Chapter 6 "Sorry, Tall Guy."

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A few days ago, Kari is in a damp and dark room, looking for players to recruite on his team on a computer that is similar to Tommy's computer.
Oh wait, it is Tommy's computer!
A sly smirk grows on Kari's face. "Who should I bring back?" I scrolls down the list of NHL teams. "Ooo, what about Tuukka?" He clicks on the Bruins' symbol and sees the person who has the Bruins' powers.
Kari makes an you-gotta-be-kidding-me look. "Chára has the powers of the Bruins? Sorry, tall guy." He scrolls down the roster to the 'R' section, finding Tuukka's headshot. He clicks on the box around the headshot, letting the outline of it light up yellow. Then he moves his cursor to the bottom right where it says, 'select.' He first clicks on it, he then clicks on 'yes' on the box that popped up, asking him if he actually wanted to make that move. A circle with '0%' in the middle appears on the screen swiliring as the computer makes the changes.
The Stanley Cup that is next to Kari beings making a humming sound as it is glowing a deep golden colour.
"Alright, who's next...," Kari mutters to himself while waiting for the computer to be done making the changes. "Might as well get the whole EHP back! Well, except for Jimmy... But I'll get 'im soon."
When the computer is done making the changes, Kari begins giving the members of the EHP back their powers.
Ryan Miller is the last player Kari went to.
"Is Ryan in the Sabres?" Kari asks himself. "Oh, no, he's in the Blues now... But I can't stand him with those powers! He's sounds like Wolverine as an opera singer when he talks! But now that I practically have control over the NHL, I can pick which team he should be in." He smirks wickedly as he scrolls down to the bottom of the NHL team list. "Aha, the Canucks. I hope he thanks me after he gets the powers of the Cancuks." He clicks the Canuck's symbol and looks up Ryan Miller's name since that he wasn't on the roster. He clicked on his headshot, then on 'select.'
There's already a power player on this team, the a box that pops up on the computer screen reads. There cannot be two people with powers on the same team. Would you like to continue this change?
Kari groans. "Ugh, of course!" He clicks on 'yes.'
While the changes are being made, move Ryan Kelser to a new team.
"Ryan Kesler has the powers of the Canucks? Hm..." He clicks on the name 'Ryan Kesler' and the list of the NHL team pops up. "Okay, where should I place ya at, buddy? Oh, I know-- With the duckies!" He clicks on the Ducks' symbol.
There's already a power player on this team. There cannot be two people with powers on the same team. Would you like to continue this change?
"Ugh! Yes!" He clicks on the 'yes' button.
While the changes are being made, move Jonas Hiller to a new team.
"Okay." Kari clicks on the name 'Jonas Hiller' and the list of the NHL teams pops up again. "Alright, let's just hope that there's a team out there that doesn't have any power players!" He thinks for a moment. "I don't know anyone who has the powers of the Flames... In you go!" He clicks on the Flame's symbol with a smirk.
There's already a power player on this--
"ACK!!!" Kari slams his head on the table. "Are there any teams with no power players??‽!! AHHHhhhhHHHh..." He looks up feebly, reading the rest of what the computer had to say.
--team. There cannot be two people with powers on the same team. Would you like to continue this change?
He clicks on the 'yes' button without saying a word.
While the changes are being made, move Mike Cammalleri to a new team.
Kari takes in a deep breath. "Okay... Let's see..." He clicks on the name 'Mike Cammalleri' and sees the list of NHL teams that pops up on the screen. "Since you're like the devil, being sneaky and all, I'll put you in the Devils for goodness sakes!" He clicks on the Devils' symbol.
A circle with '0%' in the middle appears on the screen swirling around while the computer is making the changes.
"Aw, finally!" Kari leans back on his rolling chair, looking as the percentage is rising. "But isn't Brodeur with the Devils' powers? Eh, must've retired--that dude's old." He lets out a sigh. "Now, who else? Ryan was the last guy in the EHP to get his powers back... So how many people do I have--" He counts with his fingers. "--five? OMG, that is too little! I have to have at least ten! But ten would be make it too crowded and too much to handle! I know, I can an army!" Kari's eyes light up at the idea. "Ooo...yes, I like that idea! But, I don't know how to make one, since of course, I should use robots, not people!" He chuckles. "Who knows how to make robots? Or make 'em come to life?" He beings scrolling up and down the NHL list aimlessly. "Ooo...Lightning..."
Kari clicks on the Lightning's symbol. "OMG, Ondřej Palát has the powers? I don't want to deal with a dude who can speak Czech better than English! I need someone else to have these powers..." He beings scrolling down the roster. "B's...Bishop, Ben..." He gasps. "Ooo! I remember Jimmy telling me that he had powers and was in the EHP once! OMG, he's a keeper!"
He makes the changes to let Ben have the powers.
"Alright, so now we got six people... That's good enough, since I am gonna have an army to protect my HQs..." He turns around in his rolling chair, seeing the outside of the room, which revealed a hallway that showed the ceiling of the huge room that was below on the first story. "...that needs a do-over... Big time." He rolls up the left sleeve of the black blazer he is wearing, since he is wearing a suite and tie attire; he looks at his watch. "Oh, it's eighteen twleve! I better tell the guys that the EHP is not done yet!" Kari jumps to his feet and flies off in a blast of light to grab his sidekicks.

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