, I am not going to die...," Antti cuts in softly, "...I am just going to disappear--"
"Same thing, dude!" His voice is now beginning to sound clogged due to the coming sobs he is now trying to hold back.
"What's gonna happen to the GHP?" Sidney asks. "We won't have a Master and Kari will win!"
"No, Sidney, we do have a Master..." The Shark slowly reverts his gaze up at the Blackhawk. "...and Kari won't win."
Patrick just stands there, gawking at his Master. "Oh man..."
The Blackhawk blinks for a few seconds.
"You're up. You're now Master of the GHP." Antti then fluttered his eyes closed with a small smile and flickered into nothing.
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Patrick falls onto his knees, placing his head on the sofa along with his arms.
Everyone else just stands there with huge eyes, while they were gazing at the empty sofa; the colour of their eyes turn different shades of gray, depending on their eye colour.
"No, this can't happen! I'm not ready!" the Blackhawk continues to cry on the sofa.
Sidney begins to sob and hugs Nathan, wiping his tears on his shoulder.
Ari flies down to the sofa and closes itself up while turning itself off, placing itself on the sofa.
Tatu lets out a saddening 'awwwww...'
No one couldn't believe what had just happened.

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